Chapter 5: Snakeskin boots

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Well, it certainly doesn't look pretty. I managed to slather his wounds with anti-septic cream and bandages, but that's about as good as my first-aid skills get. Dias is a little better, but he doesn't exactly have hands right now.

The Snake beastman was mainly covered in long claw marks on his torso, with the occasional bite marks on his forearms. Judging from the four silver stripes I can see on his ribs, he probably got ganged up on? But I wonder just how many beastmen it took to bring him down like that.

The snake, now propped up against a tree, watches me with tired eyes as I finish wrapping his ribs.

I sit back on my heels as I look at him "You mind telling me what got you this way?" Dias hovers behind me, towering over my smaller form, the tiniest lift of a lip exposing sharp fangs encourages the black-scaled snakeman to answer.

The snakeman rasps "I approached a female and offered her my skin. Her males took offense"

I narrow my eyes and point at his now covered stripes "You have four stripes. I imagine that a beastman of your strength should have been fine. At least strong enough to escape relatively unharmed. And in what way did you approach the female?" I try not to gag around the word female.

Silver eyes drop down and to the side, looking away from my gaze "I underestimated just how many males she had. Many of them had three stripes. Perhaps 10 of them. I waited until she was on the outskirts of her village before I approached her. I only offered my skin to her"

He looks back up at me, defeated but with a small glimmer of confusion in his eyes ".....Why did you help me?" He looks... sad. Defeated. Like at any moment, he expects me to spit on him and boot him in the side. Worse, he looks like he would accept the abuse without a fight.

I nod my head backward slightly to motion towards the big bad bat behind me "Dias. He didn't want to let you drown"

The snakeman raises his eyes to look at Dias before dropping them back down to the ground. He struggles to push himself up "Thank you. For helping me. I don't mean to cause either of you discomfort, I can go"

I gently put my hand on the Snakeman's chest and push him down to rest against the tree trunk "Ah, not yet" I sigh and look back towards Dias before looking back at the snake "What's your name? And what kind of snake are you"

The snakemans eyebrows furrow a little in confusion "I... My name is Asper, female. I am a Cobra"

My eyes widen "Really? Can you show me your hood?" My interest immediately peaked, King Cobras have always been my favorite kind of snake.

Asper looks away shyly for a second before slowly flaring his hood, the folds of scaly black skin emerging from his silver hair. The hood spans from the bottom of his neck to just his ears. Silver markings decorate the inside of his hood, appearing like shimmering eyes.

After a few seconds, he closes his hood, and the black skin is hidden by silver hair once more "Are you...Did you see what you wished?" he asks softly.

Dias, apparently having seen for himself that Asper is not very much of a threat, shifts back into his human form. He walks over to where he left his pants and puts them on before walking back over.

Dias smiles disarmingly at Asper "Very cool! I haven't seen a Cobra with your coloring before"

Asper tilts his head slightly in confusion "Cool?" "Means impressive" "oh... thank you"

Dias sits down beside me, crossing his legs and leaning back on his hands "So you just peacefully approach the female and she turned her males against you? I thought your kind were into kidnapping and stuff"

Asper looks down at his hands and fidgets with one of his long, sharp fingernails "I don't want to do that. I saw how that turns out... I don't want that"

My heart. My gaze softens as I look at him "I think that's pretty admirable of you. Giving it a try despite the reputation? That takes some bravery for sure"

Asper ducks his head, but in the seconds before, I can see a slightly hurt look twisting his face.

Dias nudges me and I turn my head to look at him. He glances at Asper, then back at me, a questioning but hopeful look in his eye. I take his hand in mine, his thumb strokes the back of my hand.

Fine. Fucking Dias knows just how to tug at my heartstrings.

Looking back at Asper, I offer gently "Dias and I are headed to the coast, we intend to make our home there. You can come with us if you'd like"

Asper's head shoots upwards, surprise and confusion clear, he stammers a little before saying "But I... Are you sure you want me with you? I am a snake beastman, and you... You have to be the most beautiful female I have ever seen! Why would you want to take me with you?" He tries to smooth out his face, but I can see the old hurt and desperation rippling through him.

I try to remain casual, but gentle as I speak "Dias and I both like you well enough. And we are both new to this continent, so having someone with us who knows the terrain and the local tribes would be a huge help"

Asper's eyes dart between me and Dias in disbelief. A timid hope lights in his eyes "If you truly want me with you, then I would be most honored to accompany you, female"

I hold back a wince "We do want you with us. But can you please not call me Female? You can call me by my name, Xena"

Asper nods immediately to my request, silently mouthing my name to himself a couple of times before responding "Of course!"

Dias stands up and offers me a hand, pulling me up from my own sitting position. He looks back down at Asper "We can camp out here for tonight, but we really need to get moving tomorrow. Will you be okay to travel?"

Asper has a slightly desperate look in his eyes as he responds "Yes! I just need to rest for a bit, but I will be fine by tomorrow"

I'm slightly worried that even if he isn't fine, he will still do just about anything to ensure he gets to come with us. Poor guy, but as long as he doesn't suddenly turn absolutely feral on us, I think we will get along fine.

AN: Found a pic of Asper. Minus the black hood  lol

 Minus the black hood  lol

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