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Hello everyone! I wanted to give some background and other information that should be known before starting this story.

First and foremost, I'm putting a big ol' trigger warning on the entire story. I feel that individual trigger warning could spoil or give away parts that are to come, and I want surprises to be surprises :)

So, trigger warning for gruesome injuries, blood, mentions of rape, assault, disassociation, and practically anything else I might be forgetting. This story does take place during the clone wars, some of these things I feel are to be expected.

The only warnings I will put at the beginning of chapters are for chapters containing smut, not fluff or anything that's not explicitly smut. On that topic, all chapters containing smut will end at the end of that act, so if you're not the type of person to enjoy reading that stuff, you can just skip to the next chapter :)  if anything remotely important happens/is talked about during those scenes then I'll put a little Author note at the beginning of the next chapter with a summary stating the important info.

Next! This story takes place during the clone wars, so absolutely none of this is canon and I may stray from any canon information we do know, it is a made up story after all.

With that in mind, Echo WILL be with the batch during this time, because I absolutely love him too much to not have him here, and hey, it's not canon anyway.

Finally I wanted to give a brief description of how I'm imagining the OC 'Talia'. I imagine her to be about 5'4", with sort of Dark dirty blonde hair (long) and bright green eyes.

That is all I have :) I have been slowly working on this story for a few months now, and with the release of TTB season 3, I'm even more excited to keep writing with these guys as characters. For those who have been reading my Rex story, I HAVEN'T
FORGOTTEN IT!! I have been super busy with school and writing something completely made up have been much easier to add to than a story following episodes of TCW. And those who haven't read my Rex story, go check it out 😚.

So with all that said, I hope you all enjoy!! Please vote and leave comments with your thoughts and opinions because I LOVE to read them!!

EDIT: All Mando'a used will be translated in a comment linked to that section of the chapter!

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