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Out in space 4 drones were launched. 3 of them scattered off in different directions while the 4th one headed to Earth.

Meanwhile the Titans were enjoying a carnival. Robin and Starfire were on the ferris wheel enjoying the fireworks. Starfire stared at the sky in wonder.

"Oh! Beautiful. Tell me again what they are called" Starfire said.

"Fireworks" Robin said.

"On my home planet, such explosions would mean the Gordanians were attacking. You are certain Earth is not under attack?" Starfire asked.

"Positive. Cotton candy?" Robin offered holding out the pink treat.

"The last time I ate a ball of cotton, it was white. And it did not taste very-"

"This is different" Robin said before tearing off a piece and eating it.

Starfire then tore off a piece and ate it. She smiled at the taste.

"Mmmm. Hmm! It vanished!" Starfire said.

Robin chuckled.

"Yeah. It'll do that"

Starfire sighed.

"When I first came to this planet I did not think I would ever fit in. Earth was full of strange things. But now I see that..."

Starfire was interrupted by the fireworks.

"Here comes the finale! Yes!" Robin said excitedly.

The fireworks exploded in a colorful display.

"Whoo-hoo-hoo! Amazing!" Robin cheered.

Starfire stared at Robin with wonder.

"Earth is full of amazing things too" Starfire said.

"Best planet I've ever been to" Robin said.

Suddenly Starfire was grabbed by the space drone. She screamed as she was taken away.

"STARFIRE!" Robin screamed.

Starfire struggled in the drone's grip.

"Wherever you are taking me, I do not wish to go!" Starfire said before zapping the drone with a star bolt.

The drone let go of Starfire and the chase began.

Meanwhile Penn and Bendy were walking through the carnival. Penn had a candy apple while Bendy had a golden square on a stick. Penn looked at Bendy's treat with uncertainty.

"I like carnival food as much as the next person, but I draw the line at... whatever that is" Penn said.

"Its deep fried sponge cake... or was it deep fried sea crab?" Bendy said with a thoughful look.

"Don't tell me your actually gonna eat that"

"Why not? I already paid for it. Plus, it smells delicious"

Bendy opened his mouth wide and swallowed the treat in one bite.

Penn shook her head.

"I'll have the defibrillator on stand-by"

Penn and Bendy then approached Cyborg, Beastboy and Raven. Beastboy and Cyborg were playing ring-toss while Raven stood to the side. The two boys landed a ring on a bottle and cheered in victory.



The carnie gave the boys their prize, a giant stuffed chicken.

"Told you we'd win you a prize" Beastboy said handing the toy to Raven.

"A giant chicken. I must be the luckiest girl in the world" Raven deadpanned.

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