unexpected meeting

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The next day mavien could already feel his entire body ache, he groaned already feeling the effects that came with his body healing too fast due to the potions he drank and the healing magic that was used on him not to mention all the heavy lifting and fighting he had to do non stop and now that his body had slowed down and was finally processing everything he felt like shit physically but he had promised Marion he would spend the day with him, and as if on cue Marion burst through the door "MAVIEN!! You said we would go out today remember!!?" Marion yelled out excitedly mavien rolled ok his side and smiled at Marion "yes.. yes.. alright...just..gimme a minute alright?how bout you go pack us a lunch?" Mavien said to Marion, Marion nodded and raced down the stairs and into the kitchen then went into one of the cabinets that had an enchantment on it so it could preserve meat for long periods of time, he took out some ham and lettuce and then began making some sandwiches before grabbing two wooden lunch boxes and putting the many sandwiches in them, soon Marion walked down the stairs already changed into his casual wear and with his sword on his belt, Marion smiled excited to spend time with mavien after so long "I got the lunch ready!" Marion said excited mavien smiled and patted his head putting the lunch boxes in a bag that went across mavien's chest and adjusting the bag, mavien then grabbed his money pouch and smiled at Marion "are you ready then?" Mavien asked Marion, Marion nodded clearly excited mavien chuckled and they soon left the house Kiki deciding to follow them Marion laughed as he skipped along "what was the subjugation like!?" Marion asked raising his voice out of excitement and curiousity "well...we ended up getting ambushed by orcs but Luke and another friend of ours helped me take them down...then we attacked the orc settlement which was quite hard to do and many got hurt...there we ended up meeting someone who both me and Luke knew and who is now staying here too" mavien answered Marion, Marion looked up at mavien with curious eyes "what's their name!? Are they a boy or a girl!? Where did you meet them?" Marion asked mavien laughed holding Marion's hand as they walked "I met them...a long time ago I can't remember where though...they are a guy from the demon empire called darkenai and his name is laruciel he is also a soldier just like me well I would be considered a knight and he a soldier considering he has more strict conditions and I am more bound by the laws of whoever I pledge loyalty to and so far luckily no one so I am just considered a normal knight hired and trained by the kingdom until I pledge loyalty to someone.." mavien said smiling as they walked into the market area of the capital city, Marion looked at mavien amazed by the new information "then...what of you pledge loyalty to someone?" Marion asked "then I am bound to that person and cannot betray them...I must follow their orders and work as their sword and shield doing whatever they order no matter what..." Mavien answered remembering how in his passed life he pledged loyalty to Niel Goldmire and how that was the cause of his death "even if they are to send you to your own death...you mustn't falter even once and do what you must...sadly that is the fate of a knight..." Mavien said his smile falling into a dark expression Marion looked at mavien in surprise "that is why some knights prefer remaining as knights hired by the kingdom...while others just quit being knights and become either soldiers under the military of one of the three empires...of become adventurers or even mercenaries in some cases...." Mavien sighed as he now hadn't even thought of what he would do after remembering how he had died the last time but was determined to not die such a tragic fate just for pledging loyalty as a knight to someone who he had once loved after all it wasn't him who sent mavien to his death but the one Niel had married "if you pledge loyalty to one...you pledge loyalty to the family..." Mavien muttered Marion nodded understanding what he meant, mavien smiled at Marion "how about we go take a look at the swords at the blacksmiths? We should probably put in an order for your first sword right?" Mavien said to Marion, Marion looked up at mavien his face brightening up after hearing mavien's words "your basic training should be over by when the sword is ready.ñ after all" mavien said to Marion, Marion nodded excited and let go of mavien's hand running ahead, mavien smiled, mavien just continued walking keeping an eye on Marion who was walking ahead of him before mavien felt a hand on his shoulder "hello there sir knight" the voice of a man was heard near mavien's head, mavien froze feeling like he recognised the voice but at the same time didn't "I haven't seen you since he carriage incident?" The same voice said mavien turned to look behind him his eyes widening in shock as right behind him was Niel, Niel smiled calmly yet cheerfully at mavien, "o-oh..." Mavien said freezing in place not knowing what to say "oh? Is that all you have to say to me after last time?" Niel said, mavien put up a smile Niel blinked confused "my apologies were you late for that appointment? Well keep in mind that was your fault for breaking the law but I am guessing the girl's parents didn't press charges due to your identity? Well then I guess that is good for you then!" Mavien said smiling Niel just nodded "yes I was la-" Niel said but mavien cut him off "I don't give a fuck about you being late as I said it was your own damn fault now if you excuse me I need to catch up to my little brother" mavien said turning around and running off, Niel stood there confused by what just happened he had been caught off guard by mavien suddenly cussing at him, Niel smiled and ran after mavien, truth was Niel had just gone out to get a break from his work as heir to the Goldmire dukedom and then saw mavien, so he went up to mavien to try and strike up a conversation but didn't expect for mavien to react the way he did, after a few minutes Niel caught up to mavien who was entering a blacksmiths shop, Niel was confused by why mavien had gone into such a place and wondered if mavien needed a new sword but his question was soon answered when mavien began talking to a blacksmith apprentice "how much for an order for an iron short sword?" Mavien asked one of the blacksmith apprentices that were currently taking care of the customers "for an order it's about 60 Silver coins and depending on if you want something engraved on it or not as well as the exact size of it, as in if it's for a human or a type of non human" the blacksmith apprentice explained, mavien nodded and looked at mavien "we want a short sword with his initials engraved on the blade, as well as for it to be appropriate for his height" mavien said to the blacksmith apprentice who wrote it down "then is it alright if I take his height and see the size of his hands and arm length to see around how big the short sword should be for it to not be to heavy for him?" The blacksmith apprentice asked mavien nodded and smiled at Marion, Marion then followed the blacksmith apprentice while mavien looked around at all the weapons, "do you like this specific blacksmith shop? There are many other ones here in the capital you know?" Niel asked mavien, mavien looked at Niel and held back a smile before continuing to look around "they are extremely detailed and actually make weapons for children unlike other blacksmith shops who don't..that's why I like this place because they make the perfect weapons for the one who uses it..." Mavien explained as Niel looked surprised "and why is having a perfect weapon so important to you?" Niel asked mavien, mavien chuckled "when in battle...you can't expect to depend on anyone except yourself your weapon and your wits..if you have a faulty weapon or a weapon that is uncomfortable in your hands or that is too heavy or too light...or a weapon that easily breaks...then your done for.." mavien said as he held different weapons when he spoke before grabbing a long sword and smiled remembering mil "but...when you have a weapon that is comfortable in your hands...a weapon that has a good weight when you hold it and that doesn't break easily...you can reach a harmony with it and-" mavien smiled as before Niel could react the long sword's blade was on his neck "it's the one true perfection of battle and you can finally be the best of you in battle....in battle its only you and your weapon so reaching harmony with it...is a must" mavien said with a smile "or else...you might as well wish your life good bye and say hello to the god of reincarnation don't you think?" Mavien said as he took by the long sword and weighed it in his hands before smiling and deciding he would buy it "this one should be good for now!" Mavien said with a bright smile going up to the counter leaving behind a speechless Niel, Niel followed mavien "how- how about I buy that for you..." Niel asked mavien, mavien looked at Niel surprised"a-are you sure? Weren't you mad about me making you late for your appointment in the palace-" mavien was about to finish saying but Niel cut him off "no...I just wasn't sure how else to strike up a conversation with you" Niel said looking at mavien and smiling, mavien was shocked as Marion and the blacksmith apprentice returned, Niel without hesitation took out his own money pouch and paid for both the order of the short sword and mavien's new long sword leaving mavien speechless "hey! You don't have to really!" Mavien said Niel just smiled "take it as my apology to you for annoying you?" Niel said, mavien stuttered before sighing "fine..." Mavien sighed taking the long sword and putting it in its sheath Marion looked at mavien then at Niel confused by what was happening mavien just smiled and patted Marion's head smiling down at him "how about we buy some icecream and get a look at the art museum? I have some business to attend to in goddess ashery's temple..." Mavien said to Marion with a gentle smile "may I accompany you?" Niel asked mavien looked at Niel and sighed, he nodded and began walking away after the blacksmith apprentice gave mavien a note saying the estimated date for when the short sword would be ready, Niel smiled and followed them "how long have you been a guard for?" Niel asked mavien "about a month and a week...the day I met you was my first day being an official guard here" mavien answered Niel "is that so? That's unexpected.." Niel said now realising that the report about mavien was correct he had thought that maybe it was wrong because mavien had demonstrated too much skill in magic to have only been a guard for such a short time but now he actually believed it "where are you from then?" Niel asked mavien "I'm from valikim town to the west of here.." mavien answered Niel "and before you ask...my mother follows the goddess of nature Gracia and the goddess of healing and light Lucilia and my father follows the goddess of creation and arts as well as the god of agriculture and farming and the goddess of magic that's why I also grew to follow the goddess of creation since I grew into those same habits as my mother..." Mavien explained niel looked surprised as in the report there said nothing about mavien following a god, mavien smirked happy with himself knowing he was giving niel a confusing time with the information provided, after getting to the ice cream shop they found a table to wait down where mavien and Marion got out their sandwichea Marion offered one to niel, niel looked surprised not used to ever actually eating such things he was a dukes son after all, he smiled at Marion accepting a sandwich and eating it although hesitant at first "alright...where to start then?" Mavien said to Marion, niel looked curious as to what mavien meant but his curiousity was soon answered when mavien began telling about the subjugation mission and how he led his own team through a part of the dungeon then began telling how laruciel beat the dungeon boss with captain I'll is, niel was left astonished by the story while Marion was amazed his eyes sparkled "woah!!! That's so amazing!!" Marion said stars in his eyes, mavien smiled and got up once they finished eating "how about that ice cream now that we have finished eating?" Mavien said smiling, Marion nodded niel got up with them keeping his hood up to hide his identity he had had it on the entire time since it had a special enchantment the only time he took it off was when he spoke to mavien the first time, mavien and Marion went up to the ice cream shop counter and both ordered a popsicle, Marion got a blue berry one and mavien a strawberry one, niel looked at them and smiled also getting one for himself pineapple flavoured "days like this I truly am grateful to live in the empire of mages" mavien said casually after paying 20 coppers the pineapple popsicle costing more then the normal popsicles since it was made from something grown in another country, Niel chuckled as the three walked out of the shop and began walking towards the art museum of the goddess of creation and art,when they got there mavien spoke to a priest and after getting entry Niel bought a ticket for himself and Marion got a free ticket because he was under the age of 15.

The guard is a reincarnated sword masterWhere stories live. Discover now