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When Caspian opened the door to the "small" room, Liam sighed. "Th-this is not small..."

The room was at least the size of his living room, and the bed was large enough for two, maybe three people.

"I was joking."
"..." Liam walked in, set his bag down on the floor next to the small sofa, and sat down. "Your jokes aren't easy t-to realize..." Liam looked away from Caspian.

Caspian sighed and said "I'm sorry." as he set his bags on the bed.
Liam looked back at Caspian. "???"
Caspian sat on the bed as he said, "People don't like talking to me after I wake up because I'm never in a good mood." He sighed again. "In other words, like Soren said, I'm an asshole. And I'm sorry for you having to deal with that."

"It's fine."
"Are you-"
"I've b-been treated much w-worse... th-that was nothing."
"...I'm still sorry. Luckily it's early evening, so everyone should be resting. But soon we will be forced to go down to the dining hall."

"Does everyone eat t-together...?"
"Unfortunately. I'll have to see the faces of my ugly family. So annoying." Caspian grumbled as he lay down on the bed.
"You really don't like th-them, do you...?"
"I don't."

"What is it?"
"W-will th-they make you sit on th-the floor...?"
"...I have no idea why me sitting on the floor is such a big deal to you, it makes me question things."
"Th-that's not-"
"Probably. Most likely. And you'll have to sit next to me."
"Th-that's fine,"

"Everything will be fine. I can see how worried you are, it's practically written all over you. Don't worry too much. Everything will be fine."
"... okay."

About two hours later, a loud bell rang.

"Wh-what was th-that?"
"Dinner bell. Let's wait a few minutes before leaving the room, I don't want to deal with a crowded hallway and staircase."
"H-How many people are-"
"At least a hundred. There are five floors, and each room holds up to 3 people, although they tend to stuff more than that in the rooms."
"Are th-they th-the same size-"
"They're bigger."

"This mansion belongs to my father. I'm lucky he didn't decide to put me in the attic. I have to be grateful for what I have."

Several minutes after the noise in the hallway quieted, Caspian stood up from the bed and grabbed his cane. "Let's go."
Liam followed Caspian out of the bedroom and noticed Soren standing outside the door.
"H-have you-"
"I'll be by you two the whole time we're here," Soren said as he followed them down the hall.

When they got to the staircase, Caspian stopped.
"Do you w-want me-"
"Don't carry me. Just... let me hold on to you."
"And hold this." Caspian shoved his cane into Liam's hand.
"Ah, o-okay." He's handing me his sword just like that? Does he have no brain?

Caspian grabbed the railing with one hand and wrapped his other arm around Liam's waist. "Just make sure I don't fall."
"Yes, S-sir..."
"I have a name," Caspian said as he took a step down the stairs.
Liam was silent as he wrapped his arm around Caspian's waist and helped him walk down the stairs.

Halfway down the second set of stairs, a young boy's voice came from behind them.
"So, you decide to show your face this year? I thought you'd be dead by now, what with the-"
"Shut your mangy mouth!" Caspian yelled as he turned his head to look at the young boy standing at the top of the stairs.
"You don't scare me." The boy smiled.
"And you don't scare me. So shut the fuck up and leave me alone." Caspian taunted.

"You need to learn some more insults and comebacks, my dear brother." The young boy said as he ran past them on the stairs.
"Asshole," Caspian muttered as he continued down the stairs.
"H-How old is he-"
"That one is ten."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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