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When they got to the book store, Liam suddenly got very anxious.

"Are you okay?" Caspian asked. "You look a bit-"
"C-can you find a poetry b-book? I can't read so I don't know-"
"Of course. Do you know what type of poetry?"
"No. She'll read anything."
"Okay. Come with me."

Liam followed Caspian through the store to a small shelf filled with thin books.

"They have sad, happy, and neutral poems. Which should we get?"
"Happy. Maybe she'll fix her negative attitude if she reads positive th-things."
"..." It took all Caspian had not to burst out laughing. "Okay."

"I can see you holding in your laughter."
"I have no clue what you're talking about." Caspian said as he grabbed a book and they started walking to the front counter to pay.

"You're lying. I c-can see it on your face."
"Is that so?"
"Well, does it really matter if I laugh or not? It was a funny statement."
"Do wh-what you want." Liam turned away from Caspian as they reached the counter.

"I'd like to buy this book."
"That will be-"
Caspian made a shushing gesture.

"Wh-what are you doing now?!"
Caspian put his hands over Liam's ears and said, "Quietly."
"It will be 450 Lai." The man at the counter whispered.

Caspian pulled his hands away and reached into his pocket to grab his wallet.
Liam looked at Caspian. "It's expensive, isn't it? Th-that's wh-why you-"
"Not at all."

Caspian gave the man money to pay for the book and put his wallet back into his pocket.
"Thank you. Would you like a-"
"Have a nice day! ^_^" Caspian grabbed the book, put it in his bag from the art shop, and pulled Liam out of the shop.

"Wh-Where are we going now...?"
"Would you like to go to the bakery to see what they have? We can go today and tomorrow before we leave. Ah, speaking of, we won't be able to stay long tomorrow, we should leave as soon as we can."
"O-okay..." Did something happen...?

"So, would you like to go to the bakery today, or just tomorrow?"
"I don't care."
"Well I'm in the mood for some muffins, so we'll go."

Liam followed Caspian to the bakery where they bought some blueberry muffins.
"Would you like one? I got a few."
"Wh-when we get b-back."
"I've got nothing else to do, should we go back now?"

The two got into a carriage and returned to the estate.
Liam held Caspian's bags and cane while he helped him up the stairs.
Once they were back in the room, Caspian gave Liam a blueberry muffin.

"Th-thank you,"
"Tell me if you like it."
"O-okay..." Liam took a bite of the muffin as he sat down at the desk. "It's good."
"I'm glad you like it."
Liam nodded and continued to slowly eat the muffin.

About halfway through, he set the unfinished muffin on the desk and leaned down as he wrapped his arms around his stomach. "I d-don't feel so good..."
"What's wrong?"
"My stomach... it h-hurts..."

"Look up at me."
Liam looked up at Caspian with a swollen face. "Wh-what?"
"What foods did you say you were allergic to?"
"Apricot, peach, b-blackberries, and peanuts. Th-that's all th-the ones I know."

"I think you're also allergic to blueberries."
"Wh-why do you-"
"Your face is all swollen and you're starting to get hives on your neck." Caspian said as he walked up to Liam and lifted up the sleeve on his arm. "Your arms, too."
"Ah... my skin is all itchy..."
"Lay down."

Liam got on the bed and lay down like Caspian told him to.
"Where did that jar of salve that Terry gave you go?"
"Th-the desk..."
Caspian grabbed the jar of the desk and handed it to Liam. "Rub it everywhere that's itchy or has hives, and no itching."
"This one doesn't seem as bad as the last, can you breathe fine?"
"Okay, that's good."

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