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Okay I am getting excited ! Phuwin spoke in an excited tone and took a sip from his coke

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Okay I am getting excited ! Phuwin spoke in an excited tone and took a sip from his coke.

So-uh-how do I say this...Fourth was finding it difficult to reveal the news to his friend.

C'mon mate ! you are increasing my blood pressure with this suspense. Ford whinned.

Because of some circumstances I am fake dating my senior , Gemini Norawit ! Fourth finally said it , with his eyes closed , afraid of his friends' reactions.

The table was silent for a few seconds.

WHAT ?! WAIT WHAT ?! THE FUCK DUDE ?! WHEN DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN ?! All his friends exclaimed at once , making the lad to cover his ears from their loud voices.

It all started today , in the morning. I was peacefully taking out the books which I needed for the day , when suddenly a female out of nowhere stood beside me staring. I first ignored her , but when I became uncomfortable under her constant gaze I politely asked her what she wanted. Fourth paused to look at his friends' reactions.

They all were listening with great interest.

She started to flirt with me. I walked away from there but she continued to follow me. It was getting more uncomfortable but soon Phi Gemini came and saved me by telling her off that I was his boyfriend and she better back off. Fourth continued.

What is the girl's name ? Barcode asked with curiosity.

What was it again ? Oh yeah Nyura ! Fourth answered.

But how did you guys reached at the point of fake dating ? Satang questioned this time.

After we walked away from there , he took me to an empty class and proposed we fake date because he told that Nyura gets quite psychotic in achieving the things she gets interested in and she would definitely stalk us to know if we are really dating. Fourth finished.

And you agreed ?! Just like that ? Ford exclaimed.

Yeah I had to , I have seen during my father's business dinner parties and she really does seem like a psycho and I wouldn't want a girl at my back following me around and ruining my college experience. So it was the best choice. Fourth answered and shrugged.

Well it was a right choice I guess. She really is problematic. Phuwin agreed.

But was still confused at his cousin's behaviour though. Like why would Gemini Norawit Titicharoenrak , of all people help someone in a situation like this ?

Unless there is something in for him in that situation or he is just feeling like playing around with innocent hearts like Fourth's.

He will have to have a talk with Gemini soon.

Ai Love kindly choose the items quickly , I am dying of hunger here

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Ai Love kindly choose the items quickly , I am dying of hunger here . Right now the Jirochtikul twins were at a mall shopping for Love's café cum clothe shop.

Let me just pay for these items and then we will go and eat something. Love said and walked towards the billing counter.

Give me the bags. Dunk took the bags from his sister and both walked out of the shop.

Your laces are undone , first tie them up or you'll fall. Love informed her brother and he handed the shopping bags back to her , getting down on one knee to tie his shoe laces.

While he was tying his laces , another person was coming from the opposite engrossed in his phone.

Just as Joong looked up from his phone , he found himself almost colliding to a person sitting on the ground.

Joong quickly positioned himself in such a way that he both of them fall on the ground , the stranger doesn't gets injured.

Are you okay ?! Joong asked the person , who sat up and was trying to comprehend the situation.

Yeah , I am fine , no injuries. Dunk answered and passed him a smile before standing up with Joong's help.

Oh , aren't you nong Fourth's elder brother ! Joong exclaimed when he recalled his memories.

Yeah I am . Wait aren't you the one whose brother spilled coffee on Phi New ? Dunk asked.

Well if you put it like that , its kind of embarrassing . Joong answered while scratching his nape in embarrassment.

Anyways I wanted to buy a thank you gift for nong Fourth , can you help me since you are here. Joong asked in a hesitant voice.

( I see what you are trying to do here Archen 👀 )

Well honestly its not needed. Fotfot is a kind boy , he would have helped anyone in your position. Dunk answered.

But still I want to gift him something and I find him adorable , so there's another excuse. Joong pressed again with a sheepish smile.

Well.....I cannot win this argument , can I ? Dunk spoke with a smile.

Just to remind you guys I am here too , so it would be appreciated if you guys tone down your flirting attempts. And just like that Love ruined their moment.

Dude why would you say that ! Dunk whispered yelled while blushing.

Whatever , just help him buy the gift and leave to eat something. I thought you were dying of hunger too. Love commented and gave her brother a look.

And who this beautiful lady would be ? Joong questioned and looked at Dunk with a questioning gaze.

Oh , she is my twin Love Jirochtikul and Love this is Joong- Dunk stopped mid sentence as he didn't knew the male's last name.

I am Joong Titicharoenrak , its a pleasure to meet you . Joong introduced himself and gave the girl his dazzling smile.

( Ofc my boy is working hard to impress his future boyfriend's family 😤 )

It's a pleasure to meet you too Mr. Titicharoenrak . Love smiled back.

Then the trio left to shop for the gift.

After much thought Joong decided to buy a watch for the 20 year old.

I am telling you he is interested in you . Love spoke from her observation , while the twins were eating at a Japanese diner.

That pure nonsense. Dunk deliberately ignored her twin's claim and continued to eat.

In truth his heart was beating fast while imagining various scenarios where he and Joong were a couple.

Oh how blissful it would be to cuddle those huge sturdy arms , how it will feel when he kissed those soft lips-

Okay Dunk you gotta get a grip on yourself. Dunk thought and snapped out of his dream land.


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Update lovelies !!

Enjoy reading and I hope you have a beautiful day ahead 🧡

I want to know where yall live

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