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"Liam," Lyra knocked on the bedroom door.
"Don't come in!"
"I know. Mister Caspian gave me permission to stay here with you."

"D-did you-"
"Don't worry."
"Did it start this morning?"
"L-Last N-Night..."

"You need to bathe in some cold water,"
"Th-Then f-fill th-the tub..."

Lyra filled the bathtub with cold water and knocked on the door again.
"Can I come in?"
"...don't look."

Lyra opened the door and saw Liam sitting naked on the edge of the bed, holding his knees to his chest.
"Get up, don't make me drag you," Lyra said as she walked over to him.

"Ugh... I don't w-want to move..."
"F-Fine..." Liam lowered his legs and got off the bed.
"Now walk to the bath," Lyra ordered.

"You're mean..."
"You won't do anything if no one tells you what to do," Lyra said as she got behind Liam and pushed him.
"D-don't push me!"
"Then get in the tub!" She pushed him again.

Liam listened and got into the tub. "Th-the w-water is c-cold..."
"You need to cool off your body. You have a fever."
"N-no I don't... I'll catch a c-cold b-because of th-the snow, y-you- Ah! D-Don't hit me!"
"Then stop complaining."

"Wh-what did you tell M-Mister C-Caspian...?"
"...I told him that you're probably sick and that you don't like having other people around you when you're sick. Because it's true that you don't."
"A-and he s-said you could s-stay...?"
"Yes. Now wash your hair. I'm going to go get you clothes, so do it quickly. I won't do it for you."

Liam sighed after Lyra left the bathroom and closed the door.

I should tell her that she doesn't need to do this... I'm an adult and I don't need a ten-year-old taking care of me...

He sighed again before he dunked his head under the water and combed his hair with his fingers.

After about 10 minutes, Lyra knocked on the door. "Is it okay to come in?"
"Just th-throw th-the clothes in h-here..."
Lyra opened the door enough for her to fit her arm in and toss the clothes in Liam's direction.
"Just get dressed quickly. They'll be bringing dinner soon."

Liam got out of the tub and dried himself off before dressing himself and walking into the living room.
"Come here and eat your food." Lyra ordered.
Liam obediently walked over and sat next to Lyra.
Someone had already brought food for dinner, and Lyra made Liam eat it.

After they finished, Lyra felt Liam's forehead with the back of her hand. "You still have a fever."
"I-it's not a fever..."
"It might as well be."
"You d-don't need to t-take care of me... I-I'm an adult... i-if I h-have a ten year old taking care of m-me I'll look like a pathetic b-baby..."
"You are a baby."

"...th-that's not wh-what I meant..."
"..." It's true that he is probably embarrassed about having me taking care of him... but he won't take care of himself if I don't. And he won't let anyone else come, either. Maybe if I go for a few days he'll actually take care of himself since he doesn't want to look pathetic...?

"Are you sure?"
"Y-Yeah... p-plus... w-weren't you starting to learn h-how to read and w-write?"
"...I was."
"Th-Then go and keep w-working on that..."
"If I go... you have to take care of yourself."
"I w-will..."
"I'll come check on you everyday."
"Th-that's fine... just d-don't stay h-here..."
"I'll go back after you sleep."

"I'll g-go t-try to sleep n-now..." Liam stood up and walked into his bedroom, loudly closing the door behind him.
Lyra put all the dishes in a nice pile outside of the door for the guards to come pick up, and then sat on the couch.
After about an hour, she knocked quietly on Liam's door. When there was no answer, she opened the door to make sure he wasn't faking being asleep.

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