subjugating the boss

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(I fixed the problem! :D)

When everyone woke up they checked on each other,those with heavier wounds were tasked with providing magic support and on using bows to get rid of any monster that may get into the boss fight while laruciel and captain illois would be the ones to be fighting the boss monster, once everyone was ready the giant doors were opened to reveal a giant wolf like monster that stood on its two feet in a more human like way, "my my~ a silver pelt werewolf? That's a B rank boss with A rank fighting strength we got here..." Laruciel warned everyone as he got into fighting position while everyone else quickly began getting rid of the weaker monsters that were within the boss room mostly being evolved kobolds that were trying to kill them, laruciel quickly attacked the silver werewolf monster trying to land a punch but the werewolf dodged leaping back before getting on all fours and attacking Laruciel, laruciel was surprised realising it would be harder then he thought as he leaped away and ran around the werewolf before attacking it again the werewolf getting down and trying to bite him laruciel barely dodging as he growled "ya kidding with me right now!? This things like a rabbid animal!!" Laruciel yelled attacking the werewolf this time pretending to attack its face before getting down and kicking its feet to make it fall then using his hands to move his entire body and kicking kicking the werewolf in the chest then letting his own body go landing on the werewolves chest he glared at it before trying to kick it harder in the chest however the werewolf didn't let him and grabbed one of Laruciel's legs"uh fuck!" Laruciel yelled as the werewolf slammed him against the ground making him cough getting the air taken out of him from the strength of the hit "shit..." Laruciel muttered before captain illois finally saw an opening and attacked the werewolf slashing at its wide open back but barely even making a mark laruciel by this was surprised but was happy to see that it was enough to gain the werewolves attention, using that opening laruciel smiled his gloves glowing as he took a deep breath evening his breathing before he punched the werewolf square in the face sending him tumbling back laruciel didn't waste time however and attacked him again sending punch after punch "OLD MAN!! BLADES DON'T WORK AGAINST THE BASTARD!!! TRY MAGIC DAMN IT!" Laruciel yelled at captain illois, captain illois nodded running at the werewolf from another direction and sending a raging fireball and continuing to send fireball after ball, laruciel smiled seeing as the werewolf was caught off guard laruciel jumped away from it to gain back some strength but the werewolf seemed unfazed even though he was burning and was getting damaged by the flames, laruciel groaned "oh god of destruction I call upon your calamity that destroys and brings hope to this world to once again flourish...give me the strength to do as you see fit on this land!" Laruciel chanted his hair levitating as his eyes all turned completely black and glowing purple and blue marks appeared on his body laruciel growled his gloves suddenly tearing off as claws grew from his nails, he quickly attacked the werewolf slashing at him with his claws captain illois was shocked by this as laruciel continued attacking seemingly recklessly before the werewolf caught a hold of one of Laruciel's hands, laruciel smiled wickedly "gotcha you filthy mutt" laruciel said "poison of the corrupted lord.." laruciel said smiling he used his other hand to dig his claws into the werewolves wrist sending poison into it, everyone's blood ran cold hearing what Laruciel said as the werewolf began to turn a sickeningly purple color it's fur began falling off as it whimpered and let go of Laruciel's hand grabbing its own furry clawed hand, laruciel smiled digging his claws into the werewolves head sending more of the toxic poison into the werewolf, the werewolf howled in pain as laruciel smiled psychotically "what's wrong? Too much for ya?" Laruciel said before letting go of it once it finally began foaming at the mouth it's eyes going completely black and it's hair falling off black veins appearing on its almost furless body, laruciel sighed as his own body went back to normal and everyone else had soon managed to get rid of the remaining monsters, they all said nothing to Laruciel about the chant he had used which allowed him to use a lethal poison that could kill even someone with resistance to all poisons, mavien looked at laruciel and sighed as the entire dungeon began tearing apart however no one said anything as it all soon turned into just some ruins in the forest and a path that led them out was shown before them, laruciel smiled walking out like nothing happened as some soldiers carried the chest of goods, Luke remained quiet while Val knew that it was best not to ask how laruciel got that chant considering only followers who the god of destruction trusted a lot could get their hands on it, mavien also said nothing knowing it was best not to say anything as they all walked and everyone was just happy that they only had to help with rebuilding some things and making sure no monster got away and then they would return home.

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