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About 30 or so minutes later, there was a knock at the door again.
"C-Come in,"

The door slid open and Lyra came running into the room.
"Big brother Liam!!!!" She immediately ran over to Liam and gave him a big hug.

"Lyra, I missed you." He hugged her back.
"This place is really big!" She said as she pulled away and sat on the sofa next to him.
"Ah, it is."
"Aren't you lonely in this big house?"
"No, it's okay. Mister C-Caspian comes and visits..."
"H-How do you like it? And... how is... Ria..."

"It's nice! Old lady Miriam gave me a stuffed cat that's really cute and soft, I'll have to show it to you, there's also another girl my age only a few houses over!"
"Th-that's good." Liam smiled and patted her head. "Y-Your dress is r-really pretty."

"Ah! I know!" Lyra got up from the sofa and spun around to show the dark purple dress she had been given. "I really like it,"
"I'm glad. I'm sure it fits a lot b-better th-than your other clothes..."

Lyra pulled the ribbon out of her hair and handed it to Liam.
"Braid my hair!" She sat on the floor in front of him.

"S- sure."
Liam took handfuls of her thick black hair and started braiding it.
"Old lady Miriam said she could braid it but I told her no because I like it when you do it better."
"Ah... b-but I'm really b-bad at it..."
Lyra turned her head to give Liam a side eye as she pouted, "No, you're the best."

Liam laughed. "Sure, sure, I'm th-the b-best,"
"You are!"
"Uh-huh. I'm th-the world champion of b-braiding the hair of a girl who w-won't sit still."
Lyra turned her head back and stayed still for Liam to braid her hair.

"...How is R-Ria...?"
"...She won't talk to me."
Liam sighed. "I'm s-so-"
"Don't apologize for her, it's not your fault she's being a bi-"

Liam immediately covered Lyra's mouth with one of his hands as he scolded her, "No b-bad words! It's not just us anymore, I-I don't know if b-bad words are allowed! B-besides, you're still a little kid! Little kids d-don't say bad words!"

"No buts!"
"I'm not a little kid! Hmph."
"Y-yes you are,"
"Am not!"
Liam tugged on her hair.

Lyra shoved her elbow into Liam's shin.
Liam let go of her hair and pushed her away as he pulled his leg close to him. "Ah! Fuck! That hurt!" Liam yelled.
"Baby." She stuck out her tongue.
"That's not fair!"
"That's not fair!" She repeated in a mocking voice.
"Haha! Baby!"

"J-just you wait until you're b-bigger..."
"Why? What you gonna do to me, huh?? You don't scare me! Bleh." She stuck out her tongue and pulled down the skin under her eye.
Lyra got up off the floor and walked over to Liam.
"Wh-what do you th-think you're d-doing..."
"...I don't b-believe you..."

Lyra sat down next to Liam. "Honestly, nothing. Finish braiding my hair, please ^_^"
Liam narrowed his eyes at her seemingly innocent expression. "..."
"I swear!"



Caspian set down his pen and closed his book in annoyance.
Who is making all that noise?!

He got out of his chair and walked outside to find the source of the screaming.
After walking around, he discovered that the source of the sound was from Liam's side of the house. As he got closer, he could hear laughter among the screams.

He stood next to the door and contemplated whether he should knock or just open the door.
After thinking about it, he decided to slide the door open.
Inside, he saw Liam pinned down on the floor in a chokehold by Lyra.

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