stalker alert

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Mavien walked onto the streets and began walking, everything was going well the street lights had turned on as the glow stones that were powered by magic energy turned on illuminating the lonely streets people leaving and going into their houses as almost no one was left in the streets mavien continued walking calmly before he stopped smiling continuing to walk he began walking taking different turns and glancing behind his back occasionally "what in the..." Mavien thought glancing behind him and seeing someone following him he continued walking trying to remain calm before he began growing frustrated beginning to walk faster hoping the person was just somehow walking the same way but no they truly were following him as he ducked into an alley and quickly used earth magic to create a floating slab and jumping on it then controlling the slab to make it take him to a roof top, the person looked around confused as mavien looked down at the person from the rooftop frustrated "damn it...who could be following me right now...captain illois isn't the type to send someone...and this guy isn't wearing any this point in time I wouldn't have made any enemies..." Mavien thought as he began walking back to his house this time jumping from rooftop to rooftop and using one of his skills "feather leap" which made him lighter and made his jumps higher and made him land softly and without a sound to get from one roof to another with out getting hurt while he continued to think about who could have sent someone after him "only other people I have come into contact with who could have sent someone after me like this ar-" mavien froze as he landed in front of his house realising who it was "no fucking way..." Mavien said not believing it was who he thought of as he took out his keys and opened his house entering and locking the door behind him he walked inside going into the kitchen and turned on an oil lamp illuminating the kitchen of his house, he sighed going to the pantry and looking for something to eat seeing he had some ingredients he had bought the day before he sighed in relief since he didn't know he had that and just made himself something quick to eat before sitting down and eating "I can't believe he began stalking me and keeping tabs on me from the minute we met" mavien said to himself as he finished eating his cat walking up to him and looking up at him meowing at him "oh..Kiki you want some?" Mavien asked his cat with a loving smile as he finished eating he went and cut some pieces of left over meat into small pieces then put it in Kiki's food bowl and refilled her water bowl petting her behind the ears before taking the oil lamp and sitting on the couch and beginning to sketch a drawing of Niel on his notebook "damn gave me a hard time in my past life" mavien said with an annoyed smile "but..I don't hate you for it.." mavien said smiling as he continued sketching with the coal pencil "hmph! If you began stalking me this early on...then I'll give ya a good reason to worry" mavien said smiling brightly as he took some ink and a feather pen from a drawer and outlined the sketch smiling and glad his parents had given him paper as a gift for becoming a knight though paper was usually a little expensive in their hometown their mother being a follower of the goddess of art and creation would get a discount and their father who followed the god of agriculture and farming had learnt how to make feather pens from his brother who was a craftsman so mavien ended up getting paper and ink as well as a special feather pen after he became a guard in the capital city of their country.

Once mavien finished the sketch he smiled letting the ink dry as he looked at the drawing "did I get rusty with my art skills while I was in front lines?" Mavien muttered "never mind that I guess...I should get some rest..."mavien said smiling and leaving the drawing out to let the ink dry while he went to get some rest Kiki following him and laying on his chest once he laid on his bed.

The next day mavien went to the infirmary and got his bandaged changed by Rae then put on his uniform and armour got his sword then went with Luke "morning mavien!" Luke said greeting mavken "good morning Luke" mavken said to Luke smiling brightly as they walked together to their assigned guarding place this time they had to guard the gates so it would be a boring day if no one tried to smuggle anything or tried to bribe them into illegally allowing them to enter the capital city "so today it's guarding the's gonna be so boring then..." Luke said disappointed "and we have to stand all day then!" Luke pouted mavien chuckled as they walked through the soon crowded streets "I'm sure it won't be that bad" mavien said calmly as they walked he had gone and given the boy Marion some food and more money earlier that day before he met up with Luke after Rae told him that they would be guarding the gates.

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