Sixteen: Ever the Faithful Servant

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Within the first week, Kristyne had read ten of Aemond's books. Many of them were about philosophy, and many were about Targaryen history. She enjoyed the book about Nymeria, but that was due to it being the only book close to her family history. Many of his books were Targaryen-centered.

Three full books on the conquest, two on Old Valyria, one on Maegor the Cruel and his construction and changes to the Red Keep, and various books on dragons. There were common Westerosi history books, but they were less worn as if Aemond only cared about the Targaryen histories.

They had found themselves in a hostile routine. Aemond had to come by to deliver meals, a task that made him clearly irritated. She had to hide for baths to be drawn, and they were both sick of one another's presence.

"Kristyne, this is Moran."

Kris looked up and looked between Aemond and the manservant. "And?" She asked, shutting the book she was reading.

"He has been my servant since I was a boy, I have made sure he can be entrusted with tending to you. From now on, he shall bring food and will be drawing baths along with the standard daily routines. My days have better things to be occupied by than thinking about you and your meals."

Aemond left without further explanation and Moran looked at her. "Are you ready for breakfast, My Lady?"

"I am not hungry," She said, opening the book back up.

"Prince Aemond mentioned you might be stubborn and I am not allowed to accept no as an answer."

"Then why ask if you are going to do it anyway?" She sighed.

"I was trying to be courteous."

"Hm, it is a wonder you have endured Aemond for so long. I suppose he is spending all his time in the council room thinking of ways to torture my remaining family."

"He spends most of his days in Queen Helaena's chambers when meetings do not occupy him."

She looked up at him with a perplexed expression. "With Queen Helaena? Why?"

"Queen Helaena has been despondent since the death of Prince Jaehaerys. She does not speak and has to be forced to eat. He spends his days talking to her and attempting to coax her out of her depression."

Kristyne looked down at the book. She wished she could comfort Helaena. She had not thought much about the young prince, but when she did there was a sense of guilt. She may have wanted vengeance for Jace, but this was not acceptable. Jaehaerys was an innocent little boy who had not been involved in the war, and Helaena did not deserve this.

If Daemon was going to attack anyone, why wouldn't it be Daeron, the person directly responsible? Jaehaerys was only associated by relation.

"You might have the wrong impression of Prince Aemond," Moran continued.

"Mayhaps, but it changes nothing. Just leave breakfast and go, please."

Kristyne watched him leave and closed the book once again. She reached for the quill and parchment, beginning a letter that would never be sent out. She hoped that if she wrote daily letters to her loved ones and kept them in a box, they could have them after she died.

Because she was certain she would die in this cursed city.

Dearest Lucerys,

I have been here more than two months, probably enough time for you to have recovered. Unless you have not, and I want to tell you to recover. I am sure you felt an immense amount of guilt but do not. It was not your fault, Little Brother.

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