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The day went by too fast and the morning came too quickly.
Caspian knocked on Liam's door in the early morning and Liam let him inside.

"Are you packed?"
"Good, because we have to leave soon."
"So early...?"
"It takes five or six hours to get to Aina, so the earlier we leave, the better. I trust you've eaten breakfast, yes?"
"Yes, I h-have,"
"Good. Grab your bags and let's start walking to the carriage."

"I only have one b-bag."
"That's fine."
"H-How long do w-we have to w-walk?" Liam asked as they left the house.
"Just out of the estate, vehicles aren't permitted inside."
"There are several reasons, but I think it's better if you don't know them, for now."

"Oh, o-okay." What could they be...?
"If you're tired, you can sleep on the way. It's a long ride, and it'll get boring."

After several minutes of walking in silence, they reached the carriage.
"Get inside the carriage and lift the left seat to put your bag inside."
"Ah, o-okay." Liam got in and lifted the seat to reveal an empty space. He put his bag inside and sat down on the seat.

He noticed what looked like a thick walking stick lying on the seat opposite of him.

I've never seen him using a walking stick... even when we go to the market...

After talking with the driver for several minutes, Caspian got into the carriage and moved the stick to the floor before sitting across from Liam.
"We're going now, it will be a long ride. Hopefully, you don't get too bored."
"I'll b-be fine..."

After the carriage started moving, Caspian looked outside the window and said, "There are some things you have to know before we get there."
"Wh-what are th-they?"
"I told you the majority of it the other night,"
"I remember."

"My family treats people who don't have the Fae blood like bugs. If they get annoyed with someone, they get rid of them, in one way or another. That's one of the main reasons I want you to be with me. You don't annoy me, but I know many of my family members would get annoyed with the way you talk very quickly. And it's not you, it's them for being impatient and incompetent fools."

"I wasn't at the event last year because I was recovering from an incident, so there will be extra eyes on me. And you're coming too, so that's even more eyes on the both of us."
"Wh-what type of i-i-inc-cid-d-de-"
"It doesn't matter anymore."

"There will be someone there who I want you to stay away from."
"He's shorter than me and a bit skinny, he has long reddish hair, he has freckles covering his face, and he has a scar on his jaw, ranging from his ear to his chin." Caspian used his finger to draw an invisible line on his jaw.

"Stay away from him the best you can. Tomorrow, while I have my meetings to attend to, you won't be able to come with me. I have Soren coming with us, and he'll be keeping guard of you while I'm away, but things can still happen. If that man comes near you, get away. If you can't get away, then injure him."

"Just stay away from him," Caspian said gruffly as he continued to look out the window.
"Okay." Who could he be...?


Liam woke up when the carriage came to a sudden stop. "Wh-what's wrong-"

Caspian had a dark expression as he looked out the window. "Stay in here, I'll be back."
"Huh? Wh-what?"
"Just do as I say, please."

Caspian stood up and bent down to grab the walking stick before opening the carriage door and exiting.

That was when Liam noticed something off about the walking stick. Not only was it much thicker than any walking stick or cane he had ever seen, but there were also two tassels connected at the top — the type of tassels you'd put on a sword.

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