~The Addiction Appointment~

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~⚠️ TW Warning: Nicotine, Mentions of Smoking~

"So", Audrina starts to say as the two lovers take a seat. "I understand that you have an addiction to smoking, correct?" Boyfriends nods. "I see", she says softly. "Could you tell me why you have this addiction?" Boyfriend takes a deep breath before speaking. "Well", he starts to say. "I've been smoking because sometimes I feel down". Audrina nods, typing it into her laptop. "Alright then. What makes you feel this way?", she asks. "Well, mostly it's when it rains", Boyfriend says softly. "I see", she says, adjusting her glasses. "Do you smoke frequently?" Boyfriend shakes his head no. "No, it's only when I feel down", he says softly. "Well, that's good", Audrina remarks. "It's a small addiction, so it'll be easy for me to help you. First thing that we can try is ignoring those feelings of sadness. Whenever you feel down, try staying away from the cigarettes. If that doesn't work, try doing something to take your mind off of wanting the cigarette. If that doesn't work either, I suggest you trying to chew some gum. It's a special type of gum that gets rid of any nicotine flavors in your mouth." "Really?", Boyfriend says curiously. "Well, I suppose I can give it a try." "Great!", she exclaims happily. "I'm sure within a month, your addiction will be gone. If the addiction gets worse, just give me a call, okay?" "Alright", Boyfriend says softly. "Alright then. I'm sure that you can get through this. After all, Pico is here with you", Audrina says with a smile. "I'll see you guys around." "See you Audrina", Pico says softly, taking Boyfriend's hand and walking out of her office. They walk out of the counseling center and get on the train, heading back to the center of Funk City, heading back to Boyfriend's home.

*At Boyfriend's Home*

The two lovers step inside the house, feeling confident that they can work through Boyfriend's addiction, no matter what happened between them. The sun begins to set in the city as the two lovers watch a romantic movie while eating the cherry cupcakes they made the day before. Eventually it starts getting late, and Pico looks at the clock, seeing that he has to head home. "Well, I had a great time with you B", Pico says with a smile. "But, I have to get back home." "Oh, alright", Boyfriend says softly. "I'll see you tomorrow then?" "I don't know B", Pico says truthfully. "I have work tomorrow, and I might be taking extra hours." "Oh... Well, that's okay", Boyfriend says softly. "I'll see you soon then." "See you B", Pico smiles before walking out of the house. "See you", Boyfriend says softly. He can't help but feel lonely, knowing that his lover is gone for now. He starts thinking about having a cigarette, but decides against it. He sighs, going into his bedroom, turning off the light and laying down in his bed. He stares at the ceiling, wanting to sleep since he's exhausted, but decides against that as well, thinking about his lover while he's gone.

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