Nine: Sins of the Father

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I know I accidentally said that Aemond had blue eyes in a previous chapter but I take that back. Aemond will always have purple eyes to me.

Kristyne was a nervous mess. Pacing, biting her lip, mumbling to herself, and rubbing her collarbone for some relief. She could not breathe, she could not fathom the idea of returning there for the first time since her father's death. So many memories, and they would surely put her back in her old quarters.

"Kristyne, you shall make me dizzy. Please sit down," Rhaena spoke softly. Rhaenyra was standing at the door, watching quietly.

Kris started to hyperventilate. "I can't, no no, I-I can n-not go back!"

"Kris," Rhaenyra stepped forward and grabbed her hands. "You are under my protection, they can not hurt you."

"H-He was there, that was where I last saw him, and he is gone! I can NOT go back!"

"Lucerys wants and needs your support, Kristyne. You are brave and you can do this. Just stay close to me or Lucerys. Even Daemon would be a safe option."

Lucerys needed her. Her little brother needed her. The implications of what Vaemond was doing were large enough to be considered treason. When Aemond's eye had been taken, King Viserys made it very clear that the next person to question Rhaenyra's sons would have their tongue removed.

Not to mention the vision she had at Starfall.

"You are right, Lucerys needs me." It was time for Kris to protect him the way he protected her. There was a debt to be paid, she owed him her life.

She began repacking her bags, silently folding her clothes. Rhaenyra left for her own chambers, but Rhaena watched Kris. "That was a quick change of heart."

"Lucerys saved my life when he took Aemond's eye, I owe him the world. He's my ... best friend."

"You may speak plainly with me, Kristyne, everyone knows the truth, everyone has eyes. Some of us care naught. Lucerys is your brother, that much is true. It is quite evident in your faces."

Kristyne finished putting her clothes in her bags and faced Rhaena. "My father protected Jacaerys and Lucerys from the rumors when he would train them. Ever since he was killed, I feel as if I need to take that responsibility. Jacaerys would never admit it, but Luke knows. And the Greens will never stop, Rhaena. I am his elder sister, I have to protect him. Luke has a kind heart with no violence. What he did that night was a desperate act."

"Jace is the one with a penchant for violence but that could be from his idolization of Daemon."

Kristyne smiled and nodded. "That is true. But he still has a good heart, he's just delusional," Kris smiled.

"No one has ever accused you of being soft with words," Rhaena spoke with a smile.

"I've lived a life of lies, honesty is what reminds me I'm only human. I had such an excellent relationship with my father because we were honest with one another, or so I thought. Maybe he was not as honest as I believed. We talked about the boys being my brothers, but I was never old enough to understand everything to the fullest extent."

"What would you ask him?" Rhaena asked.

"Why would he continue to lay with her? We have control over our bodies, so he willingly chose to keep putting us in a scandalous position."

"Maybe love and passion are not something we understand. You and I have never been in love, maybe it is more complicated than it seems."

"Complicated or not, we have control. Heat of the moment or not, we can say no."

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