Niel and elias

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Niel had been kept thinking about his encounter with mavien all due to the way mavien spoke and acted, the way mavien suddenly got nervous but at the same time gave advice and lessons only veteran knights and generals would ever give and the way he thought about his weapon made Niel think much more about mavien then before, as the sun rose and the Maida brought Niel his breakfast he began eating while thinking about just what mavien could be hiding, right after breakfast he began with his daily training, first basic warm ups then swordsmanship training before moving onto magic after that a bath and going onto working on things about the goldmire territory, even though Niel lived in the capital during the time before his ascension to the goldmire dukedom he still helped deal with matters of the goldmire dukedom and trading company specially because his family held a very high position in the merchants association and he needed to get practical training for those matters and so as Niel finished the last bit of paperwork for that afternoon he sighed looking out the window, "just what is he hiding..?" Niel said out loud  making Elias who was his assistant and right hand man look at him intrigued, "and who is this you are talking about?" Elias asked, "why mavien of course...ya know...that knight who scolded is just last month..." Niel answered making Elias flinch for some reason, "have you spoken with him?" Elías asked, "yeah... yesterday I met up with him by chance...he invited me for dinner and I met his younger brother too..." Niel said still caught in his thoughts, Elias stared at Niel, "is that should refrain from speaking to him, he is a commoner after all.." Elias said making Niel roll his eyes "oh c'mon! Ain't no law saying I can't hang out with a commoner!" Niel laughed, Elias rolled his eyes, "alright then do as you please! But do keep your identity secret when in public!" Elias said to niel who just nodded rolling his eyes as a maid went inside the room and brought them a snack, Niel got up sitting on the couch of his study with Elias and they both began eating, "besides he's cute! Why wouldn't I continue to try and see him?" Niel asked Elias, Elias said nothing as both finished and continued their work.

Later that day Niel went out leaving Elias alone to do more work, Elias sighed looking up at the ceiling, "what am I supposed to what I remember but a dream...or are they really memories..." Elias asked himself as he walked around the manor, he sighed before niel's little sister ran up to him, "sir Elias!" She said cheerfully, Elias sighed before bowing to her, "lady are you doing today?" Elias said to her politely, "Elias! I told you to talk to me more casually!" She pouted as she grabbed his arm hugging it, he seemed to make an uncomfortable expression looking away from her but made no love to get her away but that was actually because she was higher ranked then him and because of that he was unable to do anything, "how about you come help me with some things in my room? Your free now right?" She asked smiling up at him, "lady Amelia...I may do no such are a non married young lady! And you are not even of age yet so I may not go to your chambers! And I am busy right now, I was actually just heading to my next task..." Elias said trying not to make eye contact with Amelia, Amelia glared at her, "why won't you look at me! You are just my big brothers vassal! Just do as I say for once!" Amelia tried to order Elias, Elias grit his teeth and just stared at her not saying a word, "Elias Nevin von rionvel! Look at me!" Amelia yelled at Elias, Elias sighed looking at her, "lady Amelia...I must take my leave...I am quite busy today..." Elias said quickly walking away from Amelia, "argh!" Amelia yelled trying to grab Elias, Elias grit his teeth, "skill..teleport..." Elias muttered teleporting away into the forest outside the city, he sighed as he sat on the ground, "damn it...are these skills real then?" Elias asked himself, "status window..." Elias said looking at the skills he had as well as the chants, "then...that past life is too..." Elias said a silent tear falling from his cheek, "but..things aren't the same..what is it I should then...approach him...or...maybe I should- should I travel to the terraris velmu kingdom so I can go to goddess yuli's temple?" Elias asked himself, "after it says...that it is her that chose me- only says that's in the skill description of this...rememberance skill..." Elias said feeling confused by everything, "first...I need to figure out what the skill does.." Elias sighed getting up, "but..I must also figure out what my current limits my past life...I became an arch mage...and it looks like my body returned to what it once I need to get used to its limits for now...just that teleportation spell took so much..." Elias said as he began walking trying to find something, anything he could test his magic abilities on before remembering it was around the time that the subjugation mission of the knights had taken place, "then...maybe I should get someone to investigate how it went?" He muttered before sighing, "teleport..." Elias said teleporting back to niel's manor, and luckily Niel wasn't back yet so he quickly sent someone to find out how the subjugation mission had gone, Elias then continued his work occasionally using magic to figure out how his body was managing it, "I should circulate my mana more often..." Elias said to himself as he realised that his body was only used to basic magic, as the day continued Niel got back and began doing his own work but also began talking more about how interesting mavien was which annoyed Elias a bit, when will he stop...worst thing is mavien will also have a crush on him soon..." Elias thought to himself as the day soon came to an end and Niel had spent most of the day talking about mavien and about how cute and interesting he was to him.

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