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When Liam and Ria came back out, the four of them got in another carriage.

There were several things that Caspian noticed about the three siblings that seemed a bit odd to him.
The first thing was the fact that Lyra was white, and Liam and Ria had dark tan skin, they didn't look related at all.
The second thing was that Lyra didn't seem to be very interested in Ria, she didn't talk to her except for a few words, and she stayed glued to Liam the entire time they were inside the carriage, only giving strange looks to Ria. It almost seemed as if she didn't know who Ria was other than the fact that she was her sister.
The third thing was that Liam was much more nervous than Ria. Caspian didn't know why it struck him as odd, but he felt it should've been the opposite way around.


After several hours of riding in silence, the carriage finally stopped.
Caspian opened the carriage door as he said, "Come on, let's go."

Caspian led them through a gate leading into a large courtyard with several small houses circling it.
He walked through the grass of the courtyard and brought them down one of the paths. After several minutes of walking, they stopped at a small house. Caspian knocked on the door.

An old woman opened the door and gasped. "Sir Caspian,"
"Please take care of these three, see to their wounds and get them proper clothing, and then move Liam into one of the rooms close to my residence and the two girls into one of the empty houses near here."
"Where have you been?! Your father is here looking for you! Where-"

"I know he's here, which is why I took so long to come back."
"You can't keep running away, he'll-"

"Caspian Fae!" A deep voice yelled.
Caspian looked behind him to see his father walking towards him.

"He's already found me?" He asked himself under his breath.
"Get over here!"
Caspian looked behind him at the old woman and the three siblings. "She will help you get settled, please follow her orders for now. I'll visit later."

Caspian's father walked over to him and grabbed him by the collar of his overcoat. "You've put disgrace onto my name again!"
"And? What about it?"
"You... You're a disgrace to the Fae family!" He used his other hand to slap Caspian.

The force behind his slap created a loud clapping sound and left the side of Caspian's face red.
Caspian pulled away as he laughed. "Hit me some more, do you think I'll care? I've already caused you so much stress and anxiety by leaving for a few days, haven't I? Go rest and take your-"

He slapped Caspian again, this time harder.
Caspian put his hand to his stinging cheek.

"You're a cruel Father,"
"And you're a piece of shit son! It disgusts me to call you my-"
"I get it. There's no need to repeat the same words over and over each time we see-"

He slapped Caspian again.

"Come on, let's not stand and watch, come inside." The old woman led the three siblings inside and closed the door.

The three stood inside the living room of the old woman's house and looked around.
"What's going on with them?" Ria asked.
"They don't get along well, it's always been this way. Sit down, don't just stand there, I'll get you some tea."

"We can stand, your sofa will be-"
"I'm assuming you both are slaves and he randomly bought your freedom, yes?"
"...yes," Liam said hesitantly.
"Does he do it often?" Ria asked as she sat down.

"He hasn't done it much lately, but for a period of time he'd buy the freedom of one to three slaves each week,"
"Where does he get the money?!" Ria asked in a panicked voice.
"That's something you'll have to ask him yourself. Please sit down. Neither of you will get in any trouble. You both are free to do whatever you like, and you won't face any punishment."

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