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"Saint, Saint wake up" Alonso's voice shakes me awake from where I fell asleep on their couch after spending all day and night of the last three weeks searching for Celestia


"We've got something" he cuts me off

I hop up and follow him to the office

"What's going on?" I take my seat, the other four occupated by Lorenzo, Alonso, Charles and Nicholas

Matteo, my second in command, would be here but he's been looking after my mafia, especially after what happened with Charles'

"I just got a call, it was from Celestia," Lorenzo starts

"Is she okay? Where is she?"

"The call was cut off but I heard her scream and Daichi saying something, luckily we found out that she's in Nagasaki in Japan but we don't know how much longer she'll be kept there now that Daichi knows we know"

"So what are we waiting for?"

"The jets getting prepared but it's a 17-hour flight. We don't know if she'll be there" Alonso says, sending me a sad smile

"Just tell me"

Lorenzo sighs "It took three weeks for her to find a way to call us, if she thinks we won't be able to find her and she might have to do what Daichi wants her to then-"

"-yeah, I got it, I know what she'll do"

"I know she'll try and hang on Saint but 9/10 times she's going to choose death over what Daichi wants from her"

"I know" I whisper

"Go and shower son, she'll rip you a new one if we find her and you smell" Alonso chuckles, lightening the mood

"Yeah, she would" I breathe out a laugh before getting up and heading to Celestia's room

I grab some clothes she stole from me before heading to the bathroom to shower and change

I brush my teeth and head downstairs

"Ready to go?"

"As ever"


The plane is filled with as many men and weapons as we can fit with a second plane behind the exact same

17 hours of anxiety later we land

We wait for the guys behind us and get into the cars heading straight to the location the phone call came from

It's 5 am and most of the city is still asleep

We make it to the location; a large mansion away from anything else

We stop the cars a little away so they don't hear us and get in position with our protection on

We walk up the road, a trail of dried blood leading us

This could either mean something very good or very bad

I shake it off as we near the gate that's secured by guards

Lorenzo uses his silenced gun to shoot them both before we kick the gate in and do the same to the guards in front of the house

We break the front door down and come to face a heard of Daichi's men

Bullets are thrown left and right as we fight each other off though compared to the team we've brought Daichi's men are to a large disadvantage

"Saint, go find her!" Lorenzo calls when the size of the group we're fighting is lowered dramatically

I nod and run up the stairs, in and out of every empty room until I barge into a large office and find the man himself, Daichi, sitting smugly at his desk with a glass of scotch

"It took you long enough" he chuckles as I walk over and hold my gun to his forehead

"Your girl's gone, Saint"

"You killed her?" I grit

He scoffs "I wish, but no, she ran; not before I got a shot in though"

My finger moves to the trigger

"Before I die-" his voice stops me "-I just thought you should know that your little girlfriend is the biggest pain in my ass and I'm glad that I did what I did"

"What did you do?"

"No, I won't tell you, she'll have to suffer through that confession as well" he smiles

"I wish I could kill you like this" I whisper, darkly "-but I won't take that away from Celestia, you're coming with us"

I grab his collar and shoot his thigh making him cry out before I pull him downstairs where the men of the three mafias stand around the dead bodies of Daichi's

"He said that Celestia ran," I tell them

"She must of, the rest of the house is empty other than his son" Alonso says

"Where is he?"

"He was dead before we arrived"

I nod and we walk out, I hand Daichi to Charles and Nicholas so the rest of us can look for Celestia over the city

We split up into groups of two making our way through every street, every alleyway, every shop and asking everyone we come across if they've seen her

The most we've gotten has been a scared woman who works in a pharmacy telling us Celestia stole bandages and a drink before rushing out the back

We've already checked the hospital and she's not there so she's either hiding in the city or she's somehow found a way out

I walk down the street with one of my men, Martin, beside me. I look down the side of a short, dead-end alley and there's nothing but trash bags, we walk a little further to the next alley; it's similarly a dead-end but it's a little longer and lined with trash cans.

"Over here" Martin points to a foot poking out with blood on the floor

We jog over and see Celestia passed out in a pool of her own blood that seeps from her leg

"Celestia" I crouch by her body and check her pulse; it's there but it's weak, too weak

"Call the others," I tell Martin before picking her up and bringing her from the alley

It's not long before we're surrounded by men and the cars pulling up

Me, Lorenzo and Alonso get in one car with Celestia lying over us as we speed to the closest hospital

The rest of the men occupied the other cars, one follows us and the others take the men to the planes to wait for us

We soon get to the hospital and Celestia gets rushed into surgery

It's hard knowing that the life of my love is left to people I don't even speak the same language as let alone know the background or skill set of but I know that Celestia won't die, not like this anyway. If she did she would haunt the fuck out of me for letting her die by a bullet to the leg.

It's over two hours before the doctor comes back out, he talks to Lorenzo since I don't speak a word of Japanese.

"She's out of surgery and she's doing well, he said she should wake up any time now and we can take her home in two days when they know that she has enough blood" he tells me

"Thank god" I let out a relieved breath, a large weight feeling lifted from my shoulders "Can we see her?"

"Yeah" he nods with a smile and leads us to her room

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