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Liam heard a knock at his door later that night. "Wh-who is it...?"
"It's me, Caspian."
"C-Come in,"

"Thank you." Caspian walked into the room holding a small glass bottle and two cups.
"Wh-what is-"
"Have you ever drank alcohol?"
"... N-no..."
"That's what I thought."

"I want you to drink some tonight, to see how much you can handle before getting drunk; because when we go to the event, you'll have to drink at least a little bit. And it's better to know if you're a lightweight before we drink, so I can prepare for it if you are."
"Th-that makes sense..."

"What were you working on before I came in?" Caspian's eyes drifted to the papers hidden under Liam's hands.
"Ah... I was w-writing my name... l-like you told me to..."
"How's it going? Good?" Caspian asked as he started to bend down to sit on the floor.
"? What?"

Liam scooted to the end of the sofa and said, "S-sit here, n-not on th-the floor, p-please."
"Okay." Caspian sat next to Liam on the sofa and set the two cups on the table. "What does it bother you so much when I sit on the floor?"
"Your leg... d-doesn't it hurt...? I-Isn't it hard...?"
"I can't feel my leg, so no, it doesn't hurt. And sure, it's difficult sometimes, but it's nothing that can't be helped."

"Anyways, Show me what you've been working on."
"Ah... i-it's still really b-bad..."
"Everything takes practice." Caspian smiled.
Liam moved his arm and handed the paper to Caspian.
Caspian looked at the paper silently for several moments before nodding his head and saying, "I can read it a bit better. Good job, keep going."

"Y-your face says you w-want to laugh at me."
"I would be lying if I said you don't do things that make me want to laugh."
"..." Liam looked at Caspian with an unhappy look.

"It's not a bad thing, so don't worry too much."
Caspian opened the glass bottle and poured some of the wine into one of the cups.
"This," He handed the cup to Liam. "...is a very light rice wine. It's not as potent as most wines, and it's pretty tasteless. We'll have to drink a stronger wine at the event, but I'm starting with this to see if you can handle it. I also brought a bottle of stronger wine to see if you can take that, too."
"I see..."
"Have you ever drank before?"

Liam held the cup in his hand and looked at the clear liquid. "No... I h-haven't... H-How much do I-"
"Right now, you don't have to drink the whole cup. But when we have the event, you will receive a cup the same size, filled completely. And that, you are required to finish."
Liam held the cup to his nose and smelled it. He scrunched up his nose and pulled the cup away. "Th-this smells gross..."

"Just take a drink, that's all you have to do."
"Wh-what about you?"
"I make very bad decisions when I drink, so I try not to unless I'm forced. I'm also a lightweight, so I can't handle very much before it goes to my head."
"I-I see... okay..." Liam hesitantly took a small sip, and immediately grimaced and choked.

"Is it that bad?" Caspian laughed.
"Th-this is disgusting."
Caspian laughed louder. "My, you're funny."
"That won't be enough to work, you have to drink a bit more."
"Ugh... fine..." Liam put the cup to his lips and downed the whole cup in one gulp. He placed the cup back on the table as he started coughing and wiped his mouth.

Oh my, that was a lot for his first drink... I wonder how long he'll last.
"Have you been doing anything else today, other than writing?"
"Ah... u-um... h-hold on..." Liam got up and walked down the hallway.

Liam came back out holding Caspian's blanket, folded nicely.

Caspian raised an eyebrow. "Did you-"
"Please don't b-be angry..."
"I w-washed it myself b-because I'm th-the one wh-who got it dirty."
"Why would I be angry at you for washing a blanket?"

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