unrequited love, pt. 1

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You stared out the practice room window, watching the rain fall in thick sheets. It had been pouring all day, keeping everyone inside the YG building. With a sigh, you pulled out your phone to check the time-only 10 more minutes until your next dance practice was scheduled to start.

As a trainee, your days were filled with choreography lessons, vocal coaching, and intense exercise regimens. It had only been a year since you first joined the company, hoping to one day debut as an idol, just like the successful girl groups before you. While the stressful lifestyle was difficult, you found solace in the long practice sessions where you could pour your heart and soul into perfecting each move. Dancing allowed you to escape from your worries, if only temporarily.

Today, however, you couldn't seem to focus. Your mind kept drifting to a certain Aussie vocalist down the hall-Rosé of BLACKPINK. Over the past few months, your admiration for her has blossomed into something deeper. Rosé was kind, funny, and incredibly talented. She always made a point to check in on the other trainees, offering encouragement and praise. Whenever you spotted her smiling face in the hallway, your heart would skip a beat.

At first, you thought nothing of your feelings, dismissing them as platonic. But recently, you started to notice small things like how beautiful Rosé looked when she laughed or the way your skin tingled every time you accidentally brushed hands. You longed to be near her, to make her proud, and to see that dazzling smile directed at you. It was then that you realized, with a start, that you had fallen for your sunbae.

The problem was that same-sex relationships weren't exactly accepted or encouraged in the industry. And even if they were, why would an international superstar like Rosé ever return your affection? You were just a lowly trainee-invisible, talentless, forgettable. No, it was better to bury these feelings and treasure whatever friendship you could build instead. Safer that way, for both your career and heart.

Lost in thought, you almost missed the notification on your phone signaling the start of practice. With a sigh, you jumped up and headed down the hall, hoping a few hours of dancing could drive Rosé from your mind, even if just for a little while.

Striding into the studio, you immediately took your place at the back of the practice room. The instructor cued up the music, and everyone began running through the choreography, moving as one coordinated unit through the mirror. You focused intently on mastering each step, your body flowing through the familiar routine on autopilot while your mind floated elsewhere.

Halfway through the song, you failed to notice another dancer entering late, narrowly avoiding a collision. Stumbling, you lost your footing and crashed right into them, sending both of you tumbling to the floor in a tangle of limbs. Groaning, you hastily pushed yourself up to apologize and froze when you realized just who you had knocked over.

"I'm so sorry, unnie!" you blurted out, mortified.

She waved off your concern with a light laugh, pushing blonde hair out of her face as she stood.

"No worries, it was an accident. You okay?"

Rosé extended a hand to help you up, her brown eyes crinkling with her friendly smile.

Heart pounding, you nodded quickly and allowed her to haul you to your feet. "I should have been paying more attention. Thank you for breaking my fall."

She chuckled. "Anytime. Keep up the good work, Y/N!"

With a parting wave, Rosé exited back down the hall, leaving you flustered and breathless in her wake.

The instructor immediately signaled for everyone to run through the routine again from the top. But even as you danced, your mind continued to replay that brief interaction on loop-Rosé's kind smile, her warm palm against yours, the musical lilt of her voice saying your name. You had dreamed of something like this for so long that even a minor interaction left you feeling giddy. Perhaps there was hope for your buried feelings after all...

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