ch 16 Terra

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In a desert canyon outside of Jump City, a blonde girl was running away from a giant scorpion. The scorpion stabbed the ground with it's stinger, causing the girl to fall over and lose her butterfly hair clip. She reached for the hair clip but the scorpion stung the ground infront of it. The girl gasped before getting up and running. The scropion chased her to a dead end.

Just then the Titans appeared on the rock ledge above her.

"Titans, go!" Robin said.

Just then the ground shook and the girl's eyes glowed yellow. The canyon rock started to float over the scorpion. The girl yelled as she raised her glowing hands and threw them down. The giant rock crushed the scorpion, killing it.

"Whoa" Penn said impressed.

"She was not in trouble" Starfire said.

"She was leading it into a trap" Cyborg said.

"Question is..."

"Who is she?" Robin and Beastboy asked.

High above the Titans, Slade was spying on the group.

"Don't get too attached, my young friend. I saw her first" Slade said.

The girl lifted her hands and a rock lifted her up to the Titans.

"What? Haven't you guys ever seen a superhero before?" The girl asked.

Robin stepped forward.

"I'm Robin. We're the-"

"Teen Titans. Rock on. It's cool to meet you guys" The girl said fist bumping Robin.

"I'm Terra, and you're Cyborg, Raven, Starfire, Penn, Bendy, and..."

"Boy Beast. I-I, I mean, Bass Boot, no!" Beastboy said getting flustered.

"Beastboy?" Terra said with a smile.

Beastboy let out a high pitched scream before turning into a turtle and hiding in his shell. Penn and Bendy face palmed. Terra laughed.

"Dude, he's hilarious" Terra said.

Beastboy peeked out of his shell.

"Hilarious? Me? Really?" Beastboy asked.

Terra winked at him and he was instantly love struck. Beastboy swayed with hearts around his head. Cyborg pretended to catch him only to move his arms out of the way at the last second. Beastboy fell to the ground and Starfire flew up to Terra.

"Curiosity abounds. Please, where do you come from? How did you get here? What is your favorite color? Do you wish to be my friend?" Starfire asked rapidly.

"Um... Earth, walked, red and sure" Terra answered.

Starfire gasped happily and engulfed Terra in a bone-crushing hug.

"Hello, new friend"

Terra had a pained smile.

"How's it going?"

"Star, alien strength" Penn reminded Starfire.

"Oops" Starfire said before letting go.

Terra reajusted her bones before Beastboy approached her.

"So, what brings such a cool little chicky to our big groovy city, huh?" Beastboy asked.

"I go where the wind takes me, you know. I get to see new places, meet new people, stomp a few bad guys here and there" Terra said.

"Oh, cool" Beastboy said before chuckling.

"Well, alright" Cyborg said.

"Wait, you mean you don't have a home?" Bendy asked concerned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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