Feelings and Denial

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Alright everyone this one is probably going to either hurt or be great.

Ed:Run while you can she is going to make it hurt.

Am not! Well not too much. Enjoy. Please don't hate me. Oh also be sure to listen to the song while reading to get the mood clear. 

      Ed woke up to a pair of arms around his waist and a headache. "Ugh... All I remember is crying then Roy came in and I passed out..." He then turned around to be met with a pair of onyx eye and a grin. "Good morning. Sleep well?" Ed jumped up really quickly and ran to the bathroom slamming the door. He put his hand over his fast beating heart and began to blush as he remembered last night. 'He stayed to watch over me..?' Ed took a breath and opened the door greeted by a pair of cold eyes. "Full-metal, I can't do this anymore. You have to leave." Ed felt as if he had been stabbed in the heart and it was pulled out stomped on and put back in. Ed's eyes became blank just like the day he had met Roy when he was a boy and right then Roy knew he had just possibly made the biggest mistake he could ever make. Ed walked past Roy, put an earbud in his ear listening to his music and said, "I don't think I knew the chaos I was getting in...Hm guess this song works. Moving on though... You know Roy seeing I'm leaving now... I just wanted to let you know even after all the things I went through for you and all the crap I put up with from you... I still love you. I know you don't feel the same way because let's face it, you are so focused on being a woman chaser that it's sad. But in the end I still love you... Please leave the room so I can pack. I'll be out shortly."

Roy looked at Ed and it hurt him to see him like this but he knew it was for the best to keep himself from being the one to hurt him so he left the room before he took back what he said. Little did he know is that he just made Ed give up on love and the good side of emotions. "I should make that call." Ed pulled out his phone and dialed. As Roy was about to apologize he heard Ed talking, "Hello Ross can you patch me to Bradley. Yes I'll hold........... Hello Bradley sorry to interrupt but I would like to request a immediate transfer to Shing to study their alchemy. Well I figure with us on the brink of war you will need as many people possible with the knowledge of medical alchemy and alcehistory as possible. Alright sir I'll be there as soon as possibly to fill out the paperwork." When Ed hung up the phone, Roy walked in, "A transfer..?" "Yeah otherwise I won't be able to stop these feelings I have... Besides, maybe this is best for both of us. By the way..." Ed pulled a large box out from under his bed and gave it to Roy, "Happy birthday Roy... There is also a cake in the fridge that I made for you. I know you told me not to do anything but I just coudln't help it well goodbye." With his head hung low and feeling depressed, Ed walked out of the house and into the rainy morning that felt oddly welcoming and that's when it washed over him. The depression and saddness he was trying so hard to hide. He then sent a text to Al saying, 'Roy's done what I knew was coming. I'm sorry I can't keep my promise any longer. I'm going to Shing...' 

Al woke up to a text message from Ed that said,  'Roy's done what I knew was coming. I'm sorry I can't keep my promise any longer. I'm going to Shing...' Al dropped his phone and ran downstairs grabbing his coats and boots then ran to Roy's house.  Roy was sitting in his study after having explained to his mom and couldn't help but think of what she said, 'Roy you maybe my son and I love you but you seem to fail to realize you love that boy and he would do anything for you to smile. I mean for him to have gone along with this lie and not tell me right out shows how much he loves you, I mean the way he looks at you shows it all.' Roy slammed his fist into the table frustrated. "I like women. There is no way he could have won me over... Damnit Roy get it together. Maybe I should call up Alice she can help me remember who I am." As he picked up the phone, Al kicked the door open, "Don't you fucking dare!" Roy was taken aback by the way Al just spoke to him. "Superior or not you have no idea what you just did to my brother do you..?" "Oh I know. He is seeing Bradley for transfer to Shing. Good riddance" Al glared at him then walked up and punched him in the gut. "YOU FUCKING IDIOT! HE'S GOING TO REALLY GIVE HIS LIFE AWAY! You were the reason he stayed and now he's going to Shing during the war between clans..." Roy's eyes went wide 'What have I done..? I forgot about the war between clans and he is going to use Ed to...' "We need to find him." Roy and Al ran out to begin the search.

Ed sat at the train station looking down crying as he waited to go to central. A man came up to him and sat next to him, "What seems to be the matter? Break up..?" Ed looked at the guy, "S...Something like that." 'Well I don't know what happened but you shouldn't cry. A face like your's should be plasterd with a smile..." Ed then looked up to see someone who he knew all too well, "Havoc what the hell are you doing here?" "Got to go to central and then I saw you and thought you would need a friend. So why is the golden angel (Jean's nickname for Ed xD) crying?" Ed sighed and then explained what happened these past weeks. Jean whistled, "that's rough I'm sorry to hear that." Ed grew quiet. "Hey how's about we go back to my place? The rain won't stop and the trains aren't running so might as well get warm eh..?"  Ed nodded and Jean smirked as he thought 'Oh Mustang you truly are a fool. You maybe my commanding officer but to not be with this one... You truly are a fool. But I'll be sure to heal his broken heart."

         Roy and Al ran all throughout the town and finally someone told Roy about where Ed was then who he left with, "Damn it Havoc! You better not touch him or so god help me." Roy then went into a full sprint to get to Havoc's before it was too late. Ed got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist and sat on the couch and thought, 'I know what Havoc is trying to do and I know by coming I consented to it but do I want this..?' Hacov came back with a shirt and a pair of pajama pants. "Hope this helps and fits." Ed put on the pants and kept the shirt off as his hair dried. Havoc looked at him and realized Ed could pass as a woman. "Ed... why did you follow me here..? You know what I want don't you..?" "You want sex from me Havoc it's plain to see but. I've never really uh..." Ed blushed  and Havoc understood immediately and pulled Ed into a hug, "You're so Innocent that it's adorable." "Shut up Havoc." Right as Havoc was about to kiss Ed, there was a bang on the door. Havoc was going to answer but then Ed grabbed him a little tighter and decided to see if he can make Havoc show him what it feels like to have sex, "Uh Havoc... My pants feel kind of tight..."

Havoc grinned and walked over to the door locking it and took Ed to the couch pulling down Ed's pants. Havoc put saliva on his thumb and began to rub tiny circles on the top of Ed's member and this earned him a moan from the young one, pleased with the results, Havoc started to stroke him. "J...Jean...Ah... Hn...mmmm" Ed's head sunk into the couch and when Havoc looked up, he was turned on and his thoughts were 'Damn Roy how could you not hook up with this?' Suddenly the door was kicked open and Ed leaped across the room for his pants. "Havoc what in the actual fuck we're you about to do to Fullmetal!" Ed walked over with his pants hanging low and his eyes glazed over and he looked at Roy. With malice in his voice Ed said, "Roy, I have no reason to explain a single ounce of anything I do. I plan to go to Shing right after I fill out the paper work because I'm sick and tired of your shit. If you wanted me to stay, you should of thought about that before telling me that you have no feelings whatsoever for me. I went through hell and back and for you to say that made me realize why I originally became cold and heartless. So if you will please leave I have something to finish." With that Roy was kicked out. 'Oh no I really did fuck up.'

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