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I don't know how long it's been exactly but it's been at least a few weeks; I know that for sure

I was moved to the bedroom I woke up in for the first time and I am given two meals a day but I can't leave so I just stay, planning my escape in my head

The only thing I was given to wear are some old worn out little shorts; leaving me in that and a bra

I don't know where my papà is or Alonso or Saint or anyone but to be honest I don't know where I even am

I've been doing as much walking around the room as I can; trying to get some strength which is difficult while being locked in a room and only getting two bowls of food a day which is either plain oatmeal or rice

I hear footsteps getting closer to my room and quickly get up to hide under the bed

The door creeks open and two combat boots unknowingly step in front of me

I wrap my hands around the man's ankles and pull making him fall back and hit his head, knocking him out

I roll out from under the bed and sit the man up against a wall before stepping out of the room

Haruto's name has been called down this hallway almost every day so I know his room is near mine

I tiptoe past locked doors until I come to one that's cracked open slightly with a light shining through it

I peep into the room and see Haruto sat on his bed reading something

I slide into the room and close the door behind alerting the boy of my presence

"Haruto I need you to help me"

"N-no" he stutters

I sit on the bed next to him, still keeping my distance

"Please, I can get you out, I'll help you"

"He w-will find o-out"

"He won't, he won't Harry I promise"

"Harry" he smiles

"Please" I whisper

"Okay" he carefully hands me his phone

"Thank you, thank you" I take it and dial my papá's number

"What?" his voice snaps through the speaker


The line goes silent for a moment


"Papà it's me, I need you to find me"

"Where- where are you?"

"Nagasaki, I d-dont know the exact location" Haruto speaks into the phone

"We're coming bambina, just hold on for me"

"Th-" The door swings open cutting me off

A large man walks in with Daichi behind him and he grabs my wrists before flinging me over his shoulder, pushing directly into the wound making me cry out

"You stupid stupid girl" Daichi grits as I get taken out and I watch him smack Haruto until the door is closed

The man's hand rides higher up my thigh as he takes me down a different hallway

"You're a pretty girl, Celestia, just wait until you're all healed" he chuckles deeply

"I'm going to kill you" I grit

"Empty threats sweetheart" he walks down to a basement and enters a cell with me

"No, they're not" I lift my knee up to hit his gut and slide around his body, headbutting him making him fall against the wall

He punches my face while my foot stomps on his dick making him groan and lose focus

I kick his neck making him fall onto his back and I straddle his waist while I choke him

He splutters and tries to claw me away

"If I had nothing other than just my bare hands right now you would be begging me to kill you, I promise you that," I whisper before lifting his head and smashing it back onto the floor, knocking him out while blood pools from his head

I stand up, the surgery scar still burning in pain

I check the man's body for weapons to find only a small flip knife

I make my way back up the steps of the basement hearing men talking travelling through the open doors of the kitchen

I creep towards the room holding the knife in my fist

I bend down and crawl in, hiding behind the cabinets

I open one of the doors and grab a ceramic plate throwing it against the opposite wall from where the 4 men are facing

They turn to look at the noise, their backs now to me

My arm swings around the neck of the man closest to me and I plunge the knife into his skull, quietly killing him

I grab the gun off his body and slit the second man's neck grabbing the attention of the last two men

I throw the knife into one's neck before swiping the last man's feet from under him and snapping his neck

I take a moment to catch my breath and make my way to the garden outside the glass door in the kitchen

A small group of guard make their way inside; probably because of being told about the 'mess' I left in the kitchen

I make my way by through behind the bushes until I can get to the side of the house and run to the front

I take the gun I stole off the safety and shoot a guard making the others rush over before making my run for it

I'm almost past the gate when I hear the bang of a gun and then feel a fiery pain in my thigh, knocking me to the ground

I scramble back to my feet the best I can as blood pours down my leg and limp my way out hear the fast footsteps of Daichi's men behind me

The adrenaline covers most of the pain; keeping me strong enough to make my way down the road until I'm in the main city

I go in and out of alleys; hiding myself from the large group of men Daichi has coming after me

Right now I only have a gun that has three bullets left, I'm covered in blood and I'm only wearing a bra and mini-shorts

I look crazy

As I'm running a pass a little shop and walk inside grabbing the first t-shirt I find and slip it over my head

I make my way out before anyone can notice I've stolen

I find a pharmacy a wrap my leg; luckily there's an exit wound so I won't have to take the bullet out myself

I grab an energy drink and chug it before tying my hair back

Movement outside the window of the store catches my attention and I see two of the guards

"Fuck fuck fuck" I carefully make my way to the front counter where a woman stands and pull the gun out

let me out the back•

She holds her hands up and nods, letting me behind the counter before she leads me to the back door

I open it a crack and make sure there's no one there before running out

I really wish I had a genie right now

It's already starting to get dark, I'm starving, cold and I don't have any shoes

Even if I had more clothes on, something to eat and some shoes I still have a bullet wound and a whole mafia looking for me and it's not the mafia I want searching for me either

I could not think of anything better than being curled up in bed with Saint right now or snuggling up to papà and Alonso after eating way too much food

I would even take being in bed with Zeus and Hades which is really saying something considering how much they fart

My feet drag me past small storefronts and into a short alley lined with trash bags before I collapse against the floor

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