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Yeah lets go together ! Love joined and gave her twin a wink

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Yeah lets go together ! Love joined and gave her twin a wink.

Sure , it would be fun and we can take each other's opinions too. Joong agreed.

And just like that they all left to shop for the ball together and yes chaos is on its way.

The Titicharoenrak siblings and the Jirochtikul siblings set out in their own cars.

Wait let me call Phi Tay too. Gemini uttered and dialed Tay's number.

What do you want nong ? Tay asked as soon as he picked up and from his tone it felt like he was interrupted in the middle of something important.

I wanted to invite you to shop with us for the ball tuxedos , but its fine if you are busy. The 20 year old lad remarked and was about to cut the call.

Wait I'll come with you guys or later I will have to go alone. Just send me the location and I'll join you guys later. Tay answered.

Great , its the same mall as the one we went last time. Gemini informed and the call ended.

After a drive of 20 minutes from the Jirochtikul Mansion , they arrived at their final destination and soon after Tay joined them too.

Seeing so many couples , I should invite Phi Milk too. Love mumbled to herself.

Huh ? What couples ? Who is a couple here ? Fourth who was beside her asked in confusion.

Do you see that , look how Joong and Dunk are not so subtly flirting with each other and our bickering duo TayNew. I can feel it in my guts that they will be a couple in the future. Love answered to support her statement and then proceeded to call Milk.

Fourth was still clueless and was observing the mentioned couples to see what his sister saw , to give a statement like that when he was joined by Gemini.

Why are you gawking at them like that ? Gemini questioned when he saw the shorter male staring at their brothers intensely.

Phi love said that she can feel in her guts that in the future TayNew and JoongDunk will be a couple in the future. Fourth quoted what Love had told him.

What about us ? Gemini asked with a teasing glint.

Huh ? This was the only thing Fourth's mouth could utter in confusion.

(I see you there Gemini Norawit Titicharoenrak 👀)

What about us , did she not say about anything about our future together ? Gemini asked cheekily.

Eh ? Fourth did not know what to say , did he heard him correctly.

Fourth's cute reactions made Gemini to laugh out loud attracting his brothers' attention.

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