Chapter 18: Down and Dirty

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AN: This chapter is almost entirely smut! There is an important scene at the very bottom, I will end the smut with a ------ line barrier, so If you want to skip the smut, just head down to the barrier. But overall, you could skip this chapter since I'll recap in the next. This chapter was fucking PAINFUL to write, I have much more respect for smut authors.

Straddling his lap, I lean back just enough to break our kiss, allowing me to catch my breath as a strand of saliva hangs between us. Silan grumbles as his arms wrap around my waist and pulls me flush against his broad chest, my own hands come up to bury into his hair, the black and white stands soft to the touch.

Dias kneels behind me, pressing a hot kiss to my shoulder. He looks up to meet Silans heated gaze "You know what to do?" Silan glances at me briefly before darting back to Dias "The basics" Dias hums, his hand wrapping around my front and creeping down my stomach towards my apex "I'd be happy to give you some... pointers, if your interested"

I let out a strangled gasp as a familiar hand sneaks below the waistline of my clothes, the tips of his fingers just brushing against my heated sex. Silan watches, very much looking like he would love nothing more than to devour me whole "I only want to mate with Xena," His voice a dark rumble with lust "But I would like some of your 'pointers'"

Dias smirks against my shoulder, gently nipping the skin "Watch closely then, young padawan"

I let myself be pulled from Silans arms and my back be pressed against Dias' chest. Pulling down my pants, a strong hand gently pulls apart my legs, leaving me exposed to the open air and to Silan's hungry eyes. I throw back my head with a soft noise as clever fingers rub tight circles across my clit, darting down to gather moisture before heading back up to pleasantly torture the sensitive bundle of nerves.

My legs twitch and tremble as Dias' calloused fingers dip into me, the two thick digits stroking and gently scissoring me open. My mouth falls open with a strangled cry as his thumb continues the good work of sweetly abusing my clit while his fingers find the familiar sensitive area inside me.

Dias murmurs something, but it is utterly lost to my ears as tension coils and builds within my lower stomach. Silan slinks forward, his large hand coming up to land upon my breast, fondling and gently massaging before thick fingers tweak my pointed nipples, causing a sharp moan to reverberate through my throat.

A finger crooks under my chin and draws my face around into a searing kiss, Dias' dark hair tickling the sides of my face as he ravages my mouth with his tongue.

The large hands move down from my breasts, gently caressing my heated skin as they travel down to my thighs. I break away from the kiss to look down at Silan, his strong arms carefully maneuvering my legs over his shoulders as he settles in between my thighs, his mouth getting dangerously close to my cunt.

My breath stutters in my chest as a hesitant tongue swipes through my folds. Silan lets out a low hum at the taste before diving in with reckless abandon, his tongue causing my thighs to twitch and shudder as he explores my most sensitive area, his eyes locked on my face watching for my reactions.

Dias pulls my legs apart a tad wider "She likes it when you add your fingers in" I laugh breathlessly in response "Jesus Christ Dias, your gonna kill me" He nibbles the skin under my ear in response "But what a sweet death hm? I know I'd happily die with you sat on my face. Next time" he sighs wistfully as I let out a whine at the sensation of Silans large fingers gently pushing their way in while his mouth works at my clit. My thighs clench around his head as I feel his fingers push deep in, massaging and exploring the heated flesh.

A sudden sharp pain causes me to yelp in pain. Silan immediately ceases, his face twisted in concern "Did I hurt you?! I am sorry, I will stop"

I put my hand on the top of his head, trying to smooth away the wince on my face "It's fine Silan, just be careful next time? I think I'm done with that anyways" I tug gently on his hair, urging him to come up.

His brows are still furrowed in concern as he acquiesces to my silent demand, crawling up until he is hovering above me, effectively caging me between him and Dias "Are you sure?"

"Mhm, I have no intention of leaving till I get my fill of you," I shoot a smug look back at Dias "Both of you, for that matter"

A small crease of concern between Dias' eyebrows lingers briefly as he smirks "Your wish is our command"


Several very pleasurable hours later, my chest heaves as I lie exhausted on the bed, Silan and Dias on either side of me.

Dias traces the new marking with a gentle finger, exploring the copper-green orca swimming up the sternum, just under my breasts. Silan, on the other hand, reaches down between my legs, a confused look on his face as he picks up a small, stringy object.

My jaw drops when I recognize the object. As I feel the signature wet warmth slowly leak from between my thighs, I stare in abject horror as my IUD dangles between his fingers.

A slightly hysterical laugh escapes Dias' mouth when he spots it "I guess now we know what hurt earlier! Let's play a game of Russian Roulette, who's going to be a dad first?!"

I stare off into space "Oh god. Please, not on the first try. This is my personal hell. Fuck you Dias, I'm blaming your seductive teaching skills"

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