Check Yes To Be My Juliet (Epilogue)

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     Hey everyone! This story shall be coming to a close within this chapter. That is unless I feel more needs to happen anyway. I just want to give a quick thank you to everyone who has read this story it was a long journey of feels but you made it! Love you guys but now onward for the last of it!!!

    Roy paced back and forth in his living room, he had never been so nervous in his life yet at the same time he was beyond happy. Everyone watched him eagerly waiting for the event to happen. After three years of dating Roy was finally going to pop the question. There was a knock on the door and he rushed to open it and grinned to see Ed standing there looking absolutely gorgeous. "Alright Roy what is with this sudden dinner party? I mean I had to rush to get dressed  and..." Roy pulled Ed's chin up slightly and kissed him getting him to stop talking. Ed pulled away pouting, "I love you but you need to stop taking advantage of that." Roy chuckled and let Ed in to see everyone from work and his family here. "Roy...What's the meaning of this..?" Ed was suddenly fully aware of where he was but he still had no idea what Roy was up to. Roy cleared his throat, "Well Ed, you and I have been together for three years. I love you more than I could ever prove or put into words. What I'm trying to say is...You made me a better person and well will you let me prove it by," Roy got down on one knee and pulled out a box revealing a gold wedding ring with a golden amethyst in the center "Edward Elric, Will you marry me?" 

    Ed was at a loss of words. Tears of joy fell from his eyes and he slowly nodded, "Yes Roy. Of course I'll marry you!" Roy got up and pulled Ed into a hug and then kissed him as everyone around them cheered and whistled. Ed pulled away blushing and hid his face. They then continued on with the dinner party.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 years later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Ed stood in his dressing room looking at his dress. due to the fact he has more of a feminine figure it was decided he'd wear a dress. 'ugh this fake skin is annoying. The bastard is lucky I love him so much." With that a knock came on the door. He cleared his voice and mustered up the best feminine voice he could, "Come in." He looked to see a head of red hair as his eyes went wide. Why is his ex here? He thought and then she spoke, "You know Ed, I should hate you and want to hurt you but I came to congratulate you and seeing most of his family doesn't know you're a guy. I thought you might need help with hair and makeup. I mean alchemy changed your body to look female and I must say you did well. But sit down."  Ed sat down as Alice did his hair and makeup then moved on to put on the dress. "And done Ed." Ed looked in the mirror and smiled. "Thank you Ali..." Before he could finish his thanks, she was gone. 

       Moments later, Ed is walking down the aisle with the veil covering his face. Once he gets to the podium the preacher (Armstrong) speaks, "We've gathered to witness these two lovers become one in holy matrimony, now the two wrote their vows so Ed if you please." Ed smiled, "Roy since the day I met you I thought I would hate you. But somewhere in that time of hate it turned into love and I hadn't realized it until months later. Every time I looked into your eyes, I'd get lost in them and just want to make you see how much I care. Yet here we are years later thought many trials. And here's what I have to say, I'll give you 100% of my life for 100% of yours. So it that I do?"   Roy looked at his paper but then crumpled it up, "I Do......Ed, ever since we met at the state exams when I was your opponent, I thought 'this kid and I will never get along.' But somewhere between the serious moments and arguments we had, I'd began to realize I started to fall for you. Honestly I was so afraid that I pushed you away but now here we are five years later saying our vows. Ed I love you and I'll always love you So do you take this man who has nothing but love as you're husband?" Ed smiled and said, "I Do." Armstrong spoke, "With that I now pronounce you two lovebirds married. You may now kiss." Roy lifted Ed's veil and kissed him knowing that there will be many more to come in the future.

And that ladies and gents is the end. If you loved this story let me know :)

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