Alicia the ex slave

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The next day mavien and rae went to the guard house with Marion, when they got there both rae and mavien made sure to change into their uniforms, rae put a small blue cloak on marion that showed he was a young volunteer for the day, there were some other people wearing the same cloaks but normal clothes, the cloaks didn't have the empires symbol which showed that they weren't guards and instead they had the symbol of the guard house to show that they were volunteers, as the three entered the place mavien holding Marion's hand because of all the people there rae looked around, soon captain illois came out and began to speak, "apologies for cancelling everyones vacation, and apologies for asking for everyone to bring volunteers, I know that suddenly getting a message to your communication crystal just this morning must have been quite surprising" captain illois spoke as he stood on a stage in the training grounds since it was the biggest place in the guard house, "but we need help with rebuilding everything as fast as possible! The church of creation will continue the annual ritual, but we have to rebuild quickly, the king has sent some of his people, and the empress of the empire of darkenai has sent her own workers just this morning and even used teleporting magic, she has also sent many materials to help us, so we should be able to finish all the rebuilding within a month" captain illois spoke to everyone his voice confident, "we have suffered great casualties and many buildings were destroyed and the roads ruined, and even some have sadly passed, but many survived even if they are bedridden, which is why we need to rebuild so that when the survivors get better they will see everything as if nothing ever happened!" Captain illois spoke, mavien sighed knowing captain illois wasn't the best at speeches and just spoke facts, mavien just smiled as rae sighed, "thank you all for coming amongst the chaos, you will be put into groups, over 30 buildings were destroyed, and those exact roads were completely ruined, when I call your name you will be put into one of 30 groups, if you have healing abilities you will be put into no group and instead will be sent to help heal the badly injured!" Captain illois spoke, mavien smiled as captain illois called the teams, rae had healing abilities so she was put into no group, and mavien tho he knew basic healing magic he still wasn't able to use it properly so he didn't say anything and instead was just sent to group 15 with some other people, after that he went there to the building that he was supposed to help fix, but as soon as he got there he realized that captain illois must have really had high hopes for him and luke, because he then quickly saw Luke who was sitting down and waiting for everyone else and when he looked elsewhere he spotted laruciel who was snacking on some cookies, and soon enough he realized that the people he had led last time were in his group once again, "god fucking damn it..." Mavien sighed, "mavien!" Luke said as he got up quickly and ran to him, "hey Luke" mavien sighed, as he looked at the mess Rosendale caused, "I didn't think everything got this bad...I'm surprised renkari was able to keep things quick....what would have happened if she hadn't-" mavien said to himself making Luke look confused, "wh-" Luke was about to say but mavien just grabbed him and began dragging him away towards laruciel, "oi! Laru! Let's hurry up and help move the materials here! I see the demonoids sent here are helping remove the rubble...I'm guessing everyone else is just gonna focus on breaking down the parts that need to be broken and on removing all the furniture and other stuff?" Mavien asked, "I don't know~ I just know my boss sent a letter telling me I had to take my job more seriously even if I'm on vacation" laruciel said as he got up and stood next to mavien and Luke, "your job? Oh right- WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU HELP!?" Luke yelled at laruciel making laruciel cover his ears, "I wasn't in town at the moment, I was checking on how the animals and monsters were doing after the subjugation since the orcs caused a big hole in the ecosystem and all" laruciel said as mavien just shook his head, "let's just get this over with..." Mavien said and walked towards the people that had begun working, he sighed as he chanted a spell to make the spell stronger, and soon the stuff that the people were carrying that was mostly furniture and broken items began floating, "I'll take care of this now, you guys go and get more of the stuff that's left" mavien said to the people, they nodded and ran inside, mavien sighed, "pretty much everyone who has the blood of a human from valkiam can use magic...meaning every human here in the valkiam empire can use magic...the only problem is...they only get taught basic fire, water ,wind, and earth magic and they are never taught anything else unless they are nobles or get a tutor...or go to the magic academy in terraris velmu.." mavien muttered annoyed knowing that only some soldiers and nobles knew how to use magic properly, which made things harder because that meant they would progress slower depending if they got anyone aside from himself and laruciel who knew how to use magic properly, as the day progressed mavien was glad when five more soldiers who knew how to use magic properly had been chosen to help, mavien felt relief as they managed to remove all the broken items and furniture and to take down the walls and roof, and now as it was almost time for the sun to set mavien and everyone else were all resting, "damn! I didn't think manual labor was this hard! Remind me to never break the training grounds during training again!" Laruciel laughed as he drank some water mavien flicked a bubble of water to his face making laruciel uncover both his eyes because his hair got wet, Luke chuckled, "how about not breaking the doorway with that big dumb head of yours?" Luke said to laruciel as mavien just looked at the remaining rubble and sighed knowing it would take a while to finish building, "how nice it would be to have that marionette here..." Mavien muttered, laruciel looked at mavien, "who?" Laruciel asked, "purple hair, uses strings, has a red tear drop and is fragile as hell" mavien said to laruciel, laruciel's eyes widened, "oh! That guy! Wouldn't he cause more trouble? You know he breaks with just a flick or a rock falling on him" laruciel said with a bored expression, "yeah, but he can control strings that can take a ton, he could help us clear out everything easily..." Mavien explained, laruciel looked at mavien surprised before thinking for a bit, then he shuddered an unpleasant memory going through his head, "y-yeah...I see what you mean now..." Laruciel said, "who are you two talking about?" Luke asked, "an adventurer...who is so fragile his skin breaks like porcelain...but he is so strong he can destroy this town if he feels like it" mavien said as he finished his water, Luke looked surprised, "n-no way someone like that can exist right?" Luke said nervously, "well, someone like that does exist~ better believe it Luke" laruciel said with a mischievous smile, "we should try and clear out some of the remains of the deconstruction...Luke this would be a good time to show you some levitation magic now that we aren't going to be in that much of a hurry, since all demonoids have an affinity for dark magic, and dark magic mixed with wind magic is what is used for levitation magic, you should be able to do it" mavien said to Luke, Luke nodded and quickly got up and followed mavien, "it's simple, focus the feeling of using the dark element, and then imagine what you think wind looks like, with that feeling, then just use a simple chant" mavien explained to Luke as he extended a hand out to the remaining rubble, "o wind, allow the darkness to become one with you and make my target rise" mavien chanted the spell that he remembered his sister taught him when he was little, wind left mavien's hand and what looked like shadowy strings as if they were the shadow of the wind, soon the wind disappeared as soon as it made contact with the rubble and the rubble began levitating all at once, "it's the most basic levitation spell, more advanced levitation or spacial magic, only uses the dark or light element, which is why not everyone can use it since those two are quite rare, only demonoids are guaranteed to have affinity to the dark element, but no race has a guarantee to use the light element except fairies..." Mavien explained making Luke nod, as mavien moved the rubble away to the people who had carts and wagons to take the rubble to a pit outside the capital city where they would be destroying all the rubble when construction was done, "alright...tHen if only the dark and wind elements are needed..then I can do it!" Luke said confidently and change the spell as he focused using dark magic and wind magic, at first it didn't work but after a few tries Luke had finally managed to do it, laruciel who was watching smiled, "I guess you don't have that big of an affinity for magic? Or do you just not have a high affinity for the wind element?" Laruciel asked Luke as Luke carefully moved the rubble to another cart and sighed in relief when he managed to do it, "shush it! I'm not a magic swordsman like mavien! I use a spear too! The sword and magic are just secondary weapons for me!" Luke pouted making laruciel laugh, "cmon~ I was just asking" laruciel said with a smile, "well then don't ask again!" Luke said looking away and crossing his arms, laruciel chuckled as mavien just continued working, Luke glared at laruciel, "how about we go help mavien before I hit you!" Luke said glaring at laruciel, "sounds good to me" laruciel said putting his hands up in surrender as Luke walked away, "I'm glad mavien became his friend.." laruciel said to himself as he smiled before looking towards the buildings that hid the setting sun, "but...I need to return to darkenai soon...that place is the only place with a temple for the god of destruction..." Laruciel sighed as he went and helped mavien and Luke, in the end when the sun began setting everyone just put things away and left since even if they had people who could use fire magic or light magic, working in the darkness was dangerous, so mavien left with laruciel and Luke to go get Marion who in the end went to help rae with the injured, "damn captain...can't believe he actually decided to set me up..." Mavien said as they walked to the building where a temporary clinic had been set up for the injured, when they got there mavien Luke and laruciel were in shock when they saw Alicia helping rae and Marion, "thank you Alicia, where did you learn to use healing magic tho?" Rae asked Alicia, "usually you need to be taught by someone to learn healing's not something you can learn by chance unlike magic or fighting or a survival instinct..?" Rae said making Alicia freeze, Alicia looked away, "w-well ms.rae...uh- that's...uh-" Alicia wasn't sure what to say, laruciel quickly walked over to them, a bright smile on his face, "hey rae~ long time no see" laruciel said to rae, rae looked at laruciel in shock before sighing, "vice captain laruciel...should you not be with the other azure ravens? Last I remember you were in disciplinary confinement in the azur raven headquarters for not following directions?" Rae asked laruciel, "oh cmon~ all I did was ask for a vacational leave! Capt'n was more then happy! He even threw a glass of wine at me to celebrate!" Laruciel laughed, mavien sighed and quickly pulled Alicia away grateful that laruciel distracted rae from asking further questions, "thank the gods.." Alicia sighed, mavien smiled, "who were you before that you know healing magic?" Mavien asked Alicia, "can...can I tell that story later?" Alicia asked, mavien nodded, "whenever your ready" mavien said with a smile, Alicia smiled brightly as Marion walked up to them and hugged mavien's leg, "big brother! I'm tired! I didn't think helping here would be so hellish!" Marion said looking tired and on the verge of tears, mavien chuckled, "then it's a good thing we can go home now" mavien said as Luke tried to get rae to stop yelling at laruciel, laruciel however was just smiling and laughing making rae look even more angry, "let's....hurry before this place turns into demonoid fighting grounds.." mavien chuckled picking up Marion and taking Alicia's hand.

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