Twenty-Two: The Subsequent Discord

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the first half is a lil aemond pov for you hoes 

Aemond's fists were clenched tight enough to turn his knuckles white as he exited his chambers. As soon as he stepped outside, he was met with Moran's still frame.

"I thought I bid you to retire for the evening, why are you here?"

Moran stood with a raised eyebrow. "That discussion you planned seemed to go quite well."

Aemond grit his teeth. He had planned on discussing different topics with Kristyne when he returned home, but things clearly escalated.

And yet, he only made things worse. They could not go back from this. She could not regain her maidenhood.

Her maidenhood, the one he so selfishly took. He was a fool to think she had been familiar with anyone else, Kristyne had honor before this. She chastised her father for his out-of-marriage activities, of course, she would never risk that. So why did she let him take it?

Aemond once again ran his fingers through his hair. Moran could see the stress on his face. "Did ... did it not, My Prince?"

Aemond let out a sigh and shook his head. "All I need is a drink."

Aemond strode away from Moran, on his way to Aegon's secret stash in the council room. He had bottles over the entire castle, but he needed this one for himself.

Moran followed him, easily keeping up with his pace. If Moran had learned anything from his years in service to the prince, it was how to keep up. Aemond was quick and slowed for no one. "My Prince, I have known you since before you could walk. Whatever troubles you, I am sure I could help."

Aemond stood next to the council table, removing the top of the decanter to pour a cup of ale. Stronger than wine and quicker to soothe. "Trust me, Moran, this is unfixable," He scoffed and sat down.

Moran continued to stand as he watched Aemond drink the entire cup in one swig. "My Prince, everything is fixable."

Aemond slammed the empty cup on the table. "She hates me, and I do not even fault her for it!"

Moran grabbed the decanter and poured more. "She does not hate you."

"If she did not before, she surely does now. What I did was unforgivable."

Moran's expression turned to one of concern and ire. He knew it was not in the prince's nature to take a woman by force, but did he?

Aemond's eye went wide. "Moran, I would never." Moran had been a constant figure in his life much like Cole. Aemond could tell what Moran was thinking just by the look on his face. "It was not like that. Possibly worse."

"Not much can be worse."

"Yes, it can. She was a maiden, Moran. I took something from her that can not be replaced. Something like that should be saved for someone you love or care about, someone more deserving than I."

"As if your first time was loving or caring," Moran scoffed.

Aemond looked at the cup. Moran and Aegon were the only two to know about his thirteenth nameday at the brothel. Aegon, because he was the one to force Aemond there, and Moran because Aemond had been traumatized and understood none of what happened.

"She is a lady of noble blood. She was meant to marry another high lord. I have ruined her, Moran. She should have done it with someone who appreciates everything about her. Someone who loves her not despite her flaws but because of them. Because she is so headstrong and infuriating."

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