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Aye Captain Gemini , should we let the forms out for the freshies to join the club ? Perth , one of Gemini's close friend and a senior greeted

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Aye Captain Gemini , should we let the forms out for the freshies to join the club ? Perth , one of Gemini's close friend and a senior greeted.

Phi please don't call me that ! Gemini whinned. But yeah we should open the registrations for our club. Gemini agreed and asked someone to print the registration forms.

Phi are the registration open for the football club ? Suddenly two figures approached Gemini and Perth.

When Gemini turned to see who it was , he momentarily froze. It was the same guy who stole his attention yesterday at the store .

He wouldn't accept it but the male also consumed Gemini's in-bed thoughts while he was trying to sleep.

By the lack of response from Gemini who was busy staring at one of the newly arrived duo , Perth decided to take the matter in his hands and replied. Yeah the registration is open but you will have to wait for a bit as the forms are in the process of getting printed.

Till then you guys can introduce yourselves. Now Gemini butted in , eager to know the name of the person who unknowingly stole his heart a little.

I am Fourth Nattawat and this is my friend Mick Metas. Finally Gemini succeeded in knowing the name of those beautiful boba eyes.

What faculty- Gemini was cut off from the chance of gathering more information about the boy with the arrival of the registration forms.

Here , please fill out the forms. Perth handed out the forms to the duo.

When can we start with the club phi ? Mick questioned while handing back the now filled forms.

You can start from tomorrow. Gemini answered but his eyes were struck at Fourth who was busy with a phone call and was laughing about something.

Though he found the laugh heartwarming , there was still some slight jealousy and curiosity to know who was making him laugh.

The usual table of the four business majors was joined by a new face today.

The usual table of the four business majors was joined by a new face today

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Oh I see a new face at the table today. Satang commented taking a seat followed by Phuwin and Ford , who all were returning from their respective clubs.

Meet Mick Metas , my new friend from the Architecture Faculty. Fourth introduced the new face at the table.

Hi I am Ford , a business major along with Fourth and the same age as you. I hope we can be friends too. Ford introduced himself and extended his hand for a handshake which Mick gladly took.

I am Satang and this is Phuwin , Fourth and Ford's seniors from Business major. Satang too introduced himself and Phuwin. The intro was followed by a handshake.

After the introduction , the table slowly started to become lively with chit-chats and a few jokes here and there.

Is it just me or you really resemble Phi Win ? Ford expressed his doubt making Mick to let out a small chuckle.

Yeah I do resemble him because he is my elder brother. Mick revealed making the rest at the table surprised.

No surprise , you resemble him. Phuwin added.

Soon the break was over and everybody parted ways to go to their respective lectures and continue their day.

Soon the break was over and everybody parted ways to go to their respective lectures and continue their day

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An update everyone 🥳.....I hope you liked it.
Yesterday's event was so cute ✋😩

Happy reading and don't forget to vote ;)

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