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Everyone was excitedly planning for the trip , when Fourth's stomach growled out of hunger

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Everyone was excitedly planning for the trip , when Fourth's stomach growled out of hunger.

I guess I am hungry . Fourth passed everyone an embarrassed smile , while everyone chuckled.

Wait let me cook something for you. Love quickly stood up from beside him and asked Joong to guide her to the kitchen.

I'll quickly book the tickets. New informed , but was stopped by Dunk.

Wait let me ask , if Phi Jeff and Barcode are interested too in joining us . Dunk dialed his brother-in-law's number and after a few bells the call was answered.

I hope I am not disturbing you Phi. Dunk started.

Of course not nong , so tell me why did you call ? Jeff asked.

Us , Jirochtikul siblings were leaving for Chiang Rai , so we wanted to ask if you guys wanted to join too ? Dunk inquired.

Well , Barcode would surely love too and if he wants to go then I am tagging along too , so its a yes . Jeff replied with a chuckle.

Okay then meet you at the airport tomorrow . Dunk added.

Since you guys are booking the flight tickets , leave the hotel arrangements to me. Jeff informed and the call ended.

Soon after , Love and Joong entered , with their hands full of plates filled with pasta for everybody.

You just know how to lift up my mood phi ! Fourth exclaimed cheerfully , and hurriedly took a bite.

Of course , I should know how to cheer you up otherwise , everything will be gloomy right , if the sunshine is not upbeat. Love answered and ruffled his hair.

After eating , everybody left Gemini's private condo and parted ways , to prepare for tomorrow.

On the way Fourth's phone rang , and the screen brightened showing Phuwin's number.

Dude where did you go ! Me and Satang are getting worried , you left so suddenly and are no where to be found ! Phuwin nearly yelled.

Calm down Phi , I wasn't feeling well , so I left early and I will be absent for a few days as I am going somewhere. Fourth informed.

Fine but from next time please tell me when you leave early , I nearly fainted out of worry. Phuwin nagged.

Are you feeling better ? Dunk asked , making eye contact with the youngest through the rear view mirror.

Yeah a little bit , all thanks to you guys. Fourth replied with a grateful smile.

Remember , we will always be there for you nong. New butted in between.

Ohooo I have already cried enough for today , don't make me emotional once again. Fourth joked and the elders laughed while shaking their heads.

When they informed their parents about the trip , they were surprised at first but nevertheless allowed them to go.

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