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After they stopped by the post office, the two went to a bar where they sat down.
"If you want anything, I'll pay." Caspian offered.
"Wonderful." She got up and walked to the bar. She came back a few minutes later holding three large bottles of alcohol.

"Are you going to drink those?" Caspian asked.
"Why else would I get them if I'm not going to drink?"
"I've never seen a woman drink before, they're always so bashful."
"I'm not a- ...I'm not like other women." She smiled nervously.

"So, are you going to tell me why you've been sneaking around my home?"
She opened one of the bottles and took a drink without pouring any in a cup and then said, "I told you. I'm looking for a family member."
"You'll have to say more than that to convince me."

"..." She had that expression again.
"I'll tell you, but you can't tell anyone." She took another drink.
"Okay ^_^"
"Her name is Farle."
"What else?"
"She's my daughter."
"You must be mistaken, you're much too young to be her mother."

"I hold a magic power that keeps me from aging. And I'm her father, not mother."
Has the alcohol already got to her head...?

"Haha... why don't you share?"
"Not possible."
"And why's that?"
"Gotta be chosen by the heavens."
"Don't worry, it won't make sense to normal people."

"What happened about talking about your so-called daughter? If she's your daughter and you know she lives there, why don't you know her exact home?"
"It's not that easy. There's a barrier around your estate which limits my ability to use magic."
"...and what does that have to do with this?"
"She has a necklace which is how I found her but your barrier is interfering with my magic so the direction and location isn't clear." She chugged the rest of the bottle.

"Don't you think you should slow down with the alcohol?"
"I can hold my liquor."
"The alcohol here is much more potent than other areas, I'd be careful-"

She opened another bottle and chugged half of it.
Caspian sighed. But then it occurred to him, If she gets drunk will she actually tell me the truth? Maybe I'll just play along until then.
"You know what, let's order some more, I'll drink with you." he smirked.

Caspian got up and got several more bottles before coming back.
"So, what's your name?" He asked as he poured himself a cup of beer.
She looked at him with that expression again. "It's a secret."
"Come on, now. Tell me. ^_^"
"Make me."

"I'm quite skilled at swordplay." He smiled widely, a hint of viciousness in his eyes.
"Are you threatening me?"
"Aren't you the one who threatened me first?"
"...You've got me there." She took another drink, and Caspian pushed another bottle towards her.

How much will it take for her to get drunk...?

"So, name?"
"It depends."
"What do you mean?"
"Depends if I'm a man or a woman..."
"But you're a woman?"
"I'm not."

Caspian looked at her and laughed. She was obviously a woman. Her delicate features and her large chest showed proof. If Caspian remembered right, she had a big bottom, as well.

"What are you laughing at?!"
"I think you might be getting a bit tipsy, you're quite obviously a woman. No man would have such large breasts." he chuckled.

"What about me?"
"Your eyes are deceiving you."
"Are they?"

"I'm deceiving you..."
"???" Caspian looked at her face, her cheeks were starting to turn a rosy pink as she glared at him.
He smiled. "Well, if you're not a woman, then what are you?"
"A man."
"I think the alcohol has-"

"Wrong." She snapped her fingers, and the delicate facial features from before sharpened into a more masculine face, her breasts disappeared into thin air, and her voice was much deeper as she said, "I'm not a woman."

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