falling together

872 27 3

< requested by @mentallystressed >

* * *

The bright lights of the cameras flashed incessantly as you walked the red carpet at Paris Fashion Week. As one of YSL's newest brand ambassadors, all eyes were on you at this highly anticipated event. You smiled confidently and waved to the crowd, feeling empowered in the elegant designer gown you were wearing.

This was your world—the glamor, the fame, the admiring fans. You had worked tremendously hard to get to this level of success in your singing career. Nothing could rattle you or make you lose your composure.

That is, until you saw her. Rosé from the K-pop supergroup BLACKPINK was just a few feet away, looking absolutely stunning in a fitted black dress that highlighted her petite frame. Your heart skipped a beat as your eyes met briefly. You had always found her incredibly beautiful and talented, harboring a slight crush on her from afar. But seeing her in the flesh was almost too much for your gay heart to handle.

As brand ambassadors for the same fashion house, you knew you would likely cross paths with Rosé at some point during the week's events. You just didn't expect that jolt of electricity you felt simply locking eyes with her across the red carpet. Trying to regain your composure, you continued posing for photos and making your way inside the venue for the big kickoff show.

Little did you know, Rosé was feeling equally flustered after that brief interaction. She had been a huge fan of your music for years, her crush on you only growing stronger as she followed your career from afar. Seeing you up close in that breathtaking gown made her weak in the knees.

"Did you see Y/N?" she whispered excitedly to her bandmate Jennie as they made their way inside. "She looks so beautiful! I can't believe you're actually working with her."

Jennie laughed knowingly. "You've had heart eyes for her forever. Maybe this is your chance to finally meet her!"

Rosé blushed deeply. As if she could be so bold to try and talk to you. You were internationally famous, gorgeous, and successful beyond her wildest dreams. There's no way you would be interested in a shy, awkward girl like her. Right?

The fashion show itself was a dazzling display of YSL's latest lines, but you could barely pay attention with Rosé sitting just a few rows away from you. You found yourself constantly sneaking glances her way, admiring her delicate beauty and poise. At one point, your eyes met again, and you gave her a warm smile before quickly looking away. Did you imagine it, or did she blush just then?

* * *

After the show, there was an exclusive afterparty for the brand ambassadors and other VIP guests. As you nursed a glass of champagne, making small talk with other celebrities and fashion influencers, you couldn't help but scan the crowd every few minutes for that now-familiar blonde hair.

Finally, you spotted Rosé across the room, looking a bit overwhelmed by all the social interactions happening around her. Taking a deep breath, you downed the rest of your champagne and made your way over to introduce yourself before you lost your nerve.

"Hi, I'm Y/N," you said with a warm smile, extending your hand. "It's so nice to meet you!"

Rosé's eyes went wide with surprise before a huge grin spread across her face. "Oh my god, hi! I'm Rosé. It's such an honor to meet you!"

She eagerly shook your hand, her small fingers feeling delicate in your grasp. Up close, her beauty was absolutely captivating. You could get lost in those almond-shaped eyes...

"I'm a huge fan of your music," Rosé gushed, giving you a look of pure adoration. "Your voice is just... wow."

You laughed lightly, feeling your cheeks warm at the sincere compliment. "Well, thank you. That's so kind of you to say. I'm actually a really big fan of you and the girls too. Your dancing and vocals are incredible."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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