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After spending three more days , the group was back to their normal life

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After spending three more days , the group was back to their normal life.

Gemini and Fourth were now inseparable always joined to the hip. Well there were two reasons for that.

Firstly , they were slowly becoming more clingy and secondly Gemini was now over-protective of the shorter male , not wanting the previous incident to repeat itself in any form.

Bro like c'mon leave the boy alone for a second. Phuwin groaned , when he saw Gemini taking a seat beside his boy.

Well sorry to break it to you , but Fourth himself invited me and you know I cannot say no to him. Gemini shrugged his shoulder and Phuwin turned to Fourth for confirmation and got a sheepish smile in return.

I bet you will give him your life , if he asks for it . Satang butted in with a sarcastic comment.

For sure , I will . Gemini answered with a proud smile , skillfully ignoring the sarcastic tone , while Fourth could only blush and hit the taller male's shoulder playfully.

All these actions were being watched by Nyura but with a soft smile.

She was genuinely happy to see Gemini smiling more freely , then he would , with her.

She wasn't going to snitch on them to Jake. She changed , now she was no longer capable of ruining their pure love , not when the guilt from the past was still eating her.

Guys-guys-guys ! Barcode stopped near the table huffing and puffing.

Easy there brother ! Ford remarked and patted the empty space beside him , signalling the male to sit and catch his breath.

Now tell us what happened ? Mick asked.

Do you know we are having a inter-university sports championship ! Barcode revealed.

Wait really ? Fourth exclaimed.

Yeah we have it every year. Phuwin added.

And this time , our university is the host , so all the other participants from different universities will be staying here. Barcode continued.

This is gonna be so much fun ! Fourth clasped his hands together , excitedly.

Yeah and tiring too , because now we will have to practice more for the football match. Gemini commented.

In what all sports are you gonna participate phi ? Fourth questioned the taller male.

Football and basketball. Gemini answered.

What about you ? He questioned back.

Football and volleyball. Fourth answered.

What about you guys ? Phuwin questioned the remaining.

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