how are these two gods!?!?

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Mavien had begun to occasionally meet Niel in his day to day life, even when his one week vacation was over he still sometimes met up with Niel during his patrols since Niel had made an effort to remember the places mavien was most commonly tasked with, making it easy for Niel to occassionally go to mavien's patrol rout, however mavien still paid attention to his job, Luke had remained mavien's most common patrol partner since they made the best team according to captain Louis, mavien had amazing swordsmanship even if his movements sometimes sped up too much or were too fast and had good knowledge about the laws and about magic which helped make up for the fact he didn't have much of the physical strength to keep up with his swordsmanship, while Luke could easily help mavien by making up with any physical strength needed as well as other things that mavien couldn't do, such as natural strength or a more cheerful attitude that was at times needed in some cases, Luke though he used a sword was actually not even someone who used a sword to fight and was actually someone who fought with a spear which gave him different knowledge, and since Luke didn't know much about the laws except for what he had been taught during the guard training camp that lasted a year and a half and only had the magic advantage of being naturally gifted in magic thanks to being a demonoid was easily made up for by having mavien by his side, Luke helped mavien with the speed and physical strength that mavien lacked and helped mavien with the times that they needed to be more calm and laid back, while mavien helped with knowing the laws and with his large knowledge of spells and his swordsmanship that rivalled many if he simply had enough time to adjust his body to fighting, not to mention both got along perfectly and easily understood each other most of the time, so as three months passed ever since the subjugation mavien and Luke were still patrolling partners, they did occasionally not get paired but those times were actually because they were needed for other matters, and this time around mavien and Luke had just finished patrolling for the day, it was a day in which the festival of creation would take place and because of this most guards were let off early and instead the royal army were taking their place for the week giving mavien plenty of time off, but right as mavien had finished buying some snacks for Marion and handed Alicia the snacks since Alicia and Marion were having a sleepover as a reward for both of them doing such a good job during training, mavien suddenly began getting a headache, he held his head confused by what was happening as he stumbled and tried to stay on his feet he looked around confused as the world began to spin but soon, mavien collapsed on the ground, Alicia dropped the snacks and yelled calling for help, one of the workers yelled running outside to get one of the royal guards that were patrolling now to get mavien to a clinic but soon as mavien barely managed to keep his eyes opened he looked at Alicia before seeing how his status window was now opened before him and it now said, "status window update in progress, please proceed to temple of creation for the upgrade to finish" mavien looked confused as his head ached, he felt sleepy and tired and he couldn't even get up no matter how much he tried every time he tried to get up his body would just fall back down, and every time he moved a part of his body it would fall down as if he wasn't in control of it anymore, it felt as if it wasn't him who was controlling it, it felt as if his own body was the body of someone else, it felt heavy, and soon began feeling hot and like it ached before going cold, mavien's blood ran cold as he remembered his death, his eyes widened as he opened his mouth and he looked at Alicia in fear, "t-temple...creation...p-please..." Mavien pleaded, he looked at Alicia afraid looking as if he was afraid of something, it was a gaze Alicia understood all too well, "wh-what did you remember!? Mavien answer me!!" Alicia yelled at mavien, mavien tried to speak but couldn't it was as if his mouth had been sown shut as no matter how hard he tried to speak he just couldn't, Alicia looked at him in fear, and soon... mavien blacked out...

When mavien woke up however he was on a bed and could feel something, something that shocked him greatly, he looked around opening his eyes and there, there was a boy, the boy had dog ears and brown hair and wore a black button up shirt, he looked to be around 14-16 years old and had a strange device in his hands, "whaaat!? WHERE DID THAT COME FROM!? ASHERY!?" The boy yelled as ashery laid on the ground playing on the same strange device, "what? C'mon Kio! You looked so pushable!" Ashery laughed, mavien tried getting up but ashery got up walking over to him and pushing him back down as she kept her eyes on the same odd black item that had strange cat drawings on the back of it, "DAMN SKELIES!" Ashery yelled making mavien look confused as the boy laughed, "ha! Ooh!puppy!" The boy said, "nu!" Ashley said tapping on the strange item, "what! My puppy! I was about to ask if you had any bones left from that skeleton!?" The boy yelled making ashery roll her eyes, "shush it kioni! You don't deserve that puppy, not after you updated my regressors system without telling me shit!" Ashery glared at kioni, "k-kioni? As in...god of games and entertainment?" Mavien asked looking at ashery and kioni who looked at mavien, "and...what are those?" Mavien asked the two gods, "these are called phones, they ain't from your world so that's all we can tell ya, sorry kid" ashery shrugged as link continued playing Minecraft on his phone, "you Minecraft obsessed dumbass" ashery said staring at kioni in disbelief, "shush it! I'm Tryna make a nether portal!" Kimono answered, ashery sighed, "anyways...sorry bout what happened, kioni here thought your status window should get updated so it could also get missions from me and small messages, since his regressor has a system he made for him that allows him to send him messages and communicate through telepathy despite not being his patron saint yet" ashery explained to mavien, "Alicia, the saintess and future patron saint of liuvrian brought you to my temple like i ordered you to in that little message, and as soon as you stepped in there I transported you here...this bastard here had the decency of allowing a single message int he programmed update to be sent" ashery sighed, mavien nodded looking confused by some of the words, "anyways, you just need to stay here until it finishes updating since the divine energy here will help you finish the system update faster without feeling like absolute shit unlike before, I'm gonna go get us some snacks while you wait alright?" Ashery said smiling at mavien, mavien nodded and then stared at kioni confused as kioni played on his phone before kioni yelled, "NONONONO!!MY STUFF!HOW DID I NOT SEE-" kioni yelled catching mavien off guard, mavien stared at kioni and finally asked, "wh-whats wrong?" Mavien asked kioni, "I got killed and lost my stuff...." Kioni said sadly as he had to begin getting more things in the game since he had been thrown into the lava in Minecraft, mavien was now confused by why kioni would have such a reaction, if it happened in something that is possibly fiction then why get so worked up about it? Of course mavien didn't know what video games were, his world didn't have such things, that most advanced technology they had were actually communication crystals and crystal balls used for projecting things similar to movie projectors, and communication crystals only worked for calls and taking pictures and videos, the most advanced ones could have videos edited a tiny bit but only lighting and texts could be sent, but these only worked through certain distances so they weren't that good, and not everyone had access to them it was mostly the military and places like clinics or the adventurers guild that had access to items like communication crystals and only big nations like empires or the place where they all were created in:terraris velmu, had larger access to these other countries needed to go through a long process to get access to them, and because of all this mavien had only ever used such items in his past life or used it one time in his current life during the subjugation,or even ever saw a crystal ball projector being used only five times, and those could only be accessed by temples, royalty, and at times very high ranking nobles, and because of how fragile and hard to make they were to make they were very rarely used, "I'm back, hey kioni...when the fuck are you getting out?" Ashery asked as she took a bowl of tomato soup and some bread to mavien, kioni looked ashery, "why?? Cmooon! I don't wanna goooo! I wanna eat toooo!" Kimono complained, ashery rolled her eyes shoving a piece of bread into his mouth, mavien took the tray that held the soup and bread and began eating after sitting up, he watched as kioni and ashery went from ashery telling him to leave to suddenly them showing each other memes on their phones, soon they were laughing and yelling insults at each other, "ok ok! But this is you!" Ashery said showing kioni another meme, kioni looked at it before laughing, "that! Is- accurate" kioni said nodding making ashery laughed, mavien looking at the way they were acting couldn't help but think, "are these two really gods? They aren't just two random rude teenagers right?" Mavien thought as he finished eating, kioni soon got up from his spot on the armchair he had been on the entire time, "I'm gonna get back to my divine realm then! Gotta check if arwin is going to awaken earlier or going to just continue with the original timeline until you know... The incident? Also I think Julian, the regressor of the goddess of magic, is most likely going to get himself hurt the same way... considering his raven is already committing the same betrayal" kioni said to ashery, ashery went into a serious expression and sighed, "make sure, arwin and him meet again, or else, we may just get our sorry asses killed sooner then expected" ahsery said to kioni, kioni nodded quickly, "got it! See ya later ash!" Kioni said before disappearing into a puff of blue and red smoke, ashery sighed, "you have...12 years...before the first cultists make their 12 years your gonna be sent to the forest of the weeping moon" ashery said looking at mavien with a sad expression, "you...and the followers of Yuli, who is someone you know quite well...I can't tell you who it is sadly, for that would be interfering too much considering it would be interfering with a meeting that is bound to happen in the future...sorry mavien" ashery said sadly, mavien nodded, he looked confused on why he would be sent to such a dangerous place and then finally asked, "will I have a guide?" Mavien asked, "kioni's follower, you will meet him there, his follower is a moon elf of noble blood so you won't have to worry too much about that" ashery said smiling at mavien, mavien nodded, when the system update was finished ashery gave mavien a small potion and smiled at him, "give this to Niel and tell him to give it to his personal assistant Elias....tell him, that he will need it for a real break through" ashery said smiling at mavien, mavien looked confused before memories of Elias flashed through his head, he nodded sadly before ashery sent him away and mavien returned home.

Ashery watched through a mirror in her divine realm she smiled before she suddenly began coughing golden blood going onto her hand as he put her hand on her mouth while she coughed, "fucking damn it..." Ashery said as she looked down at her hand before smiling, "what's the price for interfering this time? Was the price for returning time not enough!?" Ashery yelled her glasses falling to the ground as she continued coughing, she smiled bitterly and laid on the floor, "I...need to find that damn dragon...don't I?" Ashery asked herself as she closed her eyes trying to sleep the pain away knowing the pain and the price she was now going to pay, was all worth it, she smiled knowing kioni also had a chain on him like her, and as she hoped mavien would soon reach a level in which he could be promoted and offered to be a royal guard, memories of her mistakes flashed through her mind, "damn...angels.." she muttered before falling into a deep sleep.

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