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I heard you got yourself a boyfriend

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I heard you got yourself a boyfriend . Phuwin commented and sat beside his cousin who was enjoying his drink in the VIP section , while looking down at the dancing bodies.

How do you know ? And its not even real at the first place. Gemini glanced at his newly arrived cousin and glanced away.

He told me himself of course. Phuwin answered back and this quipped Gemini's curiosity.

Are you close with him ? Gemini questioned and now paid his full attention to his cousin.

Yeah he is like a brother to me who I adore a lot , so I am here to warn you. If you are just playing around and are planning to break his heart even a little bit , then let me tell you , you will be dealing with my worst side. Phuwin gave a warning look to the younger lad.

This was the first time he had seen Phuwin getting this protective over someone beside his boyfriend of course.

Its nothing big , I am just helping him to keep Nyura away. Gemini shrugged and took a sip of the alcohol from his glass.

Just so you know , Fourth hates it when someone pities him. Phuwin informed in a matter of fact tone.

I am not pitying him , I am just helping him because I don't want the same things to happen to him which happened to me. Gemini reverted back.

Well you are someone , who doesn't help others unless there is something in for you in the deal, so its a bit hard to believe. Phuwin uttered and took a sip from his glass.

I am not helping him to get anything in return. He saved Phi Joong while he was injured in a mission , so I am just paying back. Gemini half lied.

It was true though , he really wanted to return the favour of saving his elder brother's life but not like this.

Phuwin just nodded and didn't spoke any further.

So the old Gemini is not totally gone , he is still here , hidden deep down. Phuwin thought and a soft smile formed on his face , relieved that his cousin was not totally helpless.

What the actual fuck ! How much did I even drink ! Gemini groaned and took his head in both of his hands because of the throbbing hangover headache

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What the actual fuck ! How much did I even drink ! Gemini groaned and took his head in both of his hands because of the throbbing hangover headache.

Enough to get you knocked out and I had to come pick you up. Tay's voice made the youngest to flinch in surprise.

And be thankful mom and dad had to go to Pattaya the last minute for some business deal , or you would have been screwed. Tay added.

Can you please stop speaking for a moment Phi , my head is killing me. Gemini groaned once again.

Drink the hangover soup I have kept on the side table and get ready for the uni. Tay informed and left the room.

Quickly gulping down the soup and feeling better , the youngest Titicharoenrak dragged his body to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready for the day.

Gemini was feeling a bit giddy because of his newly found relation with his crush even though it was fake.

It excited him. Doesn't matters if it is fake , I am gonna treat him like he is my real boyfriend. Gemini took a deep breath to calm himself down and got off his car before entering the university.

I don't see that little boyfriend of yours Norawit. Please not that annoying voice since real in the morning !

Please good Lord give me strength. Gemini shut his eyes tightly for a few seconds and then turned to face Nyura with an emotionless face.

And may I know the reason for your immense interest in my boyfriend , Miss Nyura ? Gemini asked in a cold sarcastic tone.

Oh that gentleman just caught my interest , so gotta keep updating information about him. Nyura answered in an equally teasing tone making Gemini to slowly loose his patience.

Before he could totally loose his cool and lash out on her just like she wants , a warm hand laced with his right hand making him snap his head to the side.

A smile instantly formed on his face seeing boyfriend, fake one of course.

( Wouldn't let Gemini forget that 🥰 )

Good morning Phi Gem ! Fourth greeted him in his cheerful voice and a sweet smile , which always made Gemini's heart to skip beats.

A very good morning indeed baby ! Gemini answered him in an equally sweet voice , and passed him his gummy smile , only reserved for his nong Fotfot from now on.

( Mr. Norawit you are slowly getting really obvious , just saying 👀 )

Good morning cutie ! Nyura interfered in their sweet moment.

Good morning uh- what was your name again ? Fourth asked acting confused.

Nyura , the name is Nyura handsome . Nyura spoke through gritted teeth and a fake smile , before clinching her hands in fist in humiliation and left from their stomping her feet.

It must have been a headache to deal with in the early morning. Fourth turned to Gemini with a concerned expression while taking out his hand from Gemini's grip.

For the first time Gemini wished Nyura stayed a little more , so that he could hold his baby's hand a little longer.

Tell me about it. Gemini answered and closed his locker's door which was left opened.

Let me walk you to you lecture hall. Gemini offered.

Its fine Phi , I will walk on my own. Fourth rejected.

I insist , we don't want Nyura to find a clue now , do we ? Gemini asked with a raised brow and Fourth gave in.

Fourth wouldn't lie if he said that his heart skipped a few beats when Gemini called him baby. I kind of liked the sound of it.

Gemini was almost close to his ideal type. Even if he was not . then my boy was ready to change his ideal type criteria just for him.

Unconsciously , our nong Fotfot is joining the whipped club too.


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Update guys 🥳

Both our boys are whipped for eachother honestly ✋🏻

Happy reading and have a great day 💛

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