reincarnation and regression

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Mavien ran through the streets of the abandoned town his sword had fallen off as he tried to escape he tried to use magic to make himself faster but found himself unable to "do they have a mage!?" Mavien thought as he ran realising that someone was using cancellation magic on him as he continuedrunning still tired from not being able to sleep for days. Mavien had gone out from the camp he and his soldiers had set up to find more food and water, mavien had stayed up for many days and nights worried someone would once again poison their water supply and their food crates so now he was losing stamina quickly the more he ran trying to loose his pursuers when suddenly a fire ball fell right next to him mavien barely dodging it in time, mavien's eyes widened in shock as the fire quickly began spreading across the streets more fire balls falling upon him mavien quickly leaping away and running once again but began slowing down as he found harder and harder to breathe in the rising heat of falling building and rising flames he quickly ran into a building as he heard his pursuers closing in on him. Once he got into the building he ran to the back of it into a room collapsing  onto the floor and leaning back against a wall as he closed his eyes and began muttering a prayer to the goddess of the moon Irene before he suddenly felt a piercing pain through his chest his eyes widening as he looked up seeing one of soldiers and realising that there had been a traitor among his soldiers the entire time, he looked down at the sword realising it was his beloved sword he had lost when he was running and grabbed the hilt smiling as he began coughing blood coming out of the wound and from his mouth "dear goddess..of the loving moon..I thank you...for allowing me to get this far..." Mavien managed to say his eyes glowing in with flames that surrounded them the soldier flinched realising the diamond jewel on the sword began glowing and tried to get away but it was too late as the sword and mavien both destroyed themselves and the traitor soldier leaving only ashes and mavien's body with the blade of the sword still stabbed into his body

"My poor should not have gone down like this..." The voice of a woman sounded as all time seemed to have stopped the flames slowing down and going into a halt, soon a woman with pale skin that was nearly white and blue eyes that were like glowing blue moons who wore a white dress and a beautiful flowery belt her hair curly and let loose was white but faded into a light blue with small glowing star like dots on it. "Your awakening has come too late..and so this...was the result..." She said her voice carried sadness and regret "but worry not....for I have spoken with the other gods...and even that childish goddess of creation and the god of reincarnation have agreed to reincarnate you...and the god of time..has allowed for you to regress 30 years to the day you became a knight and were appointed a guard of the valkiam empire's capital city"  goddess Irene said as a glowing orb left mavien's dead body, the orb let out a gentle blue-green glow as Irene gently held it in her hand "let the regression will be given the gift of remembrance...and will be able to keep your memories and skills you have obtained in this well as the bond you share with your ego sword mil and messenger bird via...this is my gift to you mavien kelin I'm afraid this is all I may do for you aside from letting you keep your memories everything else will be returned to what it was on the day you became a knight" Irene said to the glowing orb as mavien was in a state of sleep for he had died and was in a state of eternal sleep one which only a god or priest could undo by reviving or reincarnating him in another body or in his own body unless it was badly damaged, during that time, time aroubd them began going faster people came and went taking mavien's body but it all seemed like a blur and no one took notice of Irene's presence for she made sure to conceal it, time continued going on in seconds before it abruptly stopped as all the gods gathered in a single spot the place where Irene was out of all of them 4 stood out they were the gods mavien followed aside from Irene

God of war valkier who wore simple armour a giant war axe and a great sword on his back with dark skin and red messy hair his armour instead of looking like a soldier's armour looked like that of an adventurerur

The guard is a reincarnated sword masterWhere stories live. Discover now