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"You're a stupid baby!" Lyra said after slapping Liam on the side of his head.
"I'm sorry..." He sobbed.

Caspian has brought Lyra to the house since he didn't know what to do, but he was starting to regret it. All she was doing was insulting him.

"If you're sorry, then stop crying."
"Wanna hear a story?"
"Yes." He sniffled.

Caspian leaned against the wall, watching and listening.
"Once upon a time,"
"Not th-that story! Th-that story is b-bad!"
"I haven't even started you idiot! Shut up!"
Liam sobbed.

"Once upon a time, there was a little girl. This little girl lived with her mom. Then, one day, her mom told her that she had to find her brother and sister because Mom would have to leave soon."

What kind of story is this...?

"So the little girl quickly realized what her mom had meant, and she did her best to find her siblings. Once she did, her brother started to live with her and her mom before she left to take care of them, but it actually turns out that after the mom left, the OLDER BROTHER was the one who ACTUALLY needed to be taken care of, NOT the little girl. Because he acted like a BABY!"

"That's enough." Caspian cut in.

Lyra looked at him. "?"
"All you're doing is insulting him and upsetting him further. I brought you here to help, but you're doing the opposite. Thanks for coming, but I'll figure this out on my own." Caspian said as he started guiding her (pushing her) towards the door.

Once they got to the door, Lyra quietly said, "Get him to let you brush his hair. It calms him down." Then she left.

If she knows that then why wouldn't she do it herself...?
Caspian turned back to Liam when he let out another loud sob.

Lyra stared at the closed door and smiled.

He fell for it.

"Liam, is there anything at all? Do you want anything to eat or drink? What do you want? You need to tell me what you like so I can help you."
Liam lifted his head up to look at Caspian, but his eyes were too puffy and swollen to open.

He looks more like a puff fish now rather than a frog...

Liam sniffled. "W-water, I w-want w-water..."
"If I give you more water, it's just gonna come right out of your eyes."
"...you're so mean!" He sobbed again, snot bubbles forming at his nostrils.
"Okay, water it is. I'll get you water." Caspian sighed.

"Wh-why are you st-still h-here...?" Liam asked as Caspian walked down the hall to the small kitchen.
"What?" Caspian turned around and looked at Liam.
"I can tell th-that I'm just a-annoying you... wh-why are you still-"
"Liam, leaving someone who is upset alone is not usually a good choice. I like to do things right, not leave people alone in their time of need."

"I-if I w-was just a random person... w-would you b-be doing th-the same...?"
Caspian turned back around and opened the water jug. "I guess it just depends."
"You're t-too kind..." Liam sobbed again.

"It's not kindness." Caspian said as he poured water into a cup and brought it to Liam.
"Wh-what do you-"
"Drink your water. I won't be getting you another cup, so don't let it come out your eyes."
"I got you the water you asked for, say thank you."

"Th-thank y-you..." Liam started crying louder.
Caspian pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a frustrated groan.
"Please tell me what I can do to make you stop crying."

"...a-are you gonna th-throw me out i-if I don't st-stop crying...?" He sobbed again.
"What?! What are you talking about?! I just want to make you stop crying!"
"S-sit down... st-stop standing..."
"N-not on th-the floor!"

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