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Its been almost 2 hours since the Jirochtikul siblings have hit the road and still there wasn't any sign of their destination

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Its been almost 2 hours since the Jirochtikul siblings have hit the road and still there wasn't any sign of their destination.

Getting bored out of his wits while sitting , the youngest decided to take a nap with soft music playing in the background , working as a lullaby.

He looks too cute to miss this chance of clicking his photos. Dunk commented when he saw his younger brother sleeping with his mouth slightly open from the rear view mirror.

Love getting her brother's signal , quickly unlocked her phone and clicked multiple pictures of his.


Fotfot get up lets make a short stop and eat something. New shook the youngest.

Fourth slowly opened his eyes and looked around confused.

Since how long have we been travelling ? Fourth questioned , when he saw that it was nearly 3 in the noon.

Um I guess for 5 hours. New answered as if it was not a big deal.

WHAT ?! 5 hours ?! And why didn't we take a plane if we were travelling for this long ?! Fourth exclaimed shocked and followed New inside the restaurant where Dunk and Love were already waiting for them.

How much do we have to travel more ? The youngest questioned again.

I think 4 hours more. Dunk answered , not sure himself.

I am asking this again , why did we not take a plane ?! Fourth questioned in a distress tone , looking at his elder brothers' behaviour as if it was normal to drive for 9 hours to reach a place.

Because long drives have their own charm. Love joined the conversation.

Yeah , but not this long ! Fourth nearly yelled.

Be patient nong because I swear , all this wait will be worth it. Dunk coaxed the younger before their food arrived and they became busy in filling up their stomach.

Finally driving for four more hours , passing the time while playing games , bitching about their relatives accompanied by Fourth whining like a baby he is , they at last reached their destination.

What are we doing in Chiang Mai ?! Fourth exclaimed excitedly.

Mom and dad finally bought the farmhouse , you always wanted here. Love answered matching the youngest's excitement and ruffled his hair.

Wait don't tell me we have company here ? Fourth uttered confused and pointed at the Mercedes G-wagon parked in the drive-way.

Wait don't tell me we have company here ? Fourth uttered confused and pointed at the Mercedes G-wagon parked in the drive-way

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We have company ?! New was confused too. Their mom never informed them about anyone joining them.

That black beauty looks all too familiar. Dunk commented while pointing at the car.

It was true , the car looked oddly familiar but none of them could recall who owned it.

Lets go in and solve this mystery. Love suggested and urged her brothers to walk inside.

You guys finally came huh ! The surprise guest's excited voice surprised the siblings and before anyone of them could understand the situation , Fourth was engulfed in a bear hug.

When Gemini said that he will deal with the mess himself , he meant that he will start a mission to ignore Fourth.

The lad himself did not know how he will do this , but he was determined to do so.

I cannot fall in love. This is all absurd. I , Gemini Norawit Titicharoenrak , cannot fall in love. This is plain stupid. Right now the youngest Titicharoenrak was busy gaslighting himself about his feeling for Fourth.

Should I tell Mark about this ? Gemini questioned himself and after weighing all the pros and cons of telling this new discovery to Mark , he finally called the male in question.

What is it ? It better be something good for you to wake me up at 3 in the fucking morning ! A groggy annoyed voice answered.

I think I have fallen in love . Gemini finally said it.

Silence. It was silent on both the sides.

YOU HAVE WHAT ?! HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE ? Mark literally yelled in shock.

I thought you were sleeping a few minutes ago. What's with the sudden boost of energy ? Gemini asked in a mocking voice.

He was annoyed at how everybody was reacting at the news of him falling in love. Can he not fall in love ? Is he not a human for people to react this way ?

All these questions ran in his head.

(Gemini honey , you were literally gaslighting yourself a few minutes ago👀🙃)

Anyways I'll tell you the things in detail tomorrow , when we meet in the university. Gemini added and heard a groan from the other side.

You just cannot leave me hanging like this after dropping a bomb like that ! Mark whinned.

Oh yeah I surely can. Gemini reverted back and ended the call , not giving the older male a chance to say anything.

Lets sleep and see how it goes tomorrow. The male sighed and slowly drifted off to his dreamland.

The next morning , the sound of alarm woke the lad from his sleep. He sat there for a few minutes , gathering himself and after 5 minutes walked in the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Hey there lil brother. Joong greeted the youngest as he joined the family for the breakfast.

Good morning everybody. Gemini greeted back.

After eating his breakfast , the male left for the college.

On his way , he bought a coffee can , to get energy to deal with the day ahead.

He parked his car in the parking lot and made his way towards his faculty building.

Just as he set foot on the faculty grounds , he was harshly pulled towards the cafeteria by none other than Mark.

You are telling me everything this instant , without leaving a single detail right now right here. Mark demanded and folded his arms over his chest while sitting.

Calm down brother ! I am not running away now , am I ? Gemini commented and tried to calm down the overly excited (?) male sitting infront of him.

Oh this is gonna be a long ride. Gemini thought to himself and silently sighed.

_________________________________________Update !

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Update !

Yesterday's event was really something. The sweet yet shy glances. The constant exchange of smiles and the fact Gemini did not deny Fourth's claim ✋🏻

I hope u guys are liking the story till now.
Happy reading and have a great day ahead.

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