ch 1 Divide and Conquer

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At Jump City prison, the alarms were blaring as someone had broken in.

"Code red. Cell block 9! Move out!" An armored guard ordered.

The guards entered the Main yard.

"Main yard secured" A guard said before a door was thrown infront of him.

"There he is. He'll free the criminals"


The guards opened fire on the culprit. Cinderblock. The blasts had no effect on him. Cinderblock faced the guards and stomped on the ground. The earth shot up around the guards. Cinderblock entered the prison.

"You know, Cinderblock, normally the bad guys break out of jail" Beastboy said.

"And I can think of 7 good reasons why you don't want to break in" Robin said before the Titans jumped into the room.

"1!" Robin said.

"2!" Starfire said.

"3!" Beastboy said.

"4!" Raven said.

"5!" Cyborg said.

"6!" Penn said.

"7!" Bendy said.

The heroes glared at Cinderblock.

"No matter how you do the math, it all adds up to you going down. So, are you going to go quietly?" Robin said.

"Or is this gonna get loud?" Cyborg finished.

Cinderblock roared before charging.

"Titans! Go!" Robin commanded before the Titans charged.

Robin jumped up and delivered a kick to Cinderblock's face. Starfire sent out a star bolt. Cyborg and Cinderblock both threw punches that connected and threw them both back. Penn pulled out an old fountain pen and started to quickly draw in the air. The ink solidified and became a blaster gun. Penn grabbed the gun and started blasting Cinderblock. The blasts had no effect and Cinderblock charged at Penn. Bendy quickly grabbed Penn from behind.

"Goin' up!"

Bendy stretched his legs up and stepped over Cinderblock with Penn in his arms. Cyborg and Robin then charged at Cinderblock. Cinderblock smacked the two away. Starfire threw two starbolts before she was grabbed by Cinderblock. Starfire gasped before smiling.

"I am sorry to disappoint you, but I am stronger than I look" Starfire said.

Her eyes glew green before she kicked Cinderblock making him let go of her. Beastboy flew in as an eagle before turning into a T-Rex. Beastboy charged at Cinderblock. Cinderblock punched him sending him flying towards Raven.

"Azarath Metreon-"

Raven stopped when she saw Beastboy heading towards her. Beastboy turned back to normal before crashing into Raven. Beastboy shook his head while Raven sat up annoyed.

"Heh. Watch out for falling dinosaurs?" Beastboy tried to joke.

Raven looked at him unamused.

"I'm gonna leave you alone now" Beastboy said before running off.

Robin then launched himself onto Cinderblock and held on to his neck. Cinderblock thrashed around trying to get him off.

"Thrashing only makes me hold on tighter" Robin said.

Cinderblock grabbed a metal beam and tried to hit Robin. Robin let go and Cinderblock only managed to hit his own head.

"Hey, that's a great idea!" Bendy said before pulling out a cartoonishly large mallet from his pocket.

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