meeting once again

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Mavien finished getting ready to go patrolling he quickly met up with the guards from the night shift so they could get acquainted once again then talked to his comrades a little before walking with his patrolling partner to their assigned place which was the commerce streets and main street "it's a pleasure to meet you sir Kelin! Can I call you mavien!? You can also call me by my first name we are both commoners after all! I wanted to talk to you yesterday when you defeated those orcs but the captain had you escorted away..." His patrolling partner an energetic boy with brown hair and yellow eyes said as mavien smiled "yes you can call me by my first name luke and it's quite alright after all it was quite the battle for everyone and I'm sure everyone was quite tired" mavien said smiling as they walked together through the quiet morning streets people barely getting out of their houses to begin their day some leaving for the fields outside the capital for farming and others going to tend to their shops in the commerce area of the capital city which was where mavien and Luke were heading to "what do you think our first patrol will be like!?" Luke asked excitedly "who knows?I'm sure It will be mostly quiet aside from maybe helping out here and there..who knows what fate will take us to" mavien said knowing to not let anyone know that he knew what was going to happen as they continued walking through the mostly quiet morning streets the sun rising and people beginning their day.

They soon made it to the commerce area where many people had set up their stalls shop owners opening their shops mavien smiled as Luke looked around looking excited to begin their first patrol "do you mind if we stop by goddess ashery's temple first?" Mavien asked Luke, Luke nodded "sure!it's also an art museum right? I don't think we would get in trouble if we stopped by there for a bit!" Luke said smiling brightly as they walked watching the vendors for any trouble making sure everything was alright and going through some of the darker streets of the commerce before arriving in the temple of the goddess of creation, mavien bought a ticket for Luke and gave it to him smiling "followers of the goddess are allowed inside for free" mavien explained "lucky!" Luke pouted puffing his cheeks as mavien chuckled "he's just like in my past life..." Mavien thought as he gave him the ticket before they went to one of the workers, giving the ticket to the worker "may I speak to a priest?" Mavien asked then showed his status window to the worker showing he was a follower of goddess asheru, the worker was surprised and nodded quickly running to get a priest since followers of goddess ashery rarely visited her temple and instead had artifacts they used to pray to her.

When a priest of the goddess of creation and art came mavien smiled as the priest who was female escorted him into the temple away from tHe museum area the priestess however was shocked when the temple was covered in messy lights of different colours before mavien was teleported away, when mavien opened his eyes which he closed due to the brightness of the lights he was in a cabin in a living room with papers and pencils all over the floor couches chairs and on the coffee table the wooden floor had tubes of paint all over and paint brushes and a girl who looked to be about 16 or 15 with short brown hair with the occasional red or blue streak at the ends of her hair was trying to paint something "ARGH!DAMN IT! " She yelled before looking back at mavien who was looking at her confused "who-who ar-" he was about to ask before she smiled "well finally!bout time ya got here ya know!? I didn't give up my favourite paint brush and 1000 years worth of creativity just so that you wouldn't come visit me! I'm ashery goddess of creation and art!" Ashery said proudly "now...I teleported you here to my little home in the heavens to explain your mission in more detail...we don't have much time so I'll get straight to the point and explain the skill rememberance that me and the other gods gave you" ashery said snapping her fingers she made the paint brushes begin painting in the air what the rememberance skill did "as you know in our world we have something called status window...anyone can have this and people can gain this skill by simply following a god and gaining level 20 by doing so they can see their level and stats at any time! They can also gain abilities called skills! Us gods can also give you mortals skills,and chants work similarly to skills except these can only be used if you follow a god unlike skills which can be used or learnt by repeatedly doing an action! For example if you run in a single direction quickly just once then stop and repeat it you can gain the skill dash which is a dodging type skill! If you use magic to make yourself invisible you can gain the skill invisibility! All of which take magic energy also known as mana!" Ashery explained "rememberance is a passive skill which allows you to remember your past life and keep your skills from your past life as well as all chants and to keep your contract with the gods you followed! as in me, valkier, Irene, gracia, and avil! I altered it so that it would allow you to keep the contract you made with your ego sword mil and your raven via so you will only have to touch them and they will get their memories from your past life back alright?" Ashery explained to mavien, mavien nodded as he understood what ashery explained "rememberance not only allows your soul to remember the skills but also strengthens it and hides abnormal things from others the only people who can see these things that are from a swordmasters status are the other people we have chosen to have the rememberance skill! Within 5 years you have to find them!they too will be looking for you and we will be guiding them to you! The gods that chose them to have this skill will guide them to you and I myself will guide you to them till then focus on yourself and your job K?" Ashery said to mavien "yes!" Mavien said nodding ashery smiled brightly she patted mavien's head even though she looked younger then him before teleporting mavien back, the priestess who had watched mavien disappear had called the high priest who was now waiting for mavien.

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