Twenty-Seven: Violent Clarity

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She watched out the window as the Dornish fleet left the city, taking away part of her happiness. Yet, for some reason, she felt hopeful. Ardyn's words danced around her mind for hours.

If she set aside the idea of a doomed ending, the thought of falling into love with Aemond was exciting. But then her creeping hatred snuck into those thoughts.

But, did she hate him? The line ran thin between hatred and love. Maybe she loved everything she hated about him. She was not good at expressing gratitude, it came out as an unfair attitude.

As much as she had hated her confinement, Ardyn was right. She could have run when Aemond took her to the training square, but she did not want to. Aemond kept a training sword in the room and she never once thought of killing him and escaping. Her entrapment with Aemond was her normal now, and she was comfortable here. She looked forward to him replacing the books, bringing her the food she loved, remembering things about her no one else did.

In her months here, Aemond had given her more care and attention than Rhaenyra ever had. Rhaenyra had once loved her, she knew that, but when it came down to war and fighting, Rhaenyra's sons would always come before her.

Rhaenyra had multiple other children to give her attention to. She remembered some things but not all, and Kristyne did not fault her for that, the woman had five sons and three stepdaughters, herself included.

But Aemond listened. He practically remembered every word she had ever said, and now her wrist was far better than it had been. She was out of a splint and using it daily. She had Aemond to thank for that.

Would Lucerys or Rhaenyra ever forgive her? The Kirstyne they knew hated Aemond, but that was the problem in itself; Kristyne had changed. Lucerys had changed. Rhaenyra had changed.

Luke, once a peaceful and kind spirit, was now a married man driven by rage from losing two siblings. Rhaenyra once only wanted peace for her children, but now she was a grieving mother driven by rage and vengeance. They were all different.

All she wanted now was for Moran and Aemond to return so she could discuss this all with him. She wanted to feel loved, she wanted to lie with him in his bed, to feel his touch. She wanted a relationship. Even if it was a hidden one.

As the sun began to set and the day turned into night, Kris grew anxious. He was normally back by now. She sat down the settee, facing away from the door. Her eyes grew heavy and she closed them, not seeing the harm in a small nap until his return.

She thankfully had no dreams, but voices began to swirl around her head. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.

Kristyne opened her eyes and let out a gasp.

"I knew it," Cole spat out as she tried to get away.

She attempted to jump behind the settee but Cole lunged and grabbed her ankles, pulling her closer to him. This felt like a fever dream, how could this happen? Her mind went to Aemond and the danger this could put him in.

"Just you wait until Alicent hears of this. If you thought you would receive mercy, that time has long passed."

"Let me go!" She spat in his face. All she needed to do was reach for the training sword. She only needed to incapacitate him until Aemond returned, but if she could get her hands on him she'd rather bury a blade into his neck.

Cole brought his fist up and punched her face, causing her vision to blurry. He was strong and still armored. Her ears rang as she tried getting her eyes to focus. She had broken her nose enough times while training to know what it felt like.

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