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I apologize for making you wait , we will be right there Ma 'Lady

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I apologize for making you wait , we will be right there Ma 'Lady. Fourth dramatically answered the caller and gave his brothers a look.

Only one gaze of his was enough for his brothers to know that they all had fucked up and now their wallets were going to be empty.

Sorry for leaving so abruptly gentlemen , but we got to go. Dunk now turned to the 3 males standing infront of them.

No , it should be us , who should apologize for the chaos and getting you late. Joong answered before anyone else , his eyes not leaving Dunk's face.

But what about the shirt ? Tay asked and pointed towards New who was busy wiping the already soaked coffee with napkins.

Its fine , I'll just buy a new shirt. New answered without looking up.

Soon the three brothers along with Ford left the café.

Phi you really need to control your clumsy ass. Finally Gemini spoke , making his brothers to startle who were unaware about his presence.

Yeah I think , I really should. Tay mumbled more to himself.

Ordering some drinks and snacks "to go" for themselves the Titicharoenrak brothers too left the café.

Right now Gemini was laying on his bed , spacing out , lost in his thoughts staring at his room's ceiling , thinking about her

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Right now Gemini was laying on his bed , spacing out , lost in his thoughts staring at his room's ceiling , thinking about her.

Nyura , the girl who completely changed him. She was his first true love , his first ever real girlfriend in college.

They dated for around a year. They were a happy couple for the first 4 months but everything started to change. Nyura started to behave differently and soon Gemini came to know that he was just a bet.

Just a bet because he was rich , he became popular since his first day at the uni and Nyura got together with him just to get more popular then she already was.

After knowing the truth Gemini broke up with her , but it was too late , unknowingly she became obsessed with him.

She hurt everyone who approached him , irrespective of their gender and it became so sever that one time she even tried to hurt his family , who restrained her from meeting him.

Gemini had to file a complain against her and restraining orders were imposed against her for time period of 1 year and it recently got over.

After this incident , Gemini totally changed , he stopped smiling infront of people who weren't very close with him , he became a player , because now according to him true love never exists.

C'mon Gemini get out of your self-pity party. Gemini mumbled to himself and lightly tapped his cheeks.

He picked up his phone and texted Prom.

Prom 💀

Gemini :
Dude did you find someone for tonight ?

Prom :
Yeah just go to our regular bar and my brother will lead you to her.

Gemini :
Okay....thanks bro

After chatting for a bit more , Gemini decided to take a nap , so as to save his energy for his evening activities.

After napping for 2 hours , the youngest was woken up with the alarm ringing.

I still have time , so lets hit the gym. The 20 years old mumbled to himself and made his way to the in-house gym.

Yo ! What are you doing here and this time ? Joong questioned , surprised with his brother's sudden presence.

I have to go somewhere in the evening. Gemini answered and started his workout with some cardio.

And I exactly know where. Joong reverted , sarcasm dripping from his tone and gave his brother a side-eye.

Gemini did not feel like answering back , with a lot of things running through his mind.

Not getting any reply , Joong also didn't press further and focused on exercising.

After spending almost two hours in the gym , the youngest Titicharoenrak picked up his phone to check the time and saw it was already 7:30.

He quickly made his way to the bathroom , to take a quick shower and to get ready.

After drying his body and the towel wrapped around his torso , he walked to his walk-in closet and skimmed through to find something to wear.

After a short search , he decided to wear a black button-up shirt leaving the first three buttons open , revealing his chest and rolled up sleeves.

He paired the shirt with a washed black jeans and a silver chain as an accessory.

He parted his hair , with the forehead being exposed and a few strands covering the sides.

He parted his hair , with the forehead being exposed and a few strands covering the sides

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He took a deep breath and left the mansion.

_________________________________________Tried to write a long chapter as requested

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Tried to write a long chapter as requested.
Enjoy reading and your voted are appreciated 🙏

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