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I've not been able to get Celestia out of my head for the past 2 weeks, since the last time i saw her

she's always serious, not uncomfortably but in a way that uses her intelligence to achieve

she's mature, much more mature than me and i'm 7 years older than her

i've barely seen her break her straight face, other than a smirk or a wink but then all in 2 hours she chuckled, almost fully smiled and my favourite, she giggled

like a full on let loose giggle

god it was so fucking pretty

but as soon as it came it was gone

i can honestly say that i miss her, the girl i've seen three times and i miss her after 2 weeks

She's so easy to talk to, when she wants to be, when she doesn't she's cold and closed off in a way that lets you know exactly when to stop talking

She's not rude, she's firm and sure of herself with so much confidence it's like it gets sucked out of everyone around her

She made Liliana stutter.. LILIANA! That girl never stutters, she's always been the pretty, popular girl who people always wished they were so naturally she's slightly full of herself, knows her worth and doesn't care what other people think about her; so seeing how she was around Celestia was almost laughable

I can't say her presence didn't affect me in similar ways

i could barely talk, kept staring at her, wanted her to look at me but she didn't and it fucking killed me

You would think I should just ask her out to dinner, even coffee would do but i know she would immediately say no

Lord knows what Lili did to get her to come to lunch, maybe she was just hungry; i don't know and frankly i don't care

God i sound like a 12 year old girl obsessing over young Brad Pitt

She can speak 14 languages.. 14!

I can barely speak 4 including english

She's somehow good at everything but labels each thing as a strength and thinks she's only good at being an assassin because that's what her life revolves around, just like mine revolves around being a Don, at the end of the day it's what we were raised to do, it's why we're worth anything

I sigh not knowing how long i've been staring at my ceiling, thinking about her, and shake my head as I get up

I start making green tea and honey when there's a loud bang at my door

I furrow my eyebrows, it's 11pm, pouring it down with rain and freezing outside

I open the door, immediately gaining goosebumps on my topless torso, to be met with a knife, loosely held by dark red manicured hands

i look down confused and see dripping black hair, not being able to see a face by the way the persons bending over, head down

"let me in or i swear to fuck i will kill you so slowly-" a familiar italian accent trails off

"Celestia?" i ask in a soft voice i've never heard before

She looks up, her blue eyes prominent against the night

"fuck" she whispers

"why are you threatening people in their houses" i fold my arms amused

she sighs "I need help"

"what with?"

she moves her left leg forward which has a deep bloody gash down the side of it

"jesus christ" i stand back up to my full height and move out the way "come in"

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