an empress tells her side

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(Empress renkari)

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(Empress renkari)

(Current Rosendale)

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(Current Rosendale)

(Current Rosendale)

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(Young Rosendale)
After mavien returned and the system had been updated, he had taken Marion during the second day of the festival, "are you sure your ok!? Shouldn't you stay in bed longer?" Marion asked mavien, mavien smiled, "even Niel and his assistant sent me some healing potions and medicine this morning..I took one and drank the medicine so I will be fine" mavien said to Marion, Marion nodded as they walked, as they walked however they soon bumped into someone who was running away from some royal guards, mavien looked at the girl finding it odd before grabbing her and restraining her, the guards ran to them panting, "e-empress! You can't be running like this!" One of the road guards said, as mavien looked at them he realized that one of the guarda was clearly a foreigner, a demonoid wearing light armour that only those of the royal guard of darkenai empire wore, the other guard was a royal guard of the valkiam empire and as mavien looked at them he then looked down at the girl who looked to be only 17 and was quite tiny for a demonios, he let go of the girl as she glared up at him her hood falling off, "argh! It's so annoying being kept in there all day! Besides I don't have any work to do! What else was I supposed to do? I just wanted to take a stroll around the city without any of you annoying guys around me ya know!?" The girl said crossing her arms, her black hair moved around lightly, "and while at it I wanted to visit my daughter! Is it wrong for a mother to see her child?" The girl said, the darkenian royal guard sighed, "my know even if you just wish to look around, you still need a guard!" The royal guard said, "and you even bother this young man!" The darkenian guard said before smiling apologetically at mavien, "apologies for her majesties actions..." The darkenian royal guard said, mavien looked surprised before looking at the girl surprised that someone so young was a supposedly a mother, "empress renkari! You must return to the valkiam empires royal palace, or the emperor of valkiam will be angry with the poor royal guard that was appointed as your guide and second guard during your visit!" The darkenian guard said to the girl who was now revealed to be renkari kilia von darkenai, the empress of the darkenian empire of demonios and the same empire where Luke and rae came from, "argh! C'mon! Just two more hours!" Renkari said acting quite childish for someone with such an important title and such a reputation, "m-may I know where your daughter works or lives your majesty?" Mavien asked his voice respectful, the darkenian guard sighed as the valkiam guard glared at mavien, "a peasant such as yourself does not need to busy himself with royal business!" The valkiam guard said, however renkari ignored him as well as mavien, "and you are?" Renkari asked mavien, "I'm mavien kelin, I work as a city guard here in the capital, and I am a normal knight, I have no affiliation with any knight squadron" mavien said with a polite smile knowing he had to completely identify himself to a royal so that he would not be under suspicion of any possible assassination attempt or any such thing, "if you tell me where you daughter works at or lives, I could guide you there much faster, I am quite knowledgeable about the layout of the city since I usually patrol the city" mavien said with a smile, renkari looked at him before running behind him, "my daughter goes by rae delvria...after moving to another nation she decided to go by a different name so she took on her father's name and got rid of her royal title and shortened her name" renkari said to mavien before glaring at her guard, the darkenian guard sighed, "your majesty-...I will tell everyone you will be back late...please don't put the blame on me if they scold you..." The darkenian guard said, the valkiam guard glared at mavien as the darkenian guard just turned and walked away, mavien blinked as he realized that renkari just had a guard with her out of formality and not out of need when renkari began dragging him away with ease as if mavien was just a doll, Marion ran after them, "y-your majesty, ms.rae is a medic at the guard house, she should be at the infirmary right now since it's not the afternoon yet" mavien said trying to keep up with renkari, "oh- alright, then which is the fastest way there?" Renkari asked, "well..we can go through the back alleys since they don't have any people, I know a shortcut through there" mavien said with a worried smile, "then hurry up" renkari said as Marion struggled to keep up, "h-how is someone so tiny so fast!?" Marion asked as he panted, mavien shrugged as renkari glared at Marion but said nothing even if it was only because Marion was a kid, "th-then this way" mavien said picking up Marion and guiding renkari to the back alleys where there was barely any people, as they walked renkari looked around, "it has changed quite a lot from when I was a teenager..." Renkari said, mavien looked at her, "how long has it been since then? I don't think valkiam could have changed that much?" Mavien said, renkari just continued walking before speaking, "back then, valkiam was the only empire, and it's ruler from back then...was reckless, and was someone who didn't care who he had to throw away as long as he made a breakthrough in his magic research, his people, tho many were strong...I remember when I visited, many struggled to live even in the wasn't as bad as the mathreux empire-at least there weren't dead bodies spread around and buildings crumbling...but.." renkari looked at one of the buildings, "that emperor..the emperor of valkiam from back then...was so obsessed with becoming the best mage, and the most perfect, so much, that he would recklessly give orders, not thinking about how it would affect his people, at first sight, everything seemed clean and the buildings looked decent...but when you walked around and would realize was all a lie to make everything seem perfect, the people were starved, the people were sad and angered...and day...that damn emperor realized that he could never become stronger...and so...he decided that if he couldn't become stronger then what he already was...then he would take down all the other nations and species that were stronger then him..." Renkari explained her gaze darkening and becoming colder as she spoke, "you probably know this already...but us darkenians, most of us are demonoids, and us demonoids have a great amount magic, from birth, we are experts at manipulating mana, we are even born with massive physical strength, a 5 year old pure blooded demonoid...can pick up a horse by their self regardless of gender...and that strength increases with age, they are also naturally fast and agile...and being able to use the dark element and being able to get rid of most another thing most demonoids is because of this...that us demonoids... have always been feared, My father the former king, and the ones before him, all favored peace because of that same fear people had of us, however, I being the youngest, ascended to the throne by taking a sythe that was able to kill demons in a region where not many were able to go" renkari explained, mavien and Marion looked at her shocked to hear that she had been around ever since the time of before the mathreux kingdom became the mathreux empire, "and after I ascended to the throne...that emperor, who wanted to wipe out all those stronger then him, decided that just killing elves and hybrids was not enough...and so..he went after darkenai, he ignored the warnings, and soon enough" renkari smiled sadistically as they arrived at the guard house, "his head was thrown into his own empire's territory, and I had taken control over a small portion of his empire as compensation for what they had put my nation through...and to teach the other nations that thought it was a good idea to mess with darkenai just because we didn't like war much...well..let's just say, those kingdoms are now only seen in history books in the royal library" renkari smirked as mavien and Marion looked at her in fear, mavien opened the door for renkari and the three entered going straight to the infirmary, rae was in there with two other medics showing them around the infirmary so that she could take the rest of the week off, "m-ma.rae..your mother is-" mavien was about to say but with mavien just saying the words "your mother" rae immediately looked at them, and as soon as her eyes landed on renkari's small self, she froze, rae then sighed facepalming before looking at renkari and going up to her after taking off her cloak that was a symbol of being the medic of the city guards, "mother! Please don't tell me you ran away from your guards again! Did you leave one of your concubines alone to deal with all the official business again!? You know you have to stay in the royal palace for the first three days! How could run off like this again!? You do this every year on every event and not just at home! You have to get back now! AND I MEAN NOE!" Rae said grabbing renkari by her shoulders and shaking her, "what will the emperor say if you aren't there!? Are you trying to make it a diplomatic issue!?" Rae yelled at renkari, renkari just looked at her with a bored expression, "rae, my child, I have known that guy since he was a baby, and he knows me well enough to know I will pull this stunt till the day he dies, and his children know I will continue to pull this stunt even when one of them take his throne" renkari said with a smile, "so calm..the..hell...down!" Renkari said grabbing her hands, mavien just watched them wondering how they were so different and wondered if they were really mother and daughter, "fine..fine.." rae sighed, "mavien, thank you for bringing my mother here..even if she SHOULDN'T even be here" rae said as she smiled and glared at renkari, renkari rolled her eyes, "whatever! Let's go eat something! The food at the palace sucks!" Renkari said annoyed, rae sighed taking renkari's hand and making it look more as if they were siblings then mother and daughter, mavien followed them as rae took renkari to a small restaurant nearby, as the four of them sat down and ordered rae put her elbow on the table and her chin on her hand as she stared at renkari, "what are you doing all the way here anyways mother?" Rae asked renkari, "can't a mother visit one of her youngest daughters while she is in the area?" Renkari asked crossing her arms and looking away from rae as she pouted, "if it was so, then you would surely go visit the other 15 children you have near the valkiam capital?"rae said with an annoyed smile, "I said I was in the area! Those brats live all the way on the other side of valkiam! You got any idea how big this nation is!?" Renkari groaned, " may be a good empress...but as soon as the clock hits become a reckless teenager...and your not even a teenager anymore! Your 20 thousand and something for darvel's sake!" Rae said leaving mavien and Marion in shock their mouths wide open, "m-ms.rae...if I may ask...h-how old may you be? Apologies for the rudeness!" Mavien said with an apologetic smile, rae looked at mavien with an unbothered expression as the waiter brought them their food, Marion quickly began eating, "about...4,960? I mean...I'm the 147th child..." Rae answered as renkari began eating unbothered, mavien looked even more shocked, "I now wonder just how old Luke and laruciel are then...they are both pure blood demonoids too after all..." Mavien said nervously, "I think sister Lydia was...10,289? If she is brother Luke's big sister then I'm not sure how old brother Luke could be..." Marion said as he ate, mavien nodded, "thank you for the information Marion...I will...have to ask them later.." mavien sighed and began eating, as they are and continued talking mavien was surprised when he got a notification on his system, except it was a warning notification, "get yourself and your brother out of there now!" The notification read, mavien looked surprised at the notification, he looked mavien then looked at renkari, renkari looked calm before she suddenly dropped her fork and quickly got up, "rae dear...get yourself and these humans the hell out of here-" renkari ordered rae, rae looked confused before she quickly turned to looking nervous, "let's go quickly!" Rae said knowing her mother was never serious when she wasn't working unless it was something important, "wait-" mavien tried to say but renkari seemed afraid, it was something that shouldn't happen, renkari was the strongest being in the continent excluding the king of the northern dragons, she was someone who everyone knew could wipe out armies with just a movement of her hand, and so as rae and mavien realized that renkari was scared, their blood ran cold, "m-mom?" Rae said to renkari clearly scared now, "th-this can't be...that bastard should be dead by now! He is...he was...a human...he should have died..." Renkari said fear in her eyes, she looked at mavien and rae then at Marion, "fuck it!" Renkari yelled grabbing Marion and teleporting him to the royal palace before grabbing rae and teleporting her too, "w-wait!" Maviens aid to renkari showing her his system to show he was a patron saint candidate for the goddess of creation, renkari looked surprised before bitting her lip, she sighed, "help me evacuate everyone- if that bastard is really here- then w grave to get everyone to a safe place now!" Renkari said but as soon as she finished speaking people began screaming as close by in another rebuilding rose vines began growing, they grabbed people without hesitation and began absorbing their life force and blood, renkari growled, "CHI!" Renkari yelled running out to the vines at full speed, a sythe appeared in her hand and renkari quickly began destroying the vines as fast as she could, in seconds all the vines were destroyed but soon more vines began appearing, "HEY! HELP ME WITH THE VINES SO I CAN TELEPORT EVERYONE TO THE ROYAL PALACE! RAE SHOULD BE EXPLAINING WHAT IS HAPPENING BY NOW!" Renkari yelled dta mavirn, mavien unsheathed his sword and ran to renkari, "oh god of war valkier...I beg that you give me the strength and agility to cut through all that stand in my way!" Mavien changed his sword glowing and becoming sharper and stronger, Mavien quickly began cutting through the vines keeping them back as renkari teleported everyone in the city into the royal palace, "I'm so getting in trouble for this!" Renkari yelled as shadows became solid and began trying to keep the vines in check, but soon the vines that had been cut began coming back to life and more vines around the town began appearing, renkari smiled realising she had done the right choice by teleporting everyone, "where is he!?" Renkari yelled as mavien helped dher get rid of vines, renkari looked around trying to locate the one causing the vines to regrow as she bit her lip while cut began appearing on her body, the blood that came out became chains that grabbed the vines as the shadows were no longer enough to hold them back, she then quickly began making barriers around the vines to keep them from attacking other buildings as she tried to keep as little damage from happening as possible, "your majesty! That man!" Maviens yelled at renkari as he sliced the rose flowers that had gained life and had now begun attacking him and renkari, the royal guards who had also been teleported away were barely arriving again, and as soon as they saw what was happening they began trying to get in the barriers, however renkari didn't allow them, instead she glared at them before looking at the man mavien signalled to, and the man was someone she never thought to see again, "so you really are still alive...and you look the same as Your a damn human!" Renkari yelled at the man as she began walking to him while she cut the rose monsters with her sythe and tail her movements too fast for the rose monsters to even react, the man looked at her and said nothing as rose with an eye in the middle of all it's petals looked at renkari, "of course he looks the same~ he did try to die so so SO~ many times! But why would I let him~ he promised he would help me destroy that petty daisy~ I can't let him die until he completed his side of the deal~" the voice of a woman ringed out of the rose, her voice playful, the man just looked at the rose with a tired expression, "then why have you attacked valkiam!? This place has done you no wrong!" Renkari said now standing in front of the man and the rose, "because...we needed to get your attention~ back then the two of you were such great friends~ you were the one person who could help~ specially now that the gods have foiled our plans by making time get reversed!" The rose yelled clearly angry, renkari looked shocked clearly knowing what they were talking about mavien looked at them as the roses stopped in their tracks, "are you one of the cultists?"
Mavien asked as renkari sighed, she looked at mavien, "you too huh? Did you recently get your memories back?" Renkari asked mavien before turning back to the man, "rosendale, I understand that your plans may have been ruined! And that one of the gods of who you and your contracted demon despise so much, has chosen you and ruined everything you had planned...but please! These people have nothing to do with any of that! Put away your vines and recall your demons subordinate souls!" Renkari said to the man who's name was rosendale, the rose looked at renkari then at mavien, "that human there, reeks of divine power! Specificly the power of that damn goddess of creation! Do you even know what that sorry excuse of a goddess has done!? Why should we listen to the likes of you!?" The rose yelled as rosendale shook his head at renkari unsheathing a sword he had sheathed to his waist on his back, rosendale quickly attacked renkari but she quickly blocked the attack with her sythe as she glared at rosendale, "c'mon rose! You can't still be blinded by vengeance and by the contact! It's been almost 20 thousand years!" Renakri yelled as she controlled shadows to hold back rosendale, rosendale looked at renkari and with no hesitation used light magic destroying the shadows, renkari hissed as the light made contact with her, rosendale used that chance to attack renkari knowing renkari couldn't use her full power because they were in a city, mavien thinking fast quickly used a chant of the goddess of creation this time using a much stronger one that allowed him to use the elemental magic he couldn't use properly before, as the chant began working white streaks appeared in mavien's hair and he quickly attacked rosendale, the rose however created a shield of vines to block mavien's attack but mavien quickly covered his sword in fire magic burning the vines, the rose's only eye widened in shock as mavien quickly continued to attack rosendale and the rose, rosendale looked back at mavien his eyes widening, but that single moment was enough for renkari to let her pair of large feathered wings to come out of her back and wrap around rosendale, "damn it! EVE!" Rosendale yelled, the rose named eve, quickly looked at rosendale as they were covered in darkness by that wings of renkari and her tail which she used to keep complete darkness knowing that if eve had no light she would not have any strength and would have to depend on rosendale, rosendale glared at renkari and used that close distance to try and stab her but renkari just smiled as her eyes glowed a bright red which soon turned into a purple color, soon the darkness around rosendale and eve grabbed them as if it was one hand and Rosedale could feel as if all the blood in him was being frozen over and forced to do a single thing, "bloody hell...r-ren-" rosendale tried to say but renkari smiled sadly as she let out a breath and the blood in rosendale's body turned into spikes piearcy his entire body, rosendale coughed as his eyes lost their life, renkari sighed as she let his blood go back to normal and made her wings retrieve back into her back hiding them once again, eve quickly looked at rosendale in fear, "no no no! You got any idea how hard it is to fix him when he gets killed like this!?" Eve yelled as vines began wrapping around rosendale, "then you better hurry..." Renkari said sadly as mavien stared at them, renkari smiled at mavien, "we need to keep them in a dimly lit room with no heat, and no water..... Let us go to the palace, there I will speak to the emperor and explain what has happened and teleport everyone back to town now that it is safe" renkari said to mavien, mavien nodded as he had already wiped out the remaining rose minions using fire magic, the chant had soon worn off and he just picked up rosendale and Carried him to the palace where he remained trapped in vines, mavien was led to a place where it was humid but dark, mavien remembering what renkari had said quickly began using fire magic and burned everything knowing the room was made of stone excluding the door, he then quickly used a spell to enchant the room for a limited time so that no water could get into it, and then made sure to lay rosendale in a corner before pouting only a cup of water on the vines, after that he walked out and made sure to use earth magic to create a large boulder to keep at the door in case anything happened and eve and rosendale tried to throw down the wooden door, he then went to a servant and talked to her and was soon led to a room where renkari was waiting, "your finally here...rae is with your brother, I have spoken with the emperor and he has understood that we minimized the amount of casualties as much as we could as well as property damage, he is just annoyed about me suddenly teleporting the entire city to his castle without even a note" renkari said to mavien as she sat on a sofa,, mavien sat in front of her and nodded, "now.. straight to are also a god's regressor correct? And by the looks of it...the goddess of creation is the one who has chosen you" renkark said to mavien, mavien nodded he looked away and spoke, "yes your majesty, are you also...a regressor, or do you know a regressor?" Mavien asked, renkari looked down and sighed, "indeed I am...I was killed by a revived god thanks to trying to protect my royal army, there were too little survivors, and the cultists had managed to revive kne of the first gods, I tried to buy some time and used all the power I had, in the end, that revived god that was a corrupted creature, ended up killing me after I was too tired to even stand, after i ran out of mana and couldn't even use my most common teleportation spell....and next thing I know....I'm waking up on the day I was invited to the banquet of the festival of creation, the festival that takes place here in you in valkiam you follow 5 key gods...the goddess of magic taika, god of justice avil, goddess of alchemy taila the twin sister of the goddess taika, god of agriculture seflian, and the goddess of art and creation... because of that you have five major festivals here, the festival of creation that takes place around the end of summer that is to welcome the fall, the harvest festival that takes place at the beginning of spring to welcome spring, the magic festival to welcome the new mages, the festival of the founding king to celebrate the day the valkiam empire first became a kingdom...and lastly, the festival of equality in which both nobles and commoners gather and have fun" renkari explained, "however, royals from other nations, only get invited for the magic festival and the festival of creation, and oh how surprised I was, when I had been given a major head ache and realized that I had regressed to the exact day I received the invitation and was left with either accepting or declining, in the past I had declined it, but now...I decided to accept it after I spoke to the god of darkness darvel, he is the one who chose me, and he told me I had to come here because it seemed like a certain god chose rosendale thinking rosendale was a good choice because of his immortality, I'm not sure how it was possible because I was told to regress you had to die at the time that they reverted time...and rosendale seems to be immortal, not completely I am guessing since eve, that demon, said that it took a lot to 'fix' rosendale after he was, we need to get rosendale on our side, because if we don't, we will just meet the same fate we did in the future..." Renkari said to mavien, mavien nodded as he processed the information about the god that chose renkari, "has the goddess of creation told you about the details behind being chosen? And about the rules?" Renkari asked mavien, mavien moved his hand side ways in a "kinda" motion, "she did tell me about what was needed to be a regressor, and how every god chose someone, you were actually the first to tell me that there were more rules to this whole regression thing" mavien said to renkari, renkari sighed, "so the way darvel spoke about his own creator was not an exaggeration..." Renkari said pinching the bridge of her nose, "to regress, you have to die, and then your soul must be taken by the god that chose you, darvel told me some gods ended up having to choose a different regressor because some other god chose the same as them, that aside...aside from having to die, you have to be at a certain level, everyone chosen, at the time they died were the strongest of their were at the peak of what a human swordsman can get to, I was the strongest demonoid around but got killed since I wasn't ready to go face to face with a revived god....and the other regressors will be the same, rosendale, was the strongest human back in his time, during the founding of the mathreux empire, back when that empire was still just a greedy kingdom...and other regressors, are either the strongest mage of their kind, or the strongest archer, strongest swordsman, ect...they are the best in their class and race, however...that's just the other rule for there are rules that we regressors have to stick to, such as: we can not let others know we are regressors, they have to find out themselves, second: we can only use our knowledge of the future for our own benefit, it must be used to make ourselves stronger and to survive until the time to fight the revived gods come, the third rule: we can not tell other regressors about the regressors we have met, they have to meet those regressors themselves and find out about them themselves, but, we can however take advantage of the loophole in this rule quite well" renkari said with a smirk as she drank the tea that some servants had left on the table, mavien looked at her surprised, "the rule specifies we can't tell other regressors, but, we can arrange meetings, and make it so that the other regressors realize that the ones they are meeting with are also regressors" renkari said with a mischievous smile, "once you find out that the other person is a regressor...then you can tell them what god you follow and give them all the information you have if you feel like it, I recommend you do, if you feel that the person is trustworthy that is" renkari said to mavien making mavien nod, "I th- if we meet a regressor, then the best we can do, is have the other regressor know about the rules, and then have them meet the other regressors without saying anything so that it will count as them meeting the other regressor themselves?" Maviens asked renkari, "that's right~ other wise..our memories will get erased" renkari said, "those are the consequences of breaking the rules that the gods had to set for our regression...sadly, darvel didn't tell me why they had to set such rules, I assume it's so that other people don't take advantage of us knowing the future...but...who knows? I could be wrong" renkari said with a shrug, mavien nodded, "thank you for letting me know your majesty" mavien sakd with a smile "you can be casual with me when we're alone or whenever we're with other regressors or people we both know alright? No need for formalities when we aren't in public" renkari smiled, mavien nodded, "then..thank you...r-renkari" mavien said with a smile, "then let us go check on rosendale, I have a feeling, he is awake by now...I have wuite a few questions for him..." Renkari said as she got up, mavien nodded, "yes! I poured a cup of water on that demon like you had ordered before, so that she would heal faster... But was that a good choice?" Maviens asked, renkari nodded, "yes..the faster we get information, the faster we can know how we can get them both to be more..peaceful...the faster we can get them out and the faster everything can go back to being peaceful, I already have to send my own people here to help with the repairs of the broken buildings since I took part in destroying some of them thanks to me fighting I must take responsibility and help with the construction in whatever way I can, be it financial support or sending my own workers here to help with the building... specially now that the festival of creation is ruined" renkari said as they walked through the valkiam royal palace and soon arrived at a tower where rosendale was being kept, mavien removed the boulder for renkari and opened the door for her, "I see...I wish I could help... But at the moment I don't think I can do much" mavien said sadly, renkari smiled at him, "it's alright, as empress of an empire, I must know when to rely on others and when not to" renkari said with a smile before her expression turned serious and she looked towards where rosendale was already awake and looking at them, "hello rosendale, so I was right..." Renkari sighed, "ren" was all rosendale said as he looked at her with no emotion, eve glared at renkari, "what do you want you bitch!? Is it not enough to have us trapped here!?" Eve yelled, renkari sighed, "I have come to make a deal, if you tell us your demands, maybe we can meet some of them" renkari said, "but in exchange, I want you to never attack this empire or the other nations" renkari said to eve before looking towards rosendale, "so speak and tell us what it is you want" renkari said to them as mavien kept his hand on his sword that was on his waist, "what we want! Is to get those damn scrolls and fragments to get to the underworld back! You got any idea how long it took us to find them!? Only for when we finished the ritual for us to get thrown back in time to when we barely even found the fragment to the necklace of despair!? It took us a long ass time finding those damn ritual scrolls!" Eve yelled, renakri looked at her thinking, "how about...I help you find the rest? If you tell me where you found them in the last life, I can probably send my people to get some of them depending on where they are at, and if the places are too dangerous, then I myself can get them, it will be a good excuse to get out and stretch a bit" renkari said to eve, Rosendale looked at eve, eve glared at renkari then looked at rosendale before eve finally nodded, "fine! Then you better also let us out of here!" Eve yelled at renkari, "I will, if you promise to allow me to put a tracking magic item on both you and rosendale" renkari said calmly, "what!? And just why should we do that!?" Eve yelled, Rosendale sighed, "deal, then ren, please help us find those fragments....the faster we find the scrolls and fragments to the items and accessories, the faster I can get rid of this annoying demon" rosendale said clearly frustrated, "thank you, then you will be returning to darkenai with me rose" renkari said to rosendale, rosendale nodded and smiled at her,"thanks" as all rosendale said as he leaned back against the wall, renkari just nodded and exited the room, mavien followed her and closed the door, "are you alright?" Mavien asked her, " and rosendale went through a lot together, he was my best friend... however I never knew he contracted a demon.." renkari said sadly, "I remember back then, we had become friends by accident.." renkari said sadly, mavien listened to her as he looked down at her while they walked.

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