Chapter 15: Winter is Coming

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Wiggling cold fingers in front of the fire, my body slowly starts to warm back up to an acceptably toasty level.

Silan had chosen to remain in the ocean overnight, stating that he did not want to intrude upon our home so soon after meeting and that in the meantime, he would claim the surrounding coastal waters as his territory, serving as a boundary to keep Mermen from wandering too close. Mermen, apparently, would absolutely fight back if a lone Orca was hunting them down for shits and giggles, but an Orca carving out a specific territory and hunting grounds? Completely different story.

Good news! Our Merman problem is, mostly, solved!

Bad news. The temperature is starting to drop.

I tug the fur pelt tighter around my shoulders as Dias drops another log on the crackling fire.

We got here, what, mid to late summer? Putting all the days of travel, exploration, cave building, and the kidnapping timeline, including meeting Silan, I'd say Dias and I have been in this world for roughly around a month? Maybe a month and a half?

Waking up this morning to see my breath forming a mist in the cold air? Not great. Autumn is approaching, which means we have to start getting our asses in gear for winter.

Dias, Asper, Silan, and I sit around the fire as the large fish sizzles on the slightly too-small frying pan.

Dias casts a look around the cave, green eyes scanning "We have the basics. Weatherproof shelter. A clean source of water not far from here," He motions over to Silan "And with your ability to hunt in the ocean basically year-round, we have a decently steady supply of food apart from the meat we have smoked and are in the process of smoking. As long as we have these bare basics, we should be able to get through winter"

Black scales rasp against the floor as Asper moves slightly closer to the fire, warming cold scales "Survival is settled with the basics, but what would you need to be comfortable? Anything I can assist with must be done soon, I will stall my hibernation as much as I can, but at some point, I will not be here to help"

I tilt my head a little "More insulation. The ground keeps a steady temperature throughout the year, meaning that the stone around us shouldn't get as cold as the surface, but it will still get very cold without better insulation. More pelts maybe? At least more pelts in the bedroom to cover the doorway and walls, that'll keep the heat contained in the room"

Elongating his finger and thumb into sharp claws, Dias flips the fish in the pan as he adds "Salt too. I need to get on with making something that can distill salt water. I've been putting it off in favor of getting the smoker made, but it's basically done now," Dias breaks off a small piece of fish, popping it in his mouth with a hum "Some spices too"

Asper's eyebrows furrow "Spices?" "Medicines. Where Dias and I come from, we call some plants spices, not medicines, due to how they flavor food" "Ah, I see"

Silan speaks up for the first time since he arrived in the cave this morning "Salt?"

Dias tears off a chunk of fish and drops it in my food can as he answers "I kinda know how to make salt. Never done it myself, but I know the process"

I take the now steaming can, pick up the fork that had been hidden in the bottom of our bags, and spear a small chunk before looking over at Silan with a slightly confused look "Can you make salt? Can all Sea beastmen make salt, or is that just a Merman thing?"

Silan shakes his head "No. Mermen are weak fighters, but good crafters. Odd abilities that make them valuable. Salt. Pearls. Cloth. Air pockets"

I wave my piece of fish at him "Fair enough" I pop the fish into my mouth. Fresh, but kinda flavorless. Food is food though.

Silan watches as Dias methodically splits and serves the fish to the other guys, his face only just barely twitching into surprise as Dias hands him a can. Silan looks down at the can and the lightly steaming fish, thinking deeply before speaking "There is a village. Down the coast. You could trade there for things," Silan reaches into a little sown pocket of his stolen seaweed toga and reveals several fingernail-sized white crystals "Found these on my travels. Dead Land Beastmen had them"

I raise an eyebrow "Were the Beastmen already dead when you came across them?"

A slow, vicious smile answers my question.

Asper, purposefully ignoring the silent confession, slithers over to look at the crystals "These are decent quality. If the village is not too far, we should be able to trade them with the local healer for medicines and other necessities."

Swallowing his last piece of fish, Dias looks between the three of us "So who wants to go? I should stay here in order to get the salt production up and running"

I raise my hand a little "I definitely want to go, I have a pretty good idea of everything we should need. Plus, as a female, the village will likely be a bit more accepting of me coming in to trade"

Asper leans back on his tail, crossing his arms with a thoughtful sigh "I can go with you to the village if I have to, but as a Snake beastman, I will not be well received"

Having two options knocked off the list, I look towards Silan. I hesitate a bit, we literally only just met this man yesterday, but I ask anyways "Silan? How would you feel about coming with me to the village? You know exactly where it is anyways"

Silan head snaps up from where he was looking down on the fire, his dark eyes lock onto mine as he answers quickly "Yes"

I wait a moment, expecting him to continue... Nope. Kay, he's done. Looking back at Asper and Dias "Alrighty, Silan and I will head down to the village and pick up some stuff while you guys keep working on getting the rest of the house ready"

Dias stares hard at Silan, green eyes boring into the large man who has dropped his own gaze in response.

Asper places a hand on Dias' shoulder, gently squeezing. Asper leans down and quietly says something into Dias' ear, his voice too low for me to pick up on. After a few moments, Dias sighs and quits trying to peel off Silan's skin with his eyes "Fine. Yeah, that sounds good enough to me"

Silan glances back up at Dias, dark eyes intent as his voice rumbles "You don't trust me," Silan doesn't react as Dias looks off to the side, not responding as Silan continues "Understandable, but unnecessary. I would sooner slit my own throat than ruin my chances"

Shaking his head slightly, Dias curls his hands into loose fists "Yeah, that's what I'm counting on"

This is getting a little out of hand. I stand up abruptly and clap my hands "Awesome. Now that we have that sorted," I extend a hand to the still sat Silan "Shall we get going?"

Silan blinks at my extended hand before gently taking my hand in his own and standing, not at all actually using my hand as leverage "Yes. I can swim there. Won't take long"

Asper, his eyes darting between Dias and Silan, asks "Won't Xena get wet if you swim? It's getting too cold for that"

Silan shakes his head but says nothing.

Cool. Bit of a guessing game with Silan, but I suppose we will quickly get used to him.

I glance over to Dias, who is still sitting by the fire, a troubled look on his face. As I begin to walk out of the cave, Silan still holding my hand, I watch out of the corner of my eye as Asper shifts his lower half into its human form, allowing him to properly sit beside Dias.

I hope that Asp can help Dias with whatever is troubling him while I'm gone.

AN: GOD. I make a plan for a chapter, but always have to end up cutting it in half cause I keep making it too long. Dias is having a tough time, poor bugger. Would it help to know that it's going to get worse before it gets better?

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