Chapter 2: Insticively Hilarious

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Perched high on a tree branch, my legs idly swing back and forth "So, turning into a giant bat. Thats new"

Dias lets out a choked laugh from where he is sitting next to me, a panicked look in his eyes "Yea, new for me too," He looks at me with a desperately hopeful look "I don't suppose you have any idea what the fuck is going on?"

I lean forward a little, resting my elbows on my knees "Maybe? If I'm wrong it's going to sound incredibly stupid, so I would preferably like to take a look around, see if we can find some people before I say anything"

I turn my head to face him "How is your head feeling? You don't typically get migraines like that" It was concerning to see him in so much pain, clutching his head like he could hold it together through sheer force of will. I just hope the migraines don't become a new thing.

Dias' eyes drop down, idly looking at the forest floor below as he responds "It's feeling completely fine, the pain is gone. But it was... it wasn't like a typical headache," He takes a couple of moments before continuing "It was like someone bitchslapped me with a metric ton of information. And not a nice bitchslap either, like that fucker had those giant wrestling rings on every finger and did a full 180"

Oh? An eyebrow raises "What kind of information?" I ask, a little concerned, but mostly interested. His face twists up in confusion with just a hint of disgust "For one, I knew how to turn into a giant bat. My senses, my hearing especially got dialled up to an 11" He glances over at me, a nervous glint in his eye "It... Y'know how people have basic instincts? Like run when you're being chased and yank your hand away when you touch something hot?"

I nod, following along so far, but wondering where he is going with this

Dias continues "Well, I'm pretty sure I just got some brand new instincts shoved into my head," He looks at me, discomfort clear in his tone as he explains "It's not like a compulsion or anything, just a vague sense, and I don't know just what the hell all got shoved into my brain, but right now, I'm getting a sense of 'get the fuck off the ground and fly to somewhere safe'"

He takes a couple of deep breaths, eyes never staying in one place too long "You said you had an idea of what's happening? Even if it's wrong and extremely dumb, I'm down for any kind of explanation right now"

Wincing, I explain my idea "Y'know how I have a folder on my tablet filled with all kinds of Manga?"

He nods "Yeah, the scans you found online. Probably illegal but go on"

I mess with the small ring on my middle finger as I continue "So, one of these Mangas is a pretty interesting concept, but just utter shit in story. Like you only read it cause the characters are hot, not cause you actually like the story," Dias listens quietly, not interrupting "The Manga, pretty sure it's actually a Manhwa, is called Beauty and the Beasts. Long story short, pretty girl falls into a world filled with stunningly hot beastmen, men that can turn into beasts, and she gradually builds up her own harem of beefcakes while solving problems by being a Mary Sue"

Dias is silent for a minute before responding "Stunningly hot dudes? Sounds like I'll fit right in"

A laugh bubbles up my throat "That's what you choose to focus on?"

Dias shrugs his shoulders as an amused grin crawls across his face "Well I gotta take what I can get!" He tilts his head a little as he thinks "So you would need to find a town or something in order to confirm?"

I nod "Yeah, it would be easy to figure it out if I could see some of the locals. They all wear animal skin pelts, and the men typically have some sort of animal feature on them, even in their human forms," I smirk a little and lean over closer to him "Speaking of animal traits, I think your ears are bigger than normal. Damn, you look like someone slapped chihuahua ears on you "

Dias looks a me, a faux horrified look on his face as he claps his hands over his, sadly regular sized, ears "You take that back right now! How DARE- I am offended. You horrible, spiteful woman!"

I jokingly flip my hair behind my shoulder, like some high school mean girl "Cry about it"

He drops his hands away from his ears as he laughs, humor clear in the shaking of his shoulder "So," he says, wiping away a fake tear, smile still on his face "Should we head out and try to find a village?"

I lean over slightly to look at the ground "Yeah, the wolves haven't come back, so I think we are good to go" Gripping the branch tightly, I turn around and let myself slowly slide until my body is dangling in the air. I let go and dropped the rest of the way down, my knees bending to absorb the impact. Dias drops down after me, only he barely has to bend his knees at the impact at all, the smug bastard.

Getting our packs out of the brush, we pick a direction and start walking.

We walk in silence for around an hour or two, picking our way through the thick brush before Dias speaks up "I can hear something ahead and to the left," I look at him curiously as he turns his head to face the direction "Sounds like people talking, I can't make out what they are saying though"

I respond dryly "Uh oh, first sign of insanity. Don't listen to the voices Dias, I can't have you losing your mind on me now" He snorts and grabs my hand, twining our fingers together "Don't worry, I'll kill you with mercy" "Comforting"

Altering our course to where he heard the voices, I speak up "Should we have a backstory going on? If this is just a regular civilization and you're just weird for some reason, it shouldn't be needed. But if we DO end up walking into some sort of beastman village, I think we should have some sort of backstory"

Dias considers for a moment, his thumb stroking my hand "Probably a good idea. I know fuck all about your, uh, Beauty and the Beasts? stuff, so I'll let you come up with a backstory. But I want Veto powers"

I nod "Alright. Give me a couple of minutes to think about it"

Thankfully, the village is far enough away that I have plenty of time to think up a pretty decent lie.

A few minutes away from the village, I squeeze Dias' hand "Alright. I think I got a good one. We are from another continent, you flew me here, island hopping along the way. We were fleeing a natural disaster, let's say a Voclano, and we were the only ones to make it out. We come from the Bat clan,"

"Wouldn't that be a colony? Also, a Batman reference?"

"Shush, they won't know the difference or the reference. Anyways, if mating marks are a thing here-" "Mating marks?" "On god, I'm going to need you to stop interrupting me" "Sorry, go on"

"IF mating marks are a thing here, we can say that Bat females, fucking hate being called a female by the way but when in Rome, are extremely picky and focus on physical AND mental strength, so a longer courting time is needed. So you're still my Fiance, just in primal himbo speak"

Dias nods "Gotcha. Cultural differences could explain our potential lack of knowledge on stuff as well"

I let out a giggle "Watch, we are going to make it to the town, and it is completely normal and I've sucked you into my Manga world for nothing"

As we clear the forest line and the village comes into view, the smile immediately drops off my face.

"Well, shit... Beastman central it is then."

AN: Pic of Xena! I don't describe her a TON as it's mainly her POV, so it can be up to your interpretation technically, but this is who I envision anyways

AN: Pic of Xena! I don't describe her a TON as it's mainly her POV, so it can be up to your interpretation technically, but this is who I envision anyways

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