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The sun starts rising in the city, meaning it's officially Friday. Pico rises with a start, yawning. He sits up in bed, glancing over at Boyfriend who's still sleeping. He smiles and pulls the blanket over his lover. Boyfriend smiles as he continues to sleep peacefully. Pico gets out of bed, grabbing his phone and calling his friend, Audrina.

*Audrina's POV*

I'm working at my desk in my room, uploading Pico's albums to his music site. Just then, my phone starts ringing and I pick it up. "Who is it?", I ask curiously. "It's me Pico", the caller replies. "Oh, well good morning Pico. Did you sleep well?", I ask him. "Sure did. Are you up to anything?", he asks curiously. "Yeah. Just uploading your albums", I say in a soft tone. "Oh alright", he says softly. "Are you free this afternoon? I want to talk to you about something." "Yeah, I'm free. Why? Is there something up?", I ask him. "Yeah, it's about Boyfriend's ex-girlfriend", Pico says. "Your talking the one who wears that red crop top and shit?", I ask him. "Yeah, that's her", he confirms. "Yeah, I can talk to you about her", I say softly. "How about we meet at the park this afternoon?" "Sounds good to me", Pico says. "See you Audrina." "See you later Pico", I say softly before hanging up. I set my phone down and write down a reminder so I don't forget to meet with him this afternoon.

*Narrator's POV*

Pico hangs up the phone as well and sighs. He gets dressed, putting on a light blue shirt and jeans.

(Again for a reminder, Boyfriend and Pico don't live with each other. They will eventually, but since I'm not spoiling, you'll have to wait.)

Pico walks out of the bedroom, heading through the living room and into the kitchen, brewing himself a cup of coffee. After making his cup of coffee, he takes a sip of it, enjoying the taste and warmth it provides him. About a couple minutes later, Boyfriend wakes up, heading to the kitchen. "Good morning dear", Pico says softly. "Want me to make you some coffee?" "No thanks", Boyfriend says softly. "I prefer tea in the morning." "Well, I can make you a cup of tea", Pico says with a smile. He grabs a tea kettle, filling it with water and setting it on the stovetop, heating it up. After the water is warmed up, he pours some warm water from the kettle into a cup and putting a teabag into the cup. "Here you go B", Pico says softly, handing him the cup. Boyfriend takes it and takes a sip, enjoying the taste. "Thanks Pico", Boyfriend says softly. Pico smiles. "Your welcome dear", he says softly. The two lovers enjoy their morning drinks, looking out the kitchen window, enjoying the sunrise in the distance.

*Girlfriend's POV*

I'm in my bedroom, watching some TikTok off my phone, but my mind is still pondering from the message I got last night from Boyfriend. "That little bitch thinks he can toy with my emotions, huh?", I think to myself. "Well, I'll show him a piece of my mind." I start a livestream off my account, and a few of my followers are already viewing it. "Hello everyone! It's me, Girlfriend", I say on the stream. "You won't believe what happened to me last night. My ex-boyfriend sent me this terrible message! I wanted to make things right with him, but look what the little bitch sent me." I pull up the picture onto the stream, and a lot of the viewers are saying "Ew! That's nasty!" and "Dude doesn't deserve another lover." "See?! He's trying to play with my emotions!", I say on the stream, pretending I'm like an actor. "He has the audacity to find a man and get fucked by him?! What a complete sick bastard!"

*Audrina's POV*

I get a message off my phone about Girlfriend going live. Since we're good friends, I pull up the livestream and I'm in instant shock. "The fuck?!", I think to myself. "She can't be saying these things! And these people need to learn not to listen to this asshole!" I record every bit of the important parts of the livestream, and then get off. "I definitely need to tell Pico about this later", I say to myself.

*Narrator's POV*

Eventually it becomes the afternoon and Pico leaves to go to the park. Audrina shows up shortly after, and she looks very pissed. "Hey Audrina", Pico says softly. "What's up with you?" "Take a look at this", Audrina says, pulling up the recording from Girlfriend's livestream earlier. Pico is extremely mad and in shock. "Oh my god...", Pico whispers. "She said what now about Boyfriend?!" "Yeah, she called him a 'bitch', she called him a 'whore', she even had the audacity to call him a 'needy two-faced asshole'!", Audrina says pretty pissed. "And to think she was my friend. Not anymore if she's saying these things about him!" "I agree. She has no right calling my lover those things", Pico says sternly. "I'd fucking punch her in the mouth right now." "Wouldn't blame you", Audrina says with a shrug. "I'm going to have a word with her later." "Good idea", Pico says in agreement. "I'll be keeping an eye out for that little bitch." "So will I", Audrina says sternly. "Thanks for showing me that by the way. I'll have to tell Boyfriend about this later", Pico says in a soft tone. He gets up from the park bench and walks back to Boyfriend's apartment. "Good luck Pico", Audrina yells out. "Will do", Pico yells back. Audrina and Pico now have Boyfriend's back, going to protect him from his ex-girlfriend, no matter what happens to the both of them.

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