subjugation mission pt2

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The next day everyone quickly set off for the orc settlement some soldiers being sent off to get rid of the orcs that were out hunting but most of the soldiers being left behind to get rid of the orcs, the carriage that had the food and spare weapons and other things was hidden elsewhere and the girl had been escorted away to her village, mavien looked around sighing knowing things were about to get ugly as he checked on his sword making sure it was sharp and quickly adjusted his armour Luke seeing what mavien was doing did the same before captain illois told everyone what the plan was, once everyone understood what teams they were on and where they had to attack everyone quickly ran off to their positions while the orcs mostly male orcs went off with their day some orcs talking among each other while some were dragging some captured female humans and even a couple female beastmen with them to a tent mavien sighed as they got to their position a flare was sent into the air one flare in each direction once every team was ready to attack mavien's team leader then sent out his flare and they all attacked the orc settlement
"MAGES!! USE EARTH MAGIC!" One of the team leaders yelled mavien groaned as he attacked some of the orcs swinging his sword trying to make his movements as precise as possible and trying not to make unnecessary movements, he slashed at an orc cutting off an arm before ducking out of the way of another ones attack and stabbing it in the neck then taking his sword back and running off in the direction of another orc jumping in the air and stabbing it in the head "fire ball.." mavien muttered sending a ball of fire at another orc while the other knights were killing other orcs the mages using earth magic to immobilize as many orcs as possible to make it easier for the knights to get rid of the orcs, mavien groaned seeing Luke was having a hard time with some orcs he moved his fingers in a quick motion making rocks impale the orcs shoulder to distract it Luke using the distraction without a second thought to to kick the orc with all his strength sending it flying back before another knight quickly finished it off, however both Luke and mavien didn't look at each other and focused on the fight continuing to kill the orcs that just kept on coming while other knights snuck off to rescue the captured women.

So far it looked like they were winning until soldiers began screaming "ITS AN ORC GENERAL!!" Soldiers yelled "DAMN IT!! THIS WASN'T IN THE REPORT!?" a mercenary yelled as mages fired balled of fire at the orc general to try and keep it back while soldiers ran away from it knowing they didn't stand a chance, Mavien shuddered at the sight remembering the disaster that had taken place the last time, he gripped his sword and grit his teeth "oh goddess of the moon Irene I call upon you and beg that you allow your humble servant to borrow your great power, please bestow your mercy upon us and allow us to heal and progress...moons mercy!" Mavien chanted using a skill and chant at the same time his eyes turning from green to blue the soldiers that were running away were in shock as they began feeling a soothing cold around them all hurt or tired soldiers felt that same soothing coldness on them and the pain began to go away while minor scratches healed however mavien's energy was quickly depleting but mavien knew that in this case having as many soldiers with high energy would be the best choice so they could get the wounded out as well as the kidnapped women, captain illoid soon attacked the orc general as he yelled "ALL OF YOU! USE KELIN'S OPPORTUNITY HE HAS GIVEN YOU AND GET THE WOUNDED AND THE KIDNAPPED WOMEN OUT OF HERE!! STOP STANDING THERE GAWKING!!" captain illois yelled as he fought the orc every time the orcs great sword made contact with captain illois's long sword captain illois was sent back a few steps however he kept on attacking determined to keep the orc general at bay while his soldiers escaped while mavien kept using the same skill that continued healing everyone around him but only the ones he considered allies, Luke and Val nodded at each other while the soldiers mercenaries and knights quickly began running away carrying the wounded and the kidnapped women val picked up mavien and was about to run off before a cheerful voice sound

"Oh my~ I didn't expect to find such a mess around here!" A cheerful masculine voice sounded and on the corpse of an orc a man with black hair covering his eyes stood, he wore a sleeveless tight shirt and black pants with a red ribbon like belt and a tail Luke seeing him froze "n-no..what is he-" Luke said seeing the man "do you know him?" Val asked Luke, Luke nodded clearly nervous "he is...laruciel avenire...from the azure ravens.." Luke said clearly afraid as laruciel walked "you can't even handle an orc general captain?" Laruciel said seeing how much captain illois was struggling before captain illois got sent right into one of the orc tents laruciel laughed "I guess I can get rid of it..." He said while mavien looked at laruciel also shocked before laruciel suddenly appeared in front of the orc general jumping in the air and kicking it in the head kicking its head clean off he then landed on the ground and smiled brightly as he stretched a little a hand on his neck "was that it's leader?" Laruciel asked seeing how the remaining orcs suddenly lost some motivation, mavien was surprised by how easily laruciel had beaten the orc general he stared wide eyed still being carried by val since he was too weak to walk due to how much energy the chant and support healing skill had cost him, laruciel smiled as he moved up his hands the shadows around them suddenly became solid objects and began grabbing the remaining orcs killing each one of them striking fear into the soldiers and mercenaries mavien then realised who laruciel was "sh-shadow" mavien said wide eyed, laruciel smiled at mavien "nice to see you too vi" laruciel said to mavien that's when mavien realised how laruciel had gotten to them and was even more shocked to the point he ended up fainting "M-MAVIEN!?" Both Luke and Val yelled in shock while laruciel burst out laughing some soldiers went and helped captain illois while Laruciel went to help val with mavien since the orcs had been wiped out they began taking whatever was valuable as well as the orc bodies since they could be sold for a lot in the adventurers guild before heading to the nearby village to rest.

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