~The Talk~

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Pico arrives back to Boyfriend's apartment shortly after leaving the park. "Welcome back Pico", Boyfriend says softly, "Hey dear", Pico says softly. "I have to talk to you about something." "Alright then", Boyfriend says in a soft tone. The two lovers sit down on the couch and Pico sighs. "So, I met up with Audrina at the park", he starts to say. "And... well, she told me about something with Girlfriend." "What did she say?", Boyfriend asks curiously. Pico sighs, grabs his phone, pulling up Audrina's recording she sent to him. He plays the recorded livestream and Boyfriend is in shock. The video ends and he sighs again. "She called me all those things..?", Boyfriend asks in disbelief. "Unfortunately, yes, she did", Pico says softly. "I wish I was there to stop her, honestly." Boyfriend sighs and looks at Pico. "Well, what she said is what she said", he says softly. "But, it doesn't affect me for who I am. I'm still the same person no matter what." Pico smiles. "Yes, of course you are B", he says softly. "I'm glad that what she said doesn't affect you. Your still the same blue-haired person I always knew, and I'm glad I met someone like you." "Thanks Pico", Boyfriend says with a smile, giving him a gentle hug. Pico hold Boyfriend within the hug, happy that he has him by his side.

*Audrina's POV*

I'm walking through the streets of the city, still pretty pissed of for what Girlfriend said about Boyfriend. I make it up to her cabin and knock on the door. Girlfriend opens the door, smiling. "Hey Audrina!", she says happily. "Come inside." I step inside and sigh. "Girlfriend, I need to speak with you about something", I say sternly. "Oh, alright. What is it that you need to talk to me about?", she asks curiously, sitting down on the couch. "It's about your livestream", I say sternly. "What about it?", she asks curiously. "What you said about Boyfriend was utterly ridiculous", I say angrily. "Calling him a 'slut', a 'whore', even a 'needy two-faced asshole'! What the hell is wrong with you?! Don't you know what you said is going to cause all these nasty rumors to spread about?!", I yell at her. Girlfriend looks at me with a stern look. "Does it look like I even care?", she replies. "What he did was fucking stupid! I'm trying to fix out relationship right now, and he sent me that photo!", she yells back at me. "So what if he did?!", I yell back again. "It could've been Pico! Besides, what you did to him was wrong. And to think you were a good friend of mine, always saying that you wouldn't ridicule someone. You fucking lied to me!" "So what if I did?!", she yells back. "He is a needy two-faced asshole who doesn't deserve that ginger-haired man! He deserves me!" "Not if your saying these disgusting things about him!", I yell back. "I trusted you, and you fucking lied straight to my face! We're done being friends Girlfriend. I don't want to see you EVER again or even hear from you. Your the needy two-faced asshole here, not him", I say sternly. Girlfriend is in shock. I give her an angry glance before walking out the front door, slamming it shut. Girlfriend just continues to sit there in shock, not moving or stopping me from leaving. I walk down the sidewalk back to my place, still pretty pissed off, but mostly composed from my outburst. I open the front door of my home, stepping inside and closing it. "Fucking lier", I mutter to myself, referring to Girlfriend. I sit down on the couch, going onto TikTok and removing her from my friends list and blocking her account. I go onto the rest of my social media and do the same thing. I sigh and lay down on the couch for a while before heading to my room. I go into my room, sitting down at my desk and working on the albums for Pico's music site.

*Girlfriend's POV*

Once Audrina left, I was in complete shock. What she said to me was right, I was the needy two-faced asshole. "What the hell have I done..?", I whisper to myself, starting to tear up. "You just lost a friend..", I answer myself. "I should never had said those things... Now Audrina is out of my life because on what I said..", I whisper to myself. I start crying, burying my face in between my knees, regretting everything I said and did. I wish I could've taken back everything I said about Boyfriend so I wouldn't be in this mess, but during that time, I showed no regret. Now I've seen what I've done, and now I'm regretting everything.

*Narrator's POV*

Once the sun starts to set, Pico and Boyfriend are sitting on the couch, watching a comedy movie together while eating a dinner Pico prepared. "This food is delicious!", Boyfriend remarks, taking another bite of the meal. "Why thank you my dear", Pico says softly. The two lovers continue eating their food, happy and content in their lives. After they finish eating and the movie is over, they cuddle up on the couch and fall asleep shortly after, holding each other in their warm embrace. They know that they're safe in each other's arms no matter what happens throughout the night.

~He Wants Me Back?~ Pico x BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now