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Soon the car stopped infront of the Cherry Dinning , the secretary quickly got off the car before opening the door for New to get down too

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Soon the car stopped infront of the Cherry Dinning , the secretary quickly got off the car before opening the door for New to get down too.

After getting down and straightening his tuxedo , he made his way inside the dinning.

Sir Mr. Titicharoenrak' s secretary just called and informed that they will be joining us within the next 10 minutes. Min informed his boss.

New nodded at the information and further added. Please order a few of this place's famous dishes for starters.

Correctly after 10 minutes the door of the VIP room opened and walked in Min followed by today's business partner and his secretary.

YOU ?! Both New and the his newly arrived business partner exclaimed when their gaze met.

Um...you both know each other ? Kit , Tay's secretary questioned with an awkward smile , making both the males to clear their throat and act like nothing happened.

Uh-umm....Good evening Mr. Jirochtikul , its a pleasure to meet you. Tay greeted the male and extended his hand for a handshake.

Its a pleasure to meet you too Mr.- New stopped mid sentence as he didn't know what to address the male as. Tay Tawan Titicharoenrak. Tay completed.

I thought Mrs. Jirochtikul would be joining me today. Tay commented while both the males took their seats at the table.

She was but then an urgent office meeting came up , so she had to stay at the office and I have to come in her place as a representative. New answered.

So um..uh I would once again like to apologise for that coffee accident. Tay spoke while rubbing neck in shame.

Its totally fine Mr. Tawan. New replied with a straight face. Oh how could he forgive him , this man literally ruined his favourite shirt.

It was a gift from Fourth on his recent birthday. He had gifted him that shirt with the money he had saved to buy a new guitar.

Now lets discuss the deal , shall we ? New suggested with a tight smile.

After an hour or two the meeting was ended with a positive outcome.

It is a pleasure to have this deal with you Mr.New. I hope this collaboration will be successful. Tay commented and both the males shared a handshake , to seal the deal and parted their ways.

While sitting in the car New decided to call his mother and give her the good news.

Aye bro , where have been ? I have been searching for you since the time I entered the uni

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Aye bro , where have been ? I have been searching for you since the time I entered the uni. Barcode whinned and swung his left around Fourth's neck.

I had to submit something to my professor. Fourth lied.

Okay-okay but now you gotta show me around the uni and drop me to my lecture hall. Barcode demanded.

Fine lets go. Fourth agreed and both the males left to roam around the campus chatting and laughing.

Where ever they went whispers followed. Some complimenting the two visuals walking together and some complained about how two insanely beautiful males roaming around are fatal for their heart.

Both of them couldn't help but chuckle at the comments.

Here you go , we have reached your lecture hall. Fourth informed while both of them stood in the Arts and Communication Faculty premises.

See you during lunch. Both the cousins exchanged goodbyes for now and walked to their own classes.

Boy where were you ?! Generally you are the one who arrives first. Ford asked his friend.

I was showing around the campus to my cousin who has newly joined the uni and dropped him off at his class. He will be joining us at lunch. Fourth explained and Ford nodded in understanding not asking further.

Soon after their professor entered and the day finally started.

You go ahead , I'll quickly fetch my cousin my his faculty and join you guys at the table. Fourth informed and ran off.

What a pleasant surprise ! Are you here to see me handsome ? It wasn't even a few hours since he met Nyura but he was already starting to hate her voice.

Not everything is about you now , is it ? The youngest Jirochtikul taunted and rolled his eyes.

You look pretty even while rolling your eyes , I am jealous ! Nyura continued to flirt shamelessly.

Please excuse me , I am here to meet someone. Fourth said quickly and walked away.

Playing hard to get now huh ? This is gonna be interesting ! Nyura clasped her hands together like an excited kid and smirked to herself.

She loved this push and pull kind of situations and she was not the one to back down , especially if that situation contained Gemini Norawit and a gorgeous lad named Fourth Nattawat Jirochtikul.

Hey buddy lets go. Fourth shouted from the lecture hall's door to let his cousin know about his arrival , who was busy packing up.

You came fast , I wasn't expecting that. Barcode chuckled while walking towards to where Fourth was standing.

Of course I had to come quickly ! After all I am excited to show off my handsome cousin to my friends. Fourth commented and passed a playful air kiss towards Barcode's way making both the 20 year olds to burst out laughing.

When both the cousins arrived at the table , they found their friends sharing some jokes and laughing.

Hey hey hey people ! Fourth greeted enthusiastically while taking a seat at the table followed by Barcode.

Wait is that Barcode Tinnasit ! The fiancé of famous CEO Jeff Satur ?! Satang asked wide eyed.

Yes , guys meet my cousin Barcode who recently returned to Thailand and will be now studying with us in this university. Fourth introduced.

After the introduction , they started asking each other basic questions to get to know each other more.

Umm..guys I have some tea for you.

Sorry for the two day delay cuties. I am busy preparing for my college entrance exam so I was studying.

I feel like I am younger than most of you guys. Is that true ? 👀

Happy reading and have a good day 🙌

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